Preserved Sheet Jocelyn Sabrina Alicker

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never."
Elie Wiesel, Night.

Basic Information
lil peep wasn't relavant until he died.
Birth name, in full: Jocelyn Sabrina Alicker.
Age and Birthdate: 32, born on the 31st of July, 274AC.
Gender: Female.
Race and Ethnicity: Ithanian Ailor.
Sexuality: Asexual, no relations desired.

Situation in the Holy City...
While holding her income primarily from serving in the Vigilant Shield guard service, Jocelyn also supports herself by working in a bar in the harbor called the Grey Goose, on addition, Jocelyn is paid by a former contract over a troubling history in the Navy. This allows her to reside in 21st Valents Street in the Harbour District. She makes enough for ends meet, with a little bit of money to play around with at the very least.

Ties to Ithania...
Born in Salvot, Ithania to Céleste and Denis. Jocelyn was an identical twin when she was born, but her twin named Sabrina died hours after birth; resulting in her middle name being as it is. She knowingly has three aunties and two uncles in total, stemming from both sides of her family. They are named Margot, Gaelle, Peggy, Dany, and Arthur. Her grandparents named Sabine and Baptiste. She was once apart of a drinking gang, named the
Cercle des poètes disparus

Going with what suits best...
While Jocelyn does maintain a focus on building and maintaining power in the city of Regalia, she does also have secondary goals to improve the security and wealthfare of the city within and without. This is influenced by her experiences in Ithania, and the application of her knowledge to be sought into fixing the current defense system- which leaves Regalia on a run for its money constantly.


Skill Information
Honestly, are you even hard if you don't vape?
Jocelyn has 32 proficiency points available for disribution.
Who ate all my beans?
Jocelyn has invested her time (and proficiency points) into these subjects:

··· +20 points for Blades Training through Mercenary background. (-20 Contribution)
··· +2 points for Unarmed Training through Mercenary background. (-2 Contribution)
··· +5 points for Sailing Knowledge through Naval History. (-5 Contribution)
··· +5 points for Athletic Training through PTI background. (-5 Contribution)

··· +10 points for Bodycare Training through PTI background. (Ithanian Heritage

Body Shape

20 Blades Training + 2 Unarmed + 5 Athletic Training (x2) = 32 Physical Stat.
Ripped Body Shape.

Low Body Fat.

d'Ithanian, learnt through a childhood spent in Ithanian.
Common, taught through her induction to the holy city.

Dressolini, taught from a long-term Mercenary Contract.

Visual Information

Colour of the Eyes: Jade Green.
Colour of the Hair: Light Cool Brown.
Colour of the Skin: Warm Ivory.
Everyday Hair Style: Long Hair.
Working Hair Style: French Twist.
Clothing: Dresses and PT Clothing, preferably red.
The Height of Person: 5'9"
Bodytime of Person: Athletic.



Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph,
··· Jocelyn has come a long way from her former personality, filled with compulsive and reckless behavior influenced through alcohol and other substances. In her recent year, she has begun implementing the training she was taught and is likely perceived as an obedient and loyal companion towards a common goal. She acts with respect towards hierarchy and attempts to maintain relations with other people without a direct reason.

Second Paragraph,
··· Jocelyn has insecurities with trust, which makes any friendship she holds very worrying. She anticipates a common betrayal, stemming from her Navy career. This greatly affects her confidence and especially detailing her past, which she doesn't like about herself; creating a new chain of effects. Practically, Jocelyn is confident in her ability to perform by herself as she doesn't have to worry or maintain other factors she sees as a liability between people.

Third Paragraph,
··· Jocelyn is greatly fond of her family, though she struggles to maintain friends through her before-mentioned trust issues. Though when this fear is tamed, she does feel strongly about keeping friendships alive and working; which makes her dependent on friends. Though it isn't a directly obvious trait, but she behaves more openly and definite when surrounded by potential allies.

Fourth Paragraph,
··· While Jocelyn does maintain some self-movement through the expense of others, she is rather persistent as a good morality through her time inside teams. She does understand the expenses that have to be made at times, but she will often strive to create conversations over conflicts and come to a neutral agreement; which makes her a good negotiator, but dangerous when those aren't willing to listen.

Travels of the Alicker.

