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Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Joppa Engeram
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Colonial Ceardian, Undead Mortdei
  • Main Ambition: Fame
  • Current Goal: Comfortable survival; Peace; Honor through the Nenyarina
in a far of corner of the sewers on his own.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Short cut
  • Skin Color: Blood-Drained, Pale Fleshy Tones, Some Greying
  • Clothing: Simple Etosian garb; Painted Nenyarina Armor; Stole Heavy Armor
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Body Type: Sinewy
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Mounted Combat
      • Large Draught Horse, Armored
      • Horseman's Axe
      • Lance
    • Unmounted Combat
      • Horseman's Axe
Current Inventory
  • Tattered Etosian Garb
  • Riding Boots
  • Iron Hand-Axe
  • Elven Lance
  • Iron Dull Longsword
  • Thick Bandage Rolls x1
  • Small Satchel
  • Cuirass, gauntlets, shoulder plates, helmet

Injury Catalog
  • Left Side Abdomen Chewed Open Sewn closed with leather.
  • Bruised Ribs
  • Broken Left Shoulder Set and bound.
  • Stomach Stabs Sewn closed with leather.
  • His rot smell is now treated by floral perfume.

Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits
  • Firm - Joppa has taken a much more firm style of thinking with him since his initial turning. With this is a strong moral code which he abides by above else, while also allowing him to simply be of an opinionated nature. These opinions aren't always as educated as they should be, however, and can be dotted with errors and crossed with mistakes. In no way does he take a hostile stance when being firm, however. He remains calm and begrudgingly respects other people's ideas.
  • Placid - Death has brought an adventurous, excitable man to a point of total calm. In his final moments, he settled with himself the few things that had brought him distaste or discomfort, and concluded that a man should be calm in his last minutes. When he was turned, however, he kept this mantra. The next year's would be a second stage of his life, and a calmness would help him wade through the confusion and inevitable conflicting with his morals.
  • Empathetic - Feeling death has brought him to a new level of understanding. The emotions of others have recently become more clear, and it has allowed him to communicate with others in a way that is clear he can connect. This trait has even made it difficult for him to have distaste for some living who have gone through Gana-Isha and back again. As he slowly accepted his undeath, he has connected it with good feelings, and the nightmare that was his forced change has become a peaceful and even ecstasy inducing memory. It drives him to force it onto any he can capture.
  • Scornful - Following rebirth Joppa showed a deeply contemptuous attitude to both the living and the dead, the former due to their treatment of him when he was alive, and the latter due to their responsibility for his undeath. Over time he began to assimilate with the Etosian undead culture more and more, before eventually accepting his new people and the way he felt around them. The world of the living has grown foreign and odd to him, and he often treats those that are part of it with some disgust.
  • Condemnatory - Judge, jury, executioner, and resurrector. Despite his want to be a hero, his assimilation into the undead culture has slowly planted seeds of distrust regarding the living. It is uncommon for him to be so condemnatory with other undead, but he finds that the living are horrible people for several reasons. Denying those few dead that can think for themselves any respect, and using religion and race as an excuse to scorn others. In other situations he acts as a very opinionated person, and will often put down any who he feels has wronged another-- With limitations of course. He no longer sees killing and forced undeath as worth punishment, and often does it to those he has slain.
  • Conciliatory - The grand total of his placidity, empathy, and firmness. These three traits coalesce into a passive nature of calmness. They drive him to take most conversations with the goal to keep the other participant as calm as he can, while still being honest and expressing his feelings and emotions in a way that makes them easy to understand. Due to his undeath, this is especially useful a trait when speaking with the living and others that would deny him any calmness or reason in conversation. Naturally, it also drives him to approach most situations in a way that ends in the pacification of a foe rather than the death of the enemy.
