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Played Character Joseph Kaville

This character is actively played.


Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Roleplay Guilds
I like to wander around a lot. Yep.
Character Information

Name: Formerly Joseph Kaville, now just some nameless Shadow Horror.
Heritage/Culture: Mystech, Unbound Ordial Spirit, formerly from the Imperial Isle.
Age: Unknown, 23 at time of death.
Gender/Pronouns: Formerly Male, he/him.
Occult: Revenant turned Ordial Shade, Sinistral Mage.
Character Occupation/Purpose: Being one of many reasons why people shouldn't go outside at night.​

Appearance Information

Joseph, or what's left of him, is best described as appearing like an eldritch amorphous shadow horror born straight from a person's nightmares. His is comprised of shadow that shifts and churns like a cloud of smog being held together by some unseen force of will and forced to take a more tangible form. He has long arms that end in clawed fingertips, an eyeless face but with a mouth filled with gnashing glowing razor sharp teeth that open up into the void of what's left of his physical form down his gullet. The only color that appears from his form is the color of blood red (if void from Kathar mechanic, sickly ordial green normally) and nothing more. In this form of nightmare and terror, he stands roughly shy of around seven feet in height even while mostly hunched over.

What's left of his form is barely set in stone, as a powerful but tormented force of will upon a form of bound shadow, is incredibly malleable.​

Skill Information


Unbound Mechanic I: Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.

Unbound Mechanic II: Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.

Unbound Mechanic III: Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).

Unbound Mechanic IV: Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)

Unbound Mechanic V: Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.​

Magical Talent (Specializes in and exclusively uses umbral Shadow Magic, locked to Sinistral.)
Athletic Hobby (His body has become unnatural in his late years.)​

Or the languages of whomever he is bound to.​

Combat Proficiency
Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Magic
14/14 Points Spent.​

7 Strength
Free. Careful Fighter
1. Technique Parry
2. Diving Tackle
3. Shrug Off
4. Knockback Sweep
5. Bruising Strike
6. Combat Sight
7. Steady Body​

1 Constitution
1. Rage Counter​

6 Magic (Ordial, Sinistral Locked)
1. Monster Invocation
2. Magic Snare
3. Magic Warp
4. Magic Resist
5. Magic Cleanse
6 Magic Disengage
Life Story/Plot Hooks

Like many, Joseph Kaville's story began in the crown jewel of the Regalian Empire, the Imperial City. There he was born and raised among a loving family and had your rather typical upbringing amongst his two siblings, his older sister Elianna and his younger brother George, while Joseph was the middle child between the two. Not much of note occured throughout his early life, with the exception of his father served in the military and never quite came home the same again after having served on the frontlines. Ol' Kaville was a valiant man who still presumably lives to this day as disabled old man, a veteran of many different wars and conflict in service to the Empire.

Joseph's life however would play out much differently to his father's and his many years of decorated service to the state. Instead he attended school to become an archaeologist with the desire in his heart to explore long forgotten ruins, uncover ancient history, and become a renowned scholar. His family didn't quite approve of his choice, but, sent him off to receive an education at the aptly named Regalian Archeology Academy situated on the Crown Isle so he'd not be too far from home during his studies. Though, he wanted a more 'boots on the ground' approach to his archeology career and became a student of one of the academy's more older and more eccentric professor who spent more time out in the field than in a class room. They grew pretty close together and forged a pretty tight knit student-mentor bond and did most things together with Joseph doing all he could to absorb the years of experience from his mentor who was also pretty much his father figure since his own wasn't too fond of him.

Life was good, he eventually graduated and became employed by the academy to excavate historic sites, but decided to continue doing so on his professor's team as an aide until he could manage his own expeditions and digsites. But, as good as life was for Joseph things always have a way of taking a turn for the worst eventually. While on an expedition overseas with his mentor and their team of experts, the ship they were aboard came upon a growing hurricane that buffeted the ship's sails with gale force winds, and the hull and deck of the ship was cracked and splintered against a bitter raging tsunami. Many of the sailors, and their team, lost their lives that day out at sea while Joseph was knocked clear overboard, nearly drowned and forced to watch as the ship was dragged away by massive ways and then eventually pulled down into the depths of the unforgiving ocean. Having barely survived the ordeal he clung desperately to some of the ship's battered debris being violently flung about and still floating. Eventually, he lost consciousness only to end up on some distant shore miles away from where he began or his final destination.

