Preserved Sheet Jonatan Af Fenikstörn

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the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score


Jonatan af Fenikstörn
| The Vampire Slayer |

{Basic Information}
Full Name: Jonatan af Fenikstörn.
Title(s): Ser (by Knighthood)
Alias(es): Geoffrey Owlett
Age: 33 years old.
[18 August 274AC]
Zodiac Sign: Leo.
Gender: Male.
Race: Colonial Alt-Regalian Ailor.

Other: n/a.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Primary Objective: To eradicate the plague of unholy aberrations that walk this plane.
Secondary Objective: To make his house relevant beyond the Silver Shores.
House af Fenikstörn
The Knights Order of Darkwald



{Skill Information}
Total Proficiency Points: 38 ( +33 from age, +5 from bonus.)
School: School of Darkwald.

Knightly Code: Code of Great Oak.

Proficiency Pool | To hunt.

+11 Blades Combat (+11 from points.)
+10 Heavy Bow Combat (+10 from culture.)

+16 Magical Knowledge (+16 from points.)
+01 Unionist Rettism Ritualism (+01 from points.)
Body Shape | To prepare.
Muscular (+11 from Blades Combat, +20 Heavy Bow Combat.)
Low Body Fat
Languages | To know.
Common (Fluent)
Alt-Regalian (Fluent, learned at Castle Virgadulvlas.)
Anglian (Mother-tongue)
Sanktist (Fluent, from Unionist Rettism ritualism.)



{Visual Information}
Eye Color: Steely blue.
Other: Missing his right eye.
Hair Color: Brown with lighter shades highlighting throughout.
Hair Style: Short curls on top that bounce with his movement, sides kept short.
Facial Hair: Stubble when freshly shaved, or a scruffy beard.
Skin Color: Pale tan, but can darken when exposed to much sun - with freckles across his nose and upper cheeks appearing too.
Clothing: Long padded robes and tricorne hat.
Colour Specifics: Dark brown robes and gold trimmed hat.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 191lbs
Body Build: Muscular.
Weapon of Choice: Longsword, Claymore, Bastardsword, Crossbow, Holy Water.



{Personality and Abilities}
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Personality Type: ISTP, the Virtuoso.
Religious Faith: Unionist Rettism, 9/10.

Outer Perception | The Vigilante
Known throughout the Silver Shores as a hero of the Bone Horrors and a local folk hero for fending off the Velheim savages, not a negative word could be said of the Knight. Yet, after the Bone Horror crisis subsided, Jonatan found himself without purpose. Without ambition. His religious upbringing in mind, and the oath he took as a Darkwald Knight, he began ravaging the country side of Essalonia without mercy. His ravenous ambition soon found strangers and acquaintances alike questioning the young knight's ethics.
Interior Feelings | The Unrighteous
His sexuality and inability to come to terms with it, especially after so many years, has left the pious man in a battle with oneself. Jonatan expresses this distress through his fierce fighting and so called righteous war on the unholy - which he himself would be considered by his own beliefs. He is terrified in becoming one of the aberrations he hunts and so desperately tries to prove otherwise. He is anxious, paranoid, and ever just; to a fault.
Relations and Family | The Black Sheep
His relationship with his parents is rocky, at best. His father joined the Fathers of Piety, to reflect on the acts of his ancestors, which left his mother to raise him and his siblings alone. As the oldest, he had to be strong, brave, and masculine. But he wasn't. He enjoyed his family's business of creating the highest quality silverware and when told by his mother - a woman of unbending will and belief - he was to take the crest of the Darkwald as others had before him, who was he to question? Because of this he is stubborn and silent, a passive aggressiveness that makes friend making difficult. Yet, when he does find those he trust and love, he is incredibly loyal and will defend them with the same strength as he does the Great Way.
Moral Compass | The Unbending
Coming from a Colonial family, Jonatan has always held his faith and beliefs in the highest regards. The Unionist creeds and hymns were sung to him as a child, and he remembers them fondly. Yet, he is painfully aware of the cost of Unionism, as it tore his family apart. As a Knight of Darkwald, religion became less of a driving force but more so the final nail in the coffin for the unholy. He is stalwart in his chaotic good morals, even if that means breaking laws.