Early Life ( 0 - 10 )
··· Born in Evergrass Manor, a farm in Ithania as the surviving twin and the only child of the family, Jocelyn adjusted to a more than adequate life as her family raked money in left and right from expanding businesses. She was sent to a manner of schooling, helping her build up knowledge about Aloria and the way it all works but took an interest more in a physical practicality over financial or study-wise. Without even turning ten, Jocelyn was expected to be taught and understand mathematics which was frankly beyond her, helping build a dislike for schooling in that manner.

She was, however, enlisted to be undertaking outdoor activities with nobility in Ithania as her family traversed further and further. This had her participating in day trips and adventurous activities across the landscape throughout her childhood, all seemed quite well throughout until a disturbance was made near her tenth birthday. Her father, Denis, had discovered a rather incriminating discovery about the now extinguished House Celyreos doing dealings with a ghost organization but unfortunately, he didn't cover his tracks well enough.

While Jocelyn was out on a day trip, camping and learning to hunt with a selection of kids in the Ithanian woodlands. Somebody broke into their home, beating her father nearly to death before burning down the house with him still hanging on inside. She returned first, running after the discovery of a smoke stack in the wilderness. Her mother arrived not too long after. Without her input, it was decided to put Jocelyn in hiding, arriving at her last name Alicker in the city of Regalia.

Living in the Holy City ( 10 - 20 )
··· Jocelyn was left to stay with her auntie, Margot who ran a small orphanage in the city of Regalia which helped her remain silent in the city. Her mother funded her with a monthly sum and eventually, it was concluded that Jocelyn would be sent to the School of Tenpenny by the age of eleven to focus on making her fitness a more practical aspect in the eyes of work. She settled into the school with ease, already relatively fit from her teachings as a child which continued into her late twenties.

While within the School of Tenpenny, Jocelyn was often used as an aid by teachers while lecturing about maintaining physical fitness as that was the highlight of the job. She was considered an instructor within a year on it, at the very least but kept certain things going slow for the sake of avoiding attention from the incident before. During this time, Jocelyn fabricated the story that she was a d'Ithanian commoner who worked in a stable for her early life and usually uses this lie to describe her past before.

The Troubles Begin ( 20 - 22 )
··· Jocelyn past her time in Tenpenny, and moved onto a starter mercenary organization back in Ithania as she began making contact with her mother once again. Her career here was short-lived, as she had received a more than brilliant recommendation from a few of her former tutors to be integrated as a Training Instructor inside the organization which had her teaching physical fitness, foot drill and how to partake in adventurous activities to new recruits. Returning to Ithania wasn't taken lightly, as the repressed memories of her earlier years brought her night terrors and inevitably, that brought her to alcoholism relatively quickly.

One year of working for them had taken its toll and she eventually broke during a training session, when a troop was backchatting her after a spar before swinging a fist. Jocelyn took the punch and repaid the deed by smashing the troops head into the floor numerous times in a fit of rage; ending her service with them. Fortunately, her tale didn't end there as she was noticed by another mercenary organization months prior who had taken notice to her. She was invited to join a party traveling by ship to try and recover an artifact told about in tales, Raakhr's Ring, on the condition that she would sober up and learn the trade of Navy life. She accepted without a moment of doubt, without considering the endless search of an item which may no longer exist.

The Great Goose Chase ( 22 - 24 )
··· Hunting for months on a number of different vessels such as the Fancy, Prydwen and the Ace. Jocelyn and her crew found nothing concerning the ring but found supposed hints towards the Valei, alongside numerous tales of pirate utopias and strange vessels of power lost along the ages. Within her first year, the Fancy was lost and shipwrecked near Daendroque after a storm had been confused with a sea serpent and the crew became frenzied and incapable of working. She survived three months stranded in an unpopulated stretch of land with a handful of the surviving crew before they found their way home and started the cycle again.

The Prydwen was lost during a hostile encounter with a Songaskian Qadir Warship during the time Regalia was invaded by the Songaskian fighting force. The Prydwen was hit within an ammo dump on the lower decks, which ignited and blew a hole through the ship, resulting in a quick recovery from the Ace which eliminated the ship with heavy casualties and damages to the ship. During this time, Jocelyn was promoted to the first mate as the crew was equivalent to a skeleton, the remainder being young sailors barely old enough to drink.

The Ace, after making repairs, they began tracking their final lead on the ring. Jocelyn had been lucky from the last two ships, being one of six to survive both and the last to survive and return to the Prydwen after the Fancy was shipwrecked. The Ace docked in Regalia, after two years and