He was forced into a survival situation and struggled to find his bearings in unfamiliar territory, cold and bitter. Likely somewhere north, Cains, Ellador, it was hard to say exactly where. He tried his best to make the best of the horrible situation he found himself in and tried to put his mentor's survival lessons to use to keep himself afloat in unfamiliar territory. He held out for months, moving around and camping and surviving off of whatever he could until a mix of the cold, bitter hunger, the long sleepless nights filled with distant howls that slowly closed in around him and it was a mix of these things that slowly ate away at his mind and drove him mad long before he ever died. He met his bitter end there, in a place he didn't intend to end up, far away from his friends, from his family, from his mentor, far from anything or the life he knew. Forced to survive until he just couldn't anymore. He didn't die at the end of an enemy's blade in some grand confrontation or honorable duel, or performing any heroics to save some damsel in distress, or hunting some great beast where the two exchanged their last blows to live on in myth and legend. No, he died lost, alone, hungry, cold, feeling like a failure as hope dwindled each day like a slowly depleting candle until the last light of what was left of his life flickered away in an errant breeze. Not even in death did he find the peace he so longed for, having never finished the expedition, having never said goodbye to his friends or family, having never succeeded in finding his way back home, never finding any closure. The pain, sorrow, misery, cold, and agony brought his broken spirit back as a revenant forced to wander aimlessly for years and years still searching to find his way home, to finish the expedition that he and his mentor started what seemed like so long ago. As sun and moon danced across the sky countless times, as seasons passed, what seemed like centuries that had gone by, he never managed to find his way home. He was totally lost and broken, the last vestiges of the man who he was before peeled away old paint off dry wall only to crumble into dust and be forgotten.

What or who was left behind wasn't Joseph Kaville anymore but a hollow, empty shell composed of the horrors of night, loneliness and bitter chill that took him so long ago, being held together by their sense of despair, rage, loneliness, confusion and madness and reliving all their good and bad memories of their life until they can't remember anything anymore. What is left now only exists to rot in the dark and seeks to inflict the same madness and despair upon others.
Comments and some notes
Joseph has become a murder monster, but, not one designed with the intention of simply being a murder monster for all eternity. It's possible to redeem this character through roleplay if one looks into his past or tries to dig up clues about it. But it's also fine if that redemption never comes, but it is possible to pursue.

His real name presented here is OOC information only. But can be found out through IC means. I also probably will not use his actual name when representing this character because the thing that Joseph has become has no name.

I am a duo roleplayer usually and like to bounce off of somebody else and I have put a good bit of thought into how this character interfaces and interacts with his summoner/warlock who has bound him (It's not possible to form a contract with him, he is an insane eldritch monster currently) and usually is a bit more like venom. He has no disguise form and is perpetually considered a "Monster Transformation" and relies on possessing or being bound to the body of his Warlock in order to be incognito, but this comes with its own hazards. While he can be controlled through his summoner, being beholden to his madness can invoke some level of insanity in others. Sharing a body with a broken and insane eldritch monster who whispers incoherent things that tend to be barely comprehensible or even make sense, at all hours of the day and even during nightmares at night, can have lasting psyche damage. But it comes with the trade off of reflavoring the summoner's magic as 'borrowed power' from Joseph, generally from an IC standing point and not an ooc mechanic one, it is worth having him bound because of the power that he lends but is weighed with the cost. Joseph's power can change the aesthetic of their summoner's magic to shadow, black ice or fire aesthetics that freeze instead of burn, and Joseph can sometimes take the form of or be bound to a shadowy blade that their summoner might wield to cast their spells. There is a lot of back and forth potential for both.

What's left of Joseph wields the blade of a once brave and valiant Aelriggan Knight who risked his life and sought to put a stop to Joseph's endless nightmare and put him out of his misery. The knight fought tooth and nail and pierced the heart of the hollow shell of what was once Joseph, a blow that cost him his own life to both exorcise and banish Joseph back into the hellscape of the beyond. When later a Necromancer sought to dredge a shade from the beyond to serve them, they unknowningly undid the knight's sacrifice and brought Joseph back into the living world. In a twist of karma, the first thing the Necromancer was greeted with was the cold edge of the Knight's blade stuck into their heart, twisted by Joseph's corruption like a rot that infested its steel. The blade's former name, Dancing Light was twisted into the Bleeding Dark that thrived on the death, pain and misery of others.

Feel free to comment your own thoughts down below.
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