  • Mounted Combat - Experience with riding and directing draught horses in the middle of a combat scenario is one of his primary strengths, allowing him to stay a strong and noticeable foe on the battlefield. Practicing with wooden lances built to splinter has allowed him to make use of them in combat, and he is particularly good at causing damage with horseman's axe attacks from on his large horse. Use of heavy armor means he has no experience with shields commonly used when riding.
  • Heavy Armor - Following his undeath, he practiced and conditioned himself with the use of heavy plate armor so that he could be of some use and become a bit iconic on the battlefield. Over the past eleven years, he has become skilled enough in the use of heavy armor that he rarely has issues in combat whilst wearing it, and can equip it in a rather shortened period of time. His horse has also grown used to carrying him while he wears the heavy plate, and has a set of heavy armor of its own that it wears for protection.
  • Intuition - His intuition has grown based on experience and a realistic outlook on life, which was caused primarily by his death and following undeath. Learning to follow his instinct and inner urges within reason has brought him to a point of awareness that challenges those around him. Following his gut has lead him to success on more than one occasion because of this, and it has an interesting effect on his social interactions. When speaking with others, especially those he finds suspicious, he scrutinizes them passively. He does his best to be aware of things around him, the person he is speaking to, their clothing, and any possible weaponry. Life as an undead has encouraged this awareness when speaking with others, as to avoid attack by strangers due to his affliction. His undeadism also encourages this in possible combat situations, as staying aware helps him predict the next steps his enemy will take. It is largely instict, but it is strong and has become well honed.
  • Deteriorating Mental State - As time progresses, the effectiveness of mental strengths and the presence of his personality traits will be seen. Minor occurrences have already begun to cause issue. Lapses of short term memory, and repetition of entire sentences has made him just a tad socially awkward, and could end rather unpleasantly for him if it progresses much more in the next few years. He has progressively become more and more manipulated, and his strong will during his living years has begun to deteriorate ten years into his decay.
  • Fear of Canines - Due to an accident during his very early youth, Joppa developed a fear of dogs and dog-like animals, which is largely the explanation for his love of horses. Instinct one in regards to any dog being present is to kill it, option two would be to run, and option three is to simply avoid it. He denies dogs the possibility of being peaceful, and has been known to flee a battle entirely if more than one hound is present on the field. It is crippling, and he has been known to kill breeders and owners of dogs simply for allowing such creatures to exist.
  • Bow Legged - Horse riding for most, if not all of his living life has slowly caused his legs to shift in shape. Afflicted with bow leggedness, he has severe balance issues when off of his mount, and has difficulty running. This difficulty is enough to cause issues, and he is almost entirely reliant on a mount to survive on the battlefield. Even small combat situations are a terrifying to him without his best friend, and he will rush to a horse before he will fight face to face, and he is very likely to lose if much mobility is needed.
Situational Behavior & Moral Code
  • With the plague of Estel's bone horrors ravaging the land, he has stopped forcefully turning the living so that he may honor the agreements made between the undead leaders and the leaders of Etosil.
  • Has joined the Nenyarina, becoming one with the Faith of Estel's belief system, though he struggles.
Moral Code
  • Dogs are far too dangerous to live.
  • Murder is only acceptable if the victim is transformed into a Mortdei as a result.
  • Defense of others above defense of self.
  • Stealing is unacceptable.
  • Putting down someone who is ill simply because they are in pain is unacceptable.
  • Acting for the preservation of one's species is honorable.
  • Strikes from behind and stealthy combat are acceptable, and there is no honor lost if these are done.
  • Cowards argue for their opinions, all others act on their opinions.
  • Undeath is not torture, or sadness, but rather a state of being beyond the simple life that is living. To deny it is to be cowardly.
  • Unionism is not built on any solid proof, and the Emperor is a tyrant rather than a god possessed individual.
  • The path of Estel is the only true path for an Undead.

