Preserved Sheet Johanna Anne Haaven

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Jul 24, 2015
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Art 1 / Art 2 | Face Claim | Voice Claim



  • Full Imperialized Name: Johanna Anne Haaven
    • Full Birth Name: Caoess'alloa Ellabis Syllbess'aos
    • Nicknames: Jo, Hanna, Anne, JoJo, Razorleaf
  • Age: 73
    • Birth date: March 7th
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Race: Thar-Url, Al-Url Mentality (formerly Altalar/Cielothar halfbreed).
  • Religion: Faith of Estel

Total: 60

+40 Unarmed Fighting (+40 Boost)
+20 Hunting Knowledge (+20 Boost)
+10 Athletic Training (+10 Points)
+10 Perception Training (+10 Points)
+10 Medical Science (+10 Points)

Body Information

+30 Combat Points, +10 Athletic Training x2 = 50
Bodyshape: Muscular
Weight: Low Body Fat



Daendroquin: 10/10 Learned whilst living in Daendroc.
Modern Elvish: 10/10 Learned as a first language, native.
Common: 9/10 Learned when migrating to Regalia.

Oortle: Url transformation.


  • Eye Color: Burnt orange.
  • Natural Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
    • Dyed: Auburn red or dark brown.
  • Hair Style: Smoothed down or flowing freely.
    • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Hunting outfits or more casual wear consisting of dresses made from forest green cotton and black and gold accenting.
  • Height: 6'1
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Fists or improvised fighting.

  • Johanna is perceived, by strangers, as someone who allows their emotions to tear through them, who also lacks the ability to trust. Strangers see a woman who struggles with keeping her emotions stable when under various amounts of stress and discomfort within her life. However, it's obvious from those who pay meticulous attention to detail, from her drastic levels of determination and willingness to change, Johanna's learned how to keep her emotions under control for the most part. Johanna is a bit more approachable and less brash than she had been just months before. More often than not, strangers find Johanna to be unpredictable with her emotions, likely due to her past of being such.

  • Johanna often feels pulled in many different directions, whether it be due to work duties, at-home responsibilities, or her personal mindset. Johanna most struggles with love, whether it be friendships or relationships due to the sheer amount of times she's lost friends and lovers. She struggles with deciding what is the correct response in a heated situation as she becomes more aware of her actions, finding it difficult to calculate the possibilities of the events that could happen if she said one line over the other. Being so self aware, she knows that if she loses her determination for just a moment, her progress may reset due to bottled up brashness. Simply enough, Johanna feels insecure about her appearance almost as much as her attitude, as first impressions are based on what you see when attending important events or simply attending work.

  • Johanna acts drastically different towards friends and who she considers to nearly be family. Once she's allowed you to be her friend, she cuts loose and allows her true self to shine through, that being bubbly and playful. She puts her heart and soul into friendships and relations with those she genuinely trusts, which may be the reason that when she loses someone whom she cares for, it hurts so badly. Regardless as to the circumstances with her current friends and family, she refuses to give up on them, ultimately supplying them with a bottomless barrel of support and love. Johanna often acts as if she's a mother figure for those she cares about, as she's normally the advice-giver.
  • Johanna's mortality wavers between good and neutral. She attempts to follow her own set of rules for herself, while also obeying City laws and respecting the views of the Alchemia and other charters she's in close relations with. When duty calls and her assistance is needed, she tries her best to remain as the 'good' in the situation, to avoid being considered as something other. Johanna rarely breaks the laws of the City. However when she does she has good reason to, whether it be that she had been threatened prior or it clashes with her strong beliefs.



Birth: Johanna was born to a Cielothar and an Altalar as a halfling on March 7th, along with her twin brother. Due to unfortunate circumstances, her mother died during childbirth. As a result, Johanna was raised by her father among the Altalar and named Caoess'alloa Ellabis Syllbess'aos.

1 - 8 Years Old: Johanna spent these years with a stick of charcoal, or a quill in her hands. Her childhood was relatively calm within her family as her father taught her how to write and bought her ink and children's books to explore her own mindset.

9 Years Old: The ninth year of Johanna's life was spent preparing for the future. Her father told her and her sibling their plans, which included sending Johanna to the School of Atraves for defense.

