Preserved Sheet Henrik Lind-enn | Child Of Dorkarth

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Feb 25, 2019
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ᚴᚱᛁᛗᛋᛟᚾᚱᛁᚾᚾ ᚷᛁᚠᛏᛖᛞ

"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"
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ᛒᚨᛋᛁᚲ ᛁᚾᚠᛟᚱᛗᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ

"It touched me to be trusted with something terrible."
Name | Henrik Lind-Enn
Age | 98 (Appears Around 30)
Race | Ailor
Gender | Male (He/Him)
Sexuality | Pansexual
Occult | Valhersir Greater Vampire

A Well-Kept Valsgärde Sword
A Leather Coin Purse
A Pinky Ring, Engraved in Pagan Runes
A Leather-bound Diary
A Metallic Chalice
A Ritual Dagger in Great Condition, yet Used
A Pair of Wire Spectacles
Basic Information (Expanded)
Regalia | Henrik has found himself holed up in the dank sewers of Regalia; a fault of the insolent lessers, which plague the surface. The Dorkarthian hasn't been in the city for long, however, his goals for the surface dwellers is more stone than anything else; their extermination or evolution with the Sanguine Gift, which he hopes will be possible in time, under the command of his Desprince.
Upbringing | In a stark contrast to his current position, Henrik was raised by two content farmers in the country of Hedryll, as an only child. From these two, he learned their trade of farming, as well as the dark twisted variant of the Oldt Fayth his father preached. As such, this religion is deeply ingrained in his mind, and, although the Gift dulls his devotion, it is an ever present constant.
Ambitions | Henrik seeks to appease his Desprince, the goal of any loyal Dorkarthian. Of course, he one day strives to the position, but such is a far off goal; one that he doesn't realistically believe is possible. The Northerner also has a desire to spread the gift to as many as he can, as well as mould the false edicts of main stream Oldt Fayth and other Pagan religions to his Dorkarth alternative.
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ᛋᚴᛁᛚᛚ ᛁᚾᚠᛟᚱᛗᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ

"As I love the name of honour more than the fear of death."
Total Points | 12
STR | 0
➣Technique Parry (Free from Ailor Buff 1)
CON | 0
WIS | 0
DEX | 5
➣Cutthroat Target Pack
➣Cutthroat Backstab Pack
➣Cutthroat Dodge Pack
➣Cutthroat Timer Pack
➣Cutthroat Reversal Pack
ARC | 2
➣Sinistral Implode
➣Sinistral Leap
FAI | 7
Hex Defense Pack
Hex Plot Pack
Hex Sapper Pack
Hex Aura Pack
Hex Choice Pack
➣Hex Parasite Pack
Hex Synergy Pack

Skodje (10/10)
Common (10/10)
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ᚡᛁᛋᚢᚨᛚ ᛁᚾᚠᛟᚱᛗᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ
"As a general rule, a reputation is built on manner as much as on achievement."
Henrik's eyes are a crimson red, his skin a snowy white, hair sleek platinum blonde. Often, he wears the sides in an undercut with a length stretching below his shoulders on top. The style and presentation often changes, yet for practical outings it is often carried in a top knot. His frame is tall, with broad shoulders and spindly musculature. The vampire's clothing is often aristocratic leaning, usually decorated in Old Gods iconography of some sort.
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ᛈᛖᚱᛋᛟᚾᚨᛚᛁᛏᚤ ᛁᚾᚠᛟᚱᛗᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ

"To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals."
Alignment | LE
Henrik's views over the century since his infection have morphed and contorted towards more sinister inclinations, now wearing it as a sort of badge of superiority. Despite this, his Velheim heritage, as well as the sayings of his vampiric kin, he has grown a strict code of conduct, which he will rarely, if ever, breach.
Personality Type | ENFP
The Vampire is quite the flamboyant one, prone to speaking in hyperbole and never shying from good discussion. Henrik finds himself as quite the philosopher, and will stop at nothing to find what makes others tick (when he isn't feeling flirtatious ).
Plot Hooks
Regretful Past
Over his prolonged time in this world, Henrik has made countless mistakes, which he is far from proud of. Visions of such haunt his sleep, resulting in him overthinking almost every scenario to avoid such events from happening again. The more severe memories invoke the harshest of responses from the fallen Skagger, now unable to control his emotions like he once was able to.
Henrik boasts some higher education when it comes to the realm of literature, history and culture. He is enamoured by artifacts and texts from civilisations seen as alien to his own, protecting their condition in a strangely dedicated show of stewardship. Those who may meet him at eyelevel in the fields shall seek respect far quicker than those without.
➣This extends to an interest in occulist, particularly in the field of Theury. Henrik takes a particular interest in the Dread Empire, along with their artifacts and dark rituals, often using them as a means to progress his own power.
Well Dressed
Henrik takes extreme pride in his appearance, constantly ensuring his attire is in top shape, or that his make-up is laid on correctly. It is rare to find the man in a complete state, but not unknown. Such often invokes a temper in the man.
Henrik will try to flirt with anything, and everything. He relishes in the thrill of the chase, as well as casting out some bait for those willing to bite. It is rare that this will advance beyond petty banter, often using it as a tool to poke and prode at someone to earn something of use, may it be information or sheer entertainment.
Hailing from the vampire state, Henrik believes there is no greater place in the world than Dorkarth. He will recommend visiting to any new blood, and will constantly compare wherever he is to the Dark Land.

