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Journal Of A Hound Pt 4


The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Dear journal,

It has been some time since we have spoken. The world around us shakes with a most terrible commotion. The forces of Virathius Krupp once sat outside my lands yet now have vacated. We ended a Valdemar raid on them and ended the life of another of my loyalist cousins. It, hurt to kill family. We had once grown up together Ikkgar and I. He always used to throw rocks at birds nests to see if he could fight the parents. He got scratched up quite a bit but now...Perhaps he deserved an easier death I wonder...no, as a first impressions display it is necessary for a brutal example to be made. In war there is no room for soft hearts. With the Velheimers there is no room for soft hearts. And I must not be soft for either that I face. I intend to sail out to the Elven front to meet with the Lord Krupp in due time, we have begun working quite close together and I feel it could become a fruitful partnership, dare I write friendship dear journal?

Dear journal how have you been by the way? I lost you to the raids once and you fell to the snow. I apologise for the twigs that ripped your pages a tad, they were burned properly.

Far Vel journal,

Eske Ulfmaerr
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