10 Years Old: A few weeks after she'd turned ten years old, Johanna's father sent her to the School of Atraves where she spent time among other Altalar her age. She made many friends, no matter how temporary, and was always considered the goofy, yet stubborn one of the group.

11 - 19 Years Old: During this time, Johanna faced hardship and ease, both in learning how to control her temper and picking up the techniques of fighting with a stave.

20 Years Old: Johanna and her twin graduated from the School of Atraves with a sigh of relief and newfound determination, needs, and wishes. She begun learning how to tailor and worked on her poetry in her free time while maintaining an internship as a guard.

21 - 30 Years Old: Johanna continued to train with her twin and other members of the community, as she faced off against different styles of fighting to better herself. She was promoted to a recruit in the community's guard charter and maintained this for nine years.

31 - 35 Years Old: Johanna met a long-term lover through her years as a guard, the fellow Altalar's name being Ajo'mablles. The man became a big part of her life and soon enough, they were wed.

36 Years Old: Shortly after Johanna aged to thirty-six, she found out that she was with child, telling Ajo'mablles and finding joy in the start of a family. The night they found out, the pair of love-birds went for a stroll and a picnic in celebration. To their alarm, they were ambushed by a group of Ailor men who forced Ajo'mablles and child to their demise, and Johanna to her dejection.

37 - 40 Years Old: These were the years Johanna dedicated herself to self defence and medicinal practices, taught by physicians in the local clinic, in case another tragic event were to happen to her. She shut her father and her brother out of her life in order to focus and prevent herself from more heartbreak.

41 - 50 Years Old: Johanna continued her schooling in medicinal practices, picking up the study of anatomy and surgical procedures along the way. At this point, she completely quit her job at the guard charter in order to focus on the practices of healing while maintaining, but still progressing, her skill in Atraves.

51 - 56 Years Old: Johanna finally allowed her brother and father into her life, trusting them and involving herself more with them. She taught them both first aid and begun to write consistent poetry to her father in attempts to strengthen their frail relationship.

57 Years Old: Months after she turned fifty-seven years of age, Johanna departed from Daendroc with enough knowledge to sustain either a job in guarding or medicine. She left a note for her father and brother, allowing them to know her location, but not the luxury of when she'd be back.

58 - 68 Years Old: Johanna wavered from job to job and relationship to relationship. She managed to find herself entangled with two nobleman in her beginning years of becoming a citizen of Regalia. She kept both relationships a secret and only a select few know about them as she hopes that they will follow her to the grave. As for jobs, she served in the d'Vaud guard for a year and the Nordmark for months before they were considered traitors to the state and punished for their crimes. She also met a man named Shane Marth, someone who she trusted and considered a close friend, also the first person she trusted in Regalia.

69 Years Old: Johanna's twin finally arrived in Regalia, seeing what she had been doing and concluded that she had done a disservice to the family by romantically involving herself with Ailor. He sent word to their father, which ultimately caused her to be frowned upon and distanced further from the family, unwelcome for the time.

70 - 71 Years Old: Johanna considered her many options and decided to work for the Alchimia as a physician and guard. Johanna working her way up to High Physician from her astounding efforts.. She quickly fell in love with Shane Marth and became engaged while with child. However, after many arguments and decisions, Shane ended the engagement and ultimately found out that she was pregnant. Later, it was found out by the both of them that she had given birth to twins; Jonathan Elijah Sauer and Daniel Alexander Sauer.

72 Years Old: Johanna helped those around the slums that fell to Arken attacks, gang violence, and disease. She had also found new love with Hunsi Imad Na'im while his sister 'A' helps Johanna with the children. She had recently lost her High Physician rank.

73 Years Old: Johanna currently resides in a nicer home and takes care of her two kids with the help of the Alchemia Order family.

Present: Johanna is now the Director of Medicine at the Alchemia Order Apothecary and Clinic and has taken up work with the Howlester family as both a guard within the Vigilant Shields and a house guard in order to support her family. She has also been adopted into the Haaven family as Nadina and Zaan's sister.

[*]Johanna developed a new love interest in which she is currently pursuing.
[*]Johanna met with her Url brother and decided to follow in his footsteps. The pair hunted for an Oorl worm and soon began Johanna's transformation.
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Weapon of Choice: A simple dagger or non-lethal alchemy.
Understand. People in the School of Medicine take an oath to do no harm. I understand last resort, but take into account your character's oath even in the most dire situations.

