Preserved Sheet Jonathan Herran

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Jonathan 'John' Leo Herran
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: New Regalian Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information

Total Points: 38
  • Blades Combat Skill: 10
  • Shielding Combat Skill: 6
  • Unarmed Combat Skill 6
  • Siege Combat Skill: 2
  • Athletic Training: 10
  • Perception Training: 4
  • Marshal Knowledge: 10 (New-Regalian)
Body Shape
  • Muscular (44)
  • Average body fat.
  • Common
  • Ithanian

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Sapphire blue
  • Hair Color: Coppery brown
  • Hair Style: 1/4 inch, plain hair.
  • Skin Color: Light tan
  • Clothing: Blue cotton tunic, brown fabric pants, leather boots and belt.
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Muscular

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Typically seen as courageous, selfless and dedicated. Jonathan is usually the first to volunteer, the first to help and the last to go home. He's known for working overtime significantly more often than others. He is seemingly always trying to find a way to make a difference, even leaping headfirst into dangerous situations to save others.
  • Second Paragraph: Jonathan, while always looking to improve himself, is composed in most social settings. He understands his strengths and his weaknesses, and feels he has little further to improve, personality-wise. Thus, he doesn't take harsh criticism to heart, it means nothing to him from most people. As for his skills, Jonathan is very confident in his combat abilities, but not to the point of arrogance. He generally considers himself humble, never seeking to glorify himself.
  • Third Paragraph: Jonathan is usually a listener more than a talker. He doesn't try to put himself at the center of things, preferring to pay attention to his friends. Not necessarily out of selflessness, but rather he is more interested in others than he is himself. He always is willing to go out for a round of drinks at the Tavern, and enjoys company from others.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Jonathan is a Lawful-Good. He puts a significant importance on morality, justice and honor. He views being just as the most important thing in a person's life, and believes it should be the standard, not the exception. Jonathan sees breaches of integrity as the lowest act one can commit.
Life Story
Jonathan's Father, Killian Herran, was a half New Regalian, half Ithanian man who came to live in Ithania with his wife, Jonathan's Mother, Sally Anne, a New Regalian woman. Jonathan was born to the pair on their roughly four-acre land.

Jonathan spent his earliest days living on his family's farm. As a child, his favorite pastime was swimming at a nearby creek with his father, until his pet dog unfortunately drowned there. He since hasn't swam for recreation but sparingly.

Later in his youth, Jonathan spent most of his time tending to livestock and crops. He found the simple life to be very fulfilling. He never had very grand dreams or big plans.

Jonathan's teenage years were filled with happy times, as he and a neighbor his same age would run about together. Jonathan always remembers those days with fondness, and tried to hold on to that feeling. To this day, it's the little things that still bring joy to Jonathan. For him, the memory of such fond times, and a sense of belonging continue to satisfy him.

In his later teenage years, towards the age of 17, Jonathan would spend a lot of time visiting a nearby town and hanging out in a Tavern there. He developed a taste for Honey Mead, and a distaste for drunkards. Additionally, during this time he found himself learning hand-to-hand boxing style fighting by experience, as well. Additionally, Jonathan found an interest in and later picked up some instruments from traveling bards that would pass through and play there.

When Jonathan was nearly 19, he picked up a knack for Long swords. His Father urged him to go study at an academy. Jonathan reluctantly agreed, and left behind his quiet farm life to pursue schooling in the School of Bloodcast. While he was away, a number of financial issues began stacking against his family and their farm. While not immediately a problem, Jonathan feared they could worsen. Additionally, his Father's health seemed to be deteriorating in his older age.

Some two months before Jonathan graduated from the School of Bloodcast at the age of 29, he received word from his Mother that Killian had passed away. Taking time away from his studies to return home, Jonathan found that the financial situation was worse than it had appeared. His parents had not told him the truth so as not to worry him, but they would inevitably lose their home. Jonathan's childhood friend agreed to let his Mother stay with them, while Jonathan returned to Regalia to finish his training and seek work. Jonathan's hope was to earn a living, and one day buy back his home.

