Preserved Sheet Jorien Ans Castan

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Mistress of the Beneath
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score


  • Full Name: Jorien Ans Castan
  • Age: 84 (61 years spent in Vinteaar Stasis)
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Elf
    • Ancestry: Solvaan father; Carnvaal Ailor mother.
    • Affliction: Shilôt Vampirism
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Broken Bottle, Crowbar

Total Points: 28 (+10 Talent, +10 Hobby)
  • One-hand Blunt Combat - 15 (+15 Points)
  • Fist Combat - 13 (+13 Points)
  • Perception Training - 10 (+10 Talent)
  • Dancing Art - 10 (+5 Hobby, +5 Carnvaal Racial)
  • Winemaking Art - 10 (+5 Hobby, +5 Solvaan Racial)
  • Physical Stat - 15 (Capped by Vampirism)
  • Body Shape - Athletic
  • Body Fat - Average
  • Anglian - Native (10/10), mothertongue
  • Modern Altalar - Adept (4/10), taught by father
  • Common - Fluent (8/10)
  • Vampire: Vinteaar Stasis
  • Vampire: Vinteaar Elegance
  • Vampire: Vinteaar Draughting
  • Vampire: Vinteaar Thickening
  • Eye Color: Olive Green
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Hair Style: Long, braided and accessorised
  • Skin Color: Healthy Tan
  • Clothing: Colourful and flowing, moderately revealing
  • Height: 5'5"

Having no particular sadistic interests despite her affliction, Jorien's personality sways with the mood. Only one thing remains true, and that is that she is never static, ever-changing in interests (both in hobbies, and in people). She has no need to cause harm or injury, but if it promises the premise of a fun time, then Jorien will not hesitate to play with someone's life a little.
The life of the party, Jorien has little patience. She takes initiative and controls a situation with her charm and loudness, using feminine wiles and sheer interest of personality to sway the many people who look up to her. Careless in her approach to life, her goal is to have a good life, and not necessarily a long one. You would be hard-pressed to tie Jorien down in conversation not revolving around action or pleasantries.
Raised Unionist, Jorien through her youth experienced a surprisingly pious lifestyle. After her vampiric affliction however, she has lost interest in her search for a higher power, believing herself all-important. Additionally, she has a distinct distaste for those of Unionistic faith intent on curing her and her brother.


  • Jorien was born in September 224 AD with her twin brother, Bram, to a Solvaan Altalar father and a Carnvaal Ailor mother. Her parents were happy together, raising the twins in their private vineyard in Vixhall.
  • As a child, Jorien was offered a good education, though did not excel in her studies, leaving such an honour to her twin brother. Instead, Jorien did well in athletics, frequently running around to help the farmhands pluck grapes.
  • Her father, a Solvaan Altalar, was intent to pass the Modern Altalar language on to his children. Bram picked up on it readily, though Jorien was marginally slower.
  • The vineyard was home to many parties through the twins' childhood, as their mother's ability to play hostess charmed many people into their halls.
  • Unfortunately for her dear parents, Jorien's scholarly inadequacy placed a pressure on her that she sought to relieve through alcohol. Plenty was at hand and available given the family's trade, and with her mother's Carnvaal roots, it was only a matter of time before the young girl grew wilder.
  • To her credit, Jorien did help out in the vineyard and gained a decent understanding on the premises of winemaking. Through physical labour in the fields, she gained an adequate quantity of muscle.
  • In her later teenage years, the girl picked up dancing to humour guests at their regular parties. It was also not rare for the girl to get into drunken brawls, and so Jorien developed an affinity for bare-hand combat, and even blunt one-handed combat.
  • Life continued as a dream, and together with Bram, the twins enjoyed their young adulthood with few responsibilities and adequate wealth. The parties grew larger and larger, and attracted more guests to the vineyard.
  • During one particularly large party, there was, unbeknownst to the Castan family, a coven of Shilôt Vampires in attendance. Attracted by the promise of good wine, they were there to liven up the party. Unfortunately, a disagreement with Jorien's father during the festivities led to the coven attacking.
  • Drunk, most attendants and the twins' parents stood no chance of defending themselves. While every non-Vampire was fed upon, a few were infected through a Vampiric Bite, Bram and Jorien included. Their parents regrettably passed away, and Jorien, beliving the symptoms she felt the following days to initially be a crude hangover, drowned herself in alcohol to numb the pain.
  • The twins, once turned, knew not what to do with themselves. With their newfound power, they entered Vinteaar Stasis in the cellar of their home, remaining undisturbed for 61 years.
  • The Castan Vineyard had been left unmaintained since the massacre. It were a trio of looters that rummaged around the rotten ruins of the once grand manor, stumbling upon the Stasis-statuettes of the twins.
  • Disturbed from their slumber, Jorien and Bram awoke to find their childhood home desecrated and torn apart. Their crops withered and their bottles empty, the twins took it upon themselves to revive the revelry that they had been raised with, and bring the party to Regalia.
Claimed for review.​