Singing Voice
Henrik has a strong raw voice, however, has little-to-no training in singing, so lacks the skills to truly take advantage of such. Nevertheless, he can tune in every now and then with a playful tune.
Recital Mastery
He has a keen mind when memorising poetry; a cruel twist of irony as he struggles to write his own works. He need only peer over a page a handful of times to be able to loosely recite whatever literature is laid before him.
After a century of reading and study, Henrik's mind finds no issue to conjuring up an image of anything described to him; usually with a great degree of hyperbole. It is truly rare and stressful when he cannot think something up in his mind.
Henrik is quite prideful of his appearance, usually applying some make-up before going out and about. As such, he has became an adept cosmetologist; not to a high enough skill to be professional, but, definitely enough to pass off a good look.

Thanks to the influence of his late husband, Mimir, Henrik became quite the prolific reader. He will almost always have his head in a book during his free time, or as a stress relief.
Spending as much time on Dorkarth as Henrik has makes one more prideful than most Sanguine. He relishes in the company of kin, yet, still holds an aura of superiority to those who have never been to the Dark State.
The Northerner believes Vampirism to be a gift from the Gods, as an outlet for humanity to surpass their creators. As such, he looks down on anyone who does not share in his gift, actively trying to turn them at every corner.

Futile acts anger Henrik to no end. He doesn't understand why some constantly smash their heads against the wall, with no reward, and will be quick to call others out on their actions.
With Werebeasts being a Sanguine's arch-nemesis, it is no surprise Henrik hates them with every inch of his body. He will always look down upon them, and view them as his inferior; being nothing more than overgrown house pets.
Henrik wears the constant fear of losing control. There are little things that terrify him more, and he will do whatever he can to ensure such can never happen.
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ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᛋᛏᛟᚱᚤ
Childhood | ᚴᚺᛁᛚᛞᚺᛟᛟᛞ (0-15)
➣Henrik was born into a small settlement in Hedryll, with his family tending to the ill-kept and poorly fertilised farmlands. From an incredibly young age, the dark and twisted Dorkarthian variant of the Oldt Fayth was instilled into him, creating this delusion that the Sanguine belong on the peak of all society.
➣His father acted as the small settlement's spiritual man, leaving various offerings for the local shrines, which the harassing Desprince collected for their Coven. This kept the Sanguine at bay, for the time being, as well as paying homage to the superior beings in a respectful and contained way. Henrik took a shine to this way of life, quickly turning to learning in the corrupted faith. Alongside this, his father instilled a strong sense of honour into the boy, training him to defend himself and fight, should the need ever arise.
➣His mother on the other hand taught him the ways of the farm, which he tended on when he wasn't learning his faith from his father. Outside of this, though, the young boy had little time for anything else, leaving him almost entirely uneducated, not that there was much more to do in the incredibly limited settlement.