While Jonathan saw strides in his work in Regalia, being employed for a period at the Golden Willow as a Barkeep, working with the Regalian Guard and even as a Security Captain for a Noble Man, his mother was not so well. Her health seemed to deteriorate rapidly after the death of Killian. Before long, Jonathan learned that his Mother had taken a turn for the worse. Once again returning to Ithania, Jonathan was able to be with his Mother when she passed. To Jonathan's disappointment, he was unable to bury her beside his Father, as they no longer owned the land.

After his Mother's death, Jonathan felt his ties to Ithania had been cut. His hopes of reclaiming their home now seemed pointless, and he decided to make a new life in Regalia. Finding success as a part-time Barkeep, and working under the Regalian Guard once more, in a handful of different Charters.

During the events of the recent turmoils of Regalia, Jonathan has mostly laid low. Additionally, he's never taken much interest in foreign or Noble politics, until a war has come to the Regalian Empire.

Jonathan once again found he was content, serving Regalia and protecting the innocent.
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My Review:
  • There are several issues with the Proficiency Points section of the application.
+20 Longsword (+10 from School of Bloodcast, +15 from Points)
  • You have this as +20 but it should be +25, so please fix whichever one needs correction.
  • I would request that you name the Proficiency properly to Short Shields.
  • +20 Longsword (+10 from School of Bloodcast, +15 from Points)
  • +12 Wankel Shields (+10 from School of Bloodcast, +2 from Points)
  • +12 Battle Command (+10 from School of Bloodcast, +2 from Points)
  • +10 Unarmed Boxing (+10 from Points)
  • The Points used total 29, but with a School and being 38, they should be 28. Please fix whichever part of the app is incorrect.
  • Finally, while not an actual problem, I would like to mention that as a New Regalian, he gains a Proficiency Boost, as can be seen here on the Wiki: It is up to you if you want to claim the Boost or not.
  • I ask that you add one point of content to each of the Personality Paragraphs or work on further elaborating a bit on what is already present.
  • Life Story:
    • He was born in Ithania and yet is of New Regalian heritage? I would explain that as the Ithanians and the Alt/New Regalians do NOT get along very well due to one being extremely matriarchal and the other, patriarchal.
    • I would ask that you define how long he was in the School of Bloodcast so I am sure it was ten years.
    • A lot has happened recently with world events, like the Dragons and the continuing conflict in Daen between Regalia and various Elven groups, could you comment on that just a bit as to his position or status in all of those.
Please tag me once the edits have been done in green @Legoclub22
My Review:
  • There are several issues with the Proficiency Points section of the application.

  • You have this as +20 but it should be +25, so please fix whichever one needs correction.

  • I would request that you name the Proficiency properly to Short Shields.

  • The Points used total 29, but with a School and being 38, they should be 28. Please fix whichever part of the app is incorrect.
  • Finally, while not an actual problem, I would like to mention that as a New Regalian, he gains a Proficiency Boost, as can be seen here on the Wiki: It is up to you if you want to claim the Boost or not.
  • I ask that you add one point of content to each of the Personality Paragraphs or work on further elaborating a bit on what is already present.
  • Life Story:
    • He was born in Ithania and yet is of New Regalian heritage? I would explain that as the Ithanians and the Alt/New Regalians do NOT get along very well due to one being extremely matriarchal and the other, patriarchal.
    • I would ask that you define how long he was in the School of Bloodcast so I am sure it was ten years.
    • A lot has happened recently with world events, like the Dragons and the continuing conflict in Daen between Regalia and various Elven groups, could you comment on that just a bit as to his position or status in all of those.
Please tag me once the edits have been done in green @Legoclub22
I made a mistake not removing the 10 points for the school. I believe I was also under the impression that Culture Points were subtracted from the same points, but they get their own source of 38 points, or...?
@HydraLana I've made the requested proficiency points edits.

I'm a bit unclear on what you mean regarding the character traits, could you go into a bit more detail?

I can't really remember what was going on during the recent events, so I've covered it in general terms. I also added a part on the Race/Homeland. I clarified the Bloodcast years.
@HydraLana I've made the requested proficiency points edits.

I'm a bit unclear on what you mean regarding the character traits, could you go into a bit more detail?

I can't really remember what was going on during the recent events, so I've covered it in general terms. I also added a part on the Race/Homeland. I clarified the Bloodcast years.
On second reading, the Paragraphs are fine so I approve the application.
Bump @HydraLana proficiency points updated to new system. All in blue.
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