Preserved Sheet Jormund Ottarsson

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Marko Polo
Mar 25, 2018
Reaction score
Jormund Ottarsson
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Jormund Ottarsson
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Velheimer)
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
  • Total proficiency: 30
    • Combat Proficiencies:
      • +10 Axe Combat (+10 from Culture)
      • +10 Blade Combat (+10 from points)
    • Knowledge Proficiencies:
      • +5 Hunting Knowledge (+5 from Points)
      • +5 Musical Arts (+5 from Points)
    • Body Proficiencies:
      • +10 Athletic Training (+10 from points)
  • Body Build: Muscular, Average Body Fat
    • 10 + (10 x 2) = 30
  • Languages
    • Common 10/10
      • Free language
    • Skodje 10/10
      • Mother tongue
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Foamy blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Combed to the side
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: A bit of chainmail and leather, A true barbarians armour
  • Height: 6'3
Personality and Abilities

  • Outward: Jormund is a friendly face, Cheerfull and happy when he drinks alcohol at a public bar. He isn't afraid to speak to others and seems friendly enough to speak to without problem. Some might even see him as Admirable. He is very caring even towards strangers, but he also likes to joke around.
  • Inside Himself: Jormund to himself is a happy, Opportunist. He doesn't like to waste any opportunities that are presented before him. He has a big fear of failing and not accomplishing what he was tasked with this would usually end up with him turning to drinking. Jormund also sees himself as a protector of others.
  • Inner Circle: To his family and friends, Jormund is seen as a protector, going out of his way to ensure they are safe and well kept. He even has the tendency to put himself in harm's way as opposed to having his friends and family hurt, in turn that makes him very easy to manipulate. But Jormund also has a fury to his family, If they are trying to sabotage for him.
  • Moral: Jormund is Lawful Neutral, Leaning towards Lawful good. it all depends on what the situation is. When it involves his family he won't hesitate in breaking laws to keep them safe. Although when it comes to any form of self gain, he finds it hard to break laws as it comes against his own morals.

Life Story

Birth & Childhood
  • Jormund was Born in year 276 in February 15 to his parents Ottar and Sigrid. He grew up in a small village in the Nordskag region, to a raider.
  • While growing up he at an early age got to see what the world was about making a promise to himself to protect his family and friends. Picking up the axe and learning as family tradition. He had some friends in his village and had a easy childhood growing up.
Teenage Years
  • During his teenage years he choose to attend the school of Skagger. Learning more about how to use the axes and fighting with them. He slowly grew better over the years.
  • After returning from the school of Skagger. He joined his father in raiding. But these days the village wasn't going any good each raid yielding less and less profits.
  • A short while after returning from the school about a year later, His father fell sick to a cold. The cold ended up taking his life and breaking Jormund. Jormund ended up walking the forest for hours before deciding to move from the village to a bigger city. Where he could find work for himself. He took farewell of his family and wont on his journey.
  • After having left the village 2 years ago and now being 21. He had found himself a hunting job in one of the cities. It made a decent amount of money and he got free food. But this wasn't was he was meant to do. So an early december morning he jumped on a trading ship that set sails for Regalia.
  • The ship never made it to Regalia it crashed in the sea. Ending up with Jormund being saved by a sailor and his destination ending up to be Ithania.
  • The sailor dropped him of in Ithania and Jormund went to find work. This time he worked at a bar. Learning about of gitarr from a customer that would come by everyday. It was a great time for Jormund he absolutely loved standing behind that counter. Singing and laughing with all the different customers that would come in everyday.
  • But he had set his goal to get to Regalia to find a home and stable work. So when he got kicked from his job as a bartender. He took the chance to catch a ship to Regalia. This time he made it all the way.
  • Getting there war broke out the Elven war of 302ac, Which he decided to sign up for and travel to daendroc to fight for the empire, After returning from the war just a few months later being pulled back in to a new war, he would fight as valiantly as he had in the last one and fight with his skagger friends and allies from the empire.
  • After coming back from war and settling down for awhile yet another war broke out this time him ending up travelling to the Curag Fields and fighting for the empire once again.
  • Now years later, Jormund finally decided to calm down and go with the flow. Applying for job in House guards and guard chapters. Still wanting to do his service to the empire.
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My sole point of review is to ask where the character was born. It doesn't say in the Life Story. Please tag me once the edit is done in green @Swaki__