➣Henrik soon, under the guide of his Uncle, made his way to Drixagh, where he studied under the Älgträffar Discipline. Here, he saw the heretical and twisted version of the Pagan faiths, trying when he could to convert others. Once such training was complete, he returned home, poised to act as its stalwart defender.
Early Adulthood | ᛖᚨᚱᛚᚤ ᚨᛞᚢᛚᛏᚺᛟᛟᛞ (15-30)
➣With time, Henrik grew smitten for the settlement's tailor's daughter; Torhild. The duo shared many hours together, before eventually becoming wed. Henrik began to grow contempt with the hand life had dealt him.
➣Henrik and Torhild had a total of three children, each being indoctrinated into their faith and culture. These were the man's pride and joy; regularly boasting about them to the other villagers.
➣The next few years were relatively tranquil, thanks to the offerings put forwards by his father, who soon passed, handing Henrik the torch as the settlement's new spiritual leader. Of course, this was only temporary. In time, a band of Darkwalds of Ohrneti came roaming around, in search of the Desprince the settlement laid under, as well as to spread their Unionist Faith, weeding out the Pagan faiths riddling the land. It was no secret that the group of Velheimers were prescribers to the Oldt Fayth, however, the darker and twisted variant they followed was a tightly held secret. Henrik set off to inform the Desprince, Askeladd, of the Knights activity, and that the offerings may be late coming in the following weeks.
➣Unbeknown to Henrik, he was followed to the Sanguine hide-away by one of the Unionists, truly exposing the village's true colours. The band regrouped, setting out to assault the den, however, they wore little success; being eradicated by the coven. Askeladd blamed the foolish actions of Henrik for leading them to their location, torturing him for his crimes, eventually returning them to the settlement.
➣To the Velheimer's horror, his home had been burned and devastated by the self-righteous Knights, now being occupied by a fresh band of Ohrneti. Outraged, but powerless to invoke vengeance, he left, making his way to a new village to start fresh.
Adulthood | ᚨᛞᚢᛚᛏᚺᛟᛟᛞ (30-Present)
➣As time continued on, one of the Desprinces from the hellscape of Dorkarth sent raiding parties into Henrik's homelands. One by one, his fellow villagers were plucked from their homes, with him too, in time. As such, he found himself as mere cattle for his new Vampiric overlords, something he dare not argue against, and in fact, saw it as an honour, as per his Dorkarthian faith. He was shipped off to the region, set to live out the rest of his days as a slave.
➣Henrik now existed for two reasons; to feed his masters and to clean the cursed halls of their citadels. In the few moments he was allowed to himself, he engaged in worship to his dark religion. It was not long until he too was blessed with the Sanguine Curse, but, this did little to bolster his standing amongst his new kin, continuing to operate as a food source. Eventually, the man was severed from his emotions weekly by his new Desprincess; an Isldar known as Lyxiss. His life continued on, carrying out the mundane duties tasked upon him.
➣This carried on for many decades, with Henrik becoming more and more of a slave to habit. Eventually, he found himself as the book keeper to a Lich who haunted the keep halls, known to him as Mímir. Seeking some more conversation than the emotionally severed Henrik could provide, Mímir approached Lyxiss, and with time, had him freed from the chains of her hex. The Zikiel took to teaching Henrik in the histories of his peoples, as well as slowly growing the Velheimer's philosophical thinkings, something which he now prides himself on.
➣Having now earned himself Mímir's favour, the Dorkarth found himself elevated above the rest of the cattle that served the coven, yet not quite at that level of kindred; in a strange state of limbo. That is until Lyxiss, in the spur of the moment, elects him to join in a hunt for traitors in the local forest. With great devotion, he joined, with his limited combat experience, catching the eye of his Desprincess. The team had successfully dealt with the fleeing traitors, and afterwards, Lyxiss gifted the Ailor with kinship, taking him under her wing and morphing him into a solider to fill her ranks. He took a shine to the blade, enjoying the sophisticated nature of the weapon; similarly to how he took a shine to the life of sophistication Lyxiss inducted him into.
➣Mímir and Henrik continued in their friendship, with both becoming rather possessive over the other, rarely being apart. This brewed into some semblance of romance, built upon their philosophical discussions, and sharing in a small interest in magical knowledges. Simultaneously, there were many Sanguine not best pleased with Henrik's position in the coven, viewing him as little more than filth, who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Not best pleased with this label, he issued a Wutienda challenge to any who cared to accept. After a good handful of victories and loses alike, the Velheimer earned himself a good reputation, practically eradicating nigh all ill-thoughts towards him.
➣Simultaneously to his brewing feelings towards Mimir, Lyxiss began making advances upon the man. Initially turning her down, the Dorkarth soon gave-way, with him too mirroring her feelings. This left Henrik with small traces of guilt, feeling as if a traitor to both of his kindred Sanguine, however, this seemed to worry his Desprincess little.
➣Eventually, Lyxiss, much to Henrik's dismay, labelled Mímir a traitor to the coven, with little-to-no reasoning. Conflicted by his decisions, Henrik soon decided to flee with the Lich, until they found themselves in the company of a rival coven.
➣The two provided this new Coven with much information, which would aid them to no ends against Lyxiss' lot. After achieving what they desired, and without warning, Mímir was struck where he stood, reverting back into his Ailor form; life draining from his expressions. In a fit of rage, he sought to defend himself, and avenge his beloved partner, yet, his attempts were futile, being overpowered and hanging onto his life by a hair. He was tossed in a nearby pit, where he laid until being found by Lyxiss, however, without her usually entourage. Unwanting to execute the Ailor for his past crimes due to their long lasted connection, she aided him to health, before casting him out, forcing him to leave Dorkarth.
➣With great difficulty, he found himself a stow away on a ship, travelling from city to city, before landing in the Holy City of Regalia, seeking a new way of life.
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Hey! I'm claiming this for review!​
Hi! It's review time!​
  • You misspelled Etosian as Estonian, minor spelling mistake, but I figured I should point it out!
  • While he does not know where he comes from, I still would like you to put that in the life story, where he was brought to, and who Ovrer is in the beginning.
  • Also, I know this review started technically before the application update, I would still recommend updating his personality as you have already updated the preferred weapon! Not necessary for approval, but I feel it would be nice to further expand your character!
  • As for the rest of the life story I would like to see his other proficiencies mentioned!
Please make these edits in a new color and tag me @Rochelle_ once you're done! Thank you!
Well if I gotta be damned, you know I wanna be damned, dancing through the night with you.
@Katiesc Made some proficiency changes and added some bits here and there to flesh out the sheet some more. Looking for a rereview whenever you can!
Hey there @Katiesc! Bringing back this character for a time, and would appreciate a re-review whenever you're able, thanks!
@Katiesc Changed Auld Collaring with Auld Catharsis as per the new Vampire update. As such, he has an additional 10 proficiency points when infected. Need a re-review whenever you're able!