Life Story

  • Born october 29, 266 AC to his mother and father, with an elder brother and a younger sister soon following a mere ten months later.
Early Childhood (1-10)
  • Taught to speak Common by his parents, learning to read and write soon after.
  • Involved himself actively in the lives of other children around the village in Ceardia, who he would grow up with for a majority of his life.
  • Befriends another young village girl, before falling out with her and the rest of his friends as his attention turned to horses, which his father began to breed.
  • Attacked by a pack of wild dogs on the edge of the village at age six, barely saved by members of the local militia, which had been patrolling nearby due to reports of hounds in the area.
  • Begins aiding his father with the horses more frequently, becoming distant and distracted in regards to anything else.
  • Selects the largest of the draught horses owned by his father and begins plans to breed a gigantic, fire breathing monster horse.
    • This was a dream fueled by a nine year old's imagination, and never came to fruition. Ideas along these lines were supported by his parents, who were happy to see a child growing up without the melancholy stupor of his elder brother.
Early Teens and Pre Teens (11-16)
  • Begins to develope his bow leggedness as he begins riding more.
  • Starts breeding the draught horses available, in hopes of creating a large horse for his personal use.
  • Purchased several stories and novels by his mother, focused around the concept of heroism and adventure, which soon absorbs him and becomes his goal.
  • At age 14, joins the local militia with friends from his youth, soon being trained a tad for combat.
Late Teens (17-20)
  • Begins actively patrolling the town, with little in the way of interesting events.
  • Bow leggedness is notably bad, and he soon uses horses for most transportation.
  • Hunts down and kills the dogs in the town.
  • Ordered by the militia leader to help the settlement, and patrol at night for the dog slayer.
Young Adulthood (21-26)
  • Finally becomes happy with a young horse, naming it Alexander and raising it to be powerful and agile.
  • Marries a girl in the village, given two children from the relationship.
  • Unhappy with the settled life, he spends most time reading old adventure tales and riding Alexander in the fields near the town.
  • Grows further distant from family and friends.
Adventure, Death (27)
  • Flees his home in New Ceardia to find himself and his horse, Alexander, in Etosil after several months on a boat.
  • Uses his old militia gear to defend him and Alexander, exploring Etosil.
  • Encounters a burning village, deciding to investigate.
    • Attacked, being ripped off of his horse, which was tangled in rope by Undead and knocked unconscious.
    • Dragged to an Undead settlement, where he is forcefully denied transcendence.
    • Awakes as a Mortdei, confused and scared. The situation is explained to him, and he is swayed rather easily into believing it for the best.
    • Seeks out Alexander, and claims him as his own, making it clear that he was to be left untouched.
Death (27-38)
  • Begins participating in raids on living villages, falling to the side of the Undead with ease.
  • Refuses to turn women and children, freeing them instead.
  • Eventually earns himself heavy armor and the tools needed to create lances for combat.
  • Begins taking the role of a mounted, heavy combatant during raids and battles.
  • Practice, practice, practice.
  • Celebrates tenth anniversary of his death with friends and Alexander present.
  • Begins recording his adventures in a journal as his memory begins to stutter.
  • Supports the temporary alliance between Mortdei and the living of Etosil to combat the forces of Estale and her bone horrors.
  • Travels to Regalia to collect information on he situation there.
2016 Player Quests/Events
  • Returns to Etosil using much of his gold, only to be attacked by bone horrors. His best friend and horse, Alexander, is slain.
  • Returns to Regalia, going deep into the sewers in search of something to arm himself with, and is attacked and injured by a horror.
    • Injured.
    • Claims an Iron Longsword.
  • Goes once more into the depths of the sewers to claim revenge on the horror that injured him.
    • Thoroughly maims the horror.
    • Injured.
  • Sneaks above ground to steal something.
    • Kills a jeweler and claims a 300R necklace.
  • Converts to Faith of Estel, joins Nenyarina.
Last edited:
Hey hey! Peer review comin' in. I'm guessing you'll want me to be nitpicky, so...
  • The main issue I see is his use of heavy armor and undeath- eleven years into Undeath, it is unlikely Joppa would have enough strength to carry about this armor and remain productive. He is unable to heal on his own, and his body would prooobably not be in the best state, seeing as he's 1/4 his way through Undeath- if he'll manage to make it through all forty years (which is unlikely).
  • I recommend adding an extra weakness. The fear of dogs, however debilitating, is very situational, and I think adding another weakness of any kind would balance him out a bit more.
  • Either add an extra negative personality trait, or change Conciliatory to being a different negative one, as it is basically just a summary of his other traits.
  • Under 'Deteriorating Mental State', I'd like to see you elaborate on his susceptibility to being influenced by others as this is a pretty big trait in Undeath, and if he has any odd delusions that he's picked up over the years.
  • Empathetic and Condemnatory clash a bit. If he can understand and connect with others so easily, why does he want to put down others with differing opinions so strongly?
  • The main issue I see is his use of heavy armor and undeath- eleven years into Undeath, it is unlikely Joppa would have enough strength to carry about this armor and remain productive. He is unable to heal on his own, and his body would prooobably not be in the best state, seeing as he's 1/4 his way through Undeath- if he'll manage to make it through all forty years (which is unlikely).
The average weight range of medieval plate armor was 33 - 50 Kg, spread evenly throughout the body. On top of this, his legs are weak and it is likely that he would rely on the support Alexander would provide to manage with his legs. Even further crippling him if he is knocked off of his horse.

  • Empathetic and Condemnatory clash a bit. If he can understand and connect with others so easily, why does he want to put down others with differing opinions so strongly?
I can understand you, and I can understand what you're going through or why you're thinking a certain way. This however, does not mean that I'll support you. Because I am clearly the correct one, and you are not. And you should be fixed or corrected because of that.

Will work on points 2 and 3 and 4! Many thanks.
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review:
  • First off, I'd like to commend you on playing an undead character! I really enjoyed reading this app.
  • Supposing he roams in the sewers, does he. Bring a horse down there? I fail to see how mounted combat may be a strength/relevant if he stays below the surface, given that the horse would most likely be eaten/stolen by the various other undead/gangs/criminals down there. It's entirely unrealistic to have that set of weapons for mounted combat as well, given how large and difficult they would be to carry around. Please make edits accordingly.
  • I fail to see how Joppa could even afford said plate armour for him and his horse, given he doesn't exactly appear to come from wealth. It's a general standard that plate armour is exceedingly difficult to come by.
  • Overall, your strengths are very combat-centered. I'd like you to replace one with a mental/personality strength. Even undead can have some redeeming qualities.
  • I like the addition of his moral code and situational behaviour! Very interesting.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!

Average Horseman's Axe weight sits at 3 pounds. Average Lance weight seems to be near 6 poundsish. I won't be changing those, since they're lighter than they seem. I was rather surprised when I did the research.

Pointed out that the plate armor was largely scavenged bits and pieces and badly made.

Due to my being on hiatus for the most part, I'm not playing Joppa in game. He'll be a Player Quest characer that I use to stretch my writing bones and for some pre-sneaking into Regalia char developement. This works put, because I want his story to be one of adaptation to the city.
Expansion Updates
  • Inventory Added
  • Injury Catalog Added
Full Updates
  • Updated Life Story To reflect current Player Quest events