{Quirks and Trivia}
Dominant Hand: Right.
Favorite Food: Potatoes, especially sweet potatoes.
Favorite Drink: Pale ale.
Favorite Animal: Birds.
Odd Behaviors
Will scratch at his stubble/scruff when confused.
Also known to fidget with his hat when nervous.

Starts everyday with a potato protein drink, everyone who has tried it has called it repulsive.
Has been known to flay hunted Aberrants to create his signature leather notebook.


{Life Story}
274 AC | Birth.
Born on the Western Coast of the Kingdom of the Silver Shores to Angelica Maldaynado, a well known smithy, and Markus af Fenikstörn, the son and heir of minor nobility with deep connections to the Synod.
286 AC| Family.
Angelica gives birth to twins, allowing the son of the local smithy - his mother - some freedom to explore something besides the forge; drawing.
289 AC| Piety.
Markus abruptly leaves their family to take up fatherhood of another kind: as a Father of Piety, giving up his titles, fortune, and name. The now ten year old Jonatan is forced to take up more duties around the household as his mother must not only keep up the forge, but also care for three children alone and without the same financial support as before.
293 AC | Duty.
He is sent off to his father's ancestral home of Tigurnn to begin training as a Darkwald Knight and, his mother hopes, to get his mind off the arts.
297 AC| Love.
Jonatan is ordained in the Order of Darkwald and begins his first hunt in Calemberg, along side his distant cousins.
304 AC| Death.
The Bone Horror Crisis strikes and the Silver Shores are hit hard. Jonatan is sent home for the first time in a decade under orders from the Darkwald to deal with the Aberrations. He finds not only the undead menace, but his mother is a casualty among them... And rose again, forcing the young Knight to slay her body to protect his siblings.
305 AC| Rage.
As the Second Elven War dawns, Jonatan continues hunting Aberrants throughout Essalonia. He continues with a rage fueled bloodlust and ravages the countryside with no mercy for those he - and his Order - deem unjust and unnatural.
306 AC| Order.
With the Sanguine flooding the Holy City, he is ordered to offer any assistance he can by the Darkwald and finds himself in Regalia for the first time. It was in such a role that Jon found himself doing reconnaissance work within the slums, and unfortunately, outnumbered and outpoured by a pack of Varghuls. He was attacked viciously in such a way only a monster can do and lost his right eye. In this fight Jonatan died and woke alone, without an eye, and near death. He fled the city and nursed himself back to life over the next year. He has returned to the city with the advent of Puretek.


Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
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Although, I would recommend changing the eye color to be either more blue or darker grey, as in game it looks very exist silven esque.
Thank you! I'm not much of a skinner so I'll get to work on that once he has a proper skin.

Made some minor changes (mostly cosmetics) to the app:
  • Got rid of the body training (+5) for culture and added the points to drawing, bring it to +12 (was 7)
  • Reshuffled his proficiency points by bringing tracking to +5 (was 7) and aberration knowledge to +22 (was 20)
  • Added quirks section
  • Added relationships

Made one change:
  • Shifted his points from smithing to +5 (was +12) and drawing to +22 (was +15), as it made more sense with his story since he stopped learning how to smith and focused more on drawing. just wanted to give you a heads up!

Updated for prof changes:
  • +20 Longsword -> +15 Blades Combat
  • Added +5 Athletic Training
  • +5 Unionist Seminary -> +10 Religious Knowledge (Culture)
  • +22 Aberration Knowledge -> +5 Magical Knowldege
  • Added +2 Hunting Knowledge
  • Ripped -> Ripped 25 points [+15 Blades Combat + 10 Athletic Training (5 x 2)]
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Minor changes:
  • Aged up from 27 to 32
  • Ripped -> Twink (Athletic)
  • +5 Athletic training -> +0
  • +5 Magical Knowledge -> +15 Magical Knowledge
  • +2 Hunting Knowledge - > +1 Hunting Knowledge
  • +0 Visual Arts -> +1 Visual Arts
  • Added Proto-Regalian reading fluency due to his age up.

Vamp changes:
  • Is now a Vampire.
  • Updated life story.
  • Updated personality to reflect his Vampirism.