Green Thumb: Herbology goes hand in hand with mending those sick or injured. Johanna is able to correctly identify and specify what is needed when healing those injured or ill by spending the majority of her time around herbs and medicines. She has a talent for appropriately growing them as well, having also been taught to do so properly. She treats her plants with the utmost care being a herbalist, careful to not take what she needs too soon, or too late.
Be careful in this. Stating a talent in herbology implies assigning the skills of a graduate of the School of Horticulture, despite your character never attending. I'd argue this is more of a skill for your Expansion section, and for safety, you should remove it or replace it.

Dilemma of Distrust: Johanna has a distrust for nearly everyone she encounters, whether it be from a courier or someone asking if she'd like a drink from the tavern. The only exceptions to this rule would be her friends. From years of betrayal and abandonment, the Avanthar has learned to accept only a select few into her personal life. Unfortunately, this can be a downfall, as those who mean well, or who could be a benefit to her life, she denies the chance. Sometimes, this can even brew tensions between parties, such as herself and a charter, noble, commoner, or criminal alike.
This is essentially a benefit disguised as a weakness. Distrusting people generally does more good than bad, as it means your character won't be gullible or fall for lies so easily. I'd ask you change this or remove it.

  • Healing: Johanna has developed a love for medicine and helping people. She's developed a love for the recognition she gets in aiding the Empire in the darkest of times by simply aiding in people's illness or injuries. The Avanthar spends the majority of her time at the Alchemia Order, mainly in the clinic tending to as many patients as she can. Although, there's a once in a blue moon chance that she begins to allow her worries and stresses get in the way of her job and love for the profession.
    "Ya tellin' me when some man comes in wit' a hand that's basically droppin' piece by piece from 'is body tha' ya wouldn't be /worried/? Hmph."

  • Music: Johanna has had a long-time love for music. It's one of her favorite aspects in life as it's full of different styles, sounds, volumes. Whenever she hears music when coming home from work or going to work, she stops to appreciate the musician's Spirit given talent.
    "Music is th'only thing that can connect ya to yourself."

  • Food: Despite Johanna's high metabolism, she enjoys food almost as she enjoys music. If she didn't enjoy food as much as she did, she'd have given up cooking years ago. Fortunately enough, she hasn't and even has successfully recreated dishes that inspired her to do so.
    "I coul' eat 'till my heart gives out."
  • Arrogance: Johanna despises arrogance, firmly believing in there always being room for improvement. She huffs and puffs at the sight of seeing someone acting above what they truly are. She judges these types of people greatly, most likely not enjoying their company, or wanting to enjoy their company.

  • Losing: Johanna doesn't enjoy losing anything. When playing a simple game of cards, she can get frustrated due to the lack of winning. She asks for rematch after rematch until the other person gives in and wants no more, or until she wins. She feels the same way about debates, but it's less about winning or losing but more about morals and what is right and wrong.
    "I ain't a sore loser!"

Please put your Likes and Dislikes in your expansion spoiler.
@Muffins_ I fixed all of it. As for the oath, I'm fully aware and am keeping it due to those times if she does need it.
Thank you.
@Mooffins I added oranges to her Horticulture skill and changed relationships!
@Mooffins So sorry for so many tags! A very minor update, but I updated life story.
I updated the life story along with age, race, and removed talents and such to form the new system.
I'll be updating a bit more over the next few days, but currently, I've only deleted spoilers and updated the aesthetic! Sorry for the loss of tag again aaa. @Mooffins
UPDATE! I finished the major updates. Future updates will just be spoilers! I've put the changes in blue. Thank you! @Mooffins
Such a cute character I wish one of my characters liked her
@Mooffins I added 5 unarmed fighting and added stage acting to proficiency/cultural points. Also added Johanna gaining an aspect through ic means and such.
Need a new reviewer.

Also added the fact that Johanna is now an Url on top of fixing the proficiency points. General updates and clean up of the application to come later on.
Changed Johanna's original race before Url to Avanthar and updated her proficiency points. Life story will be updated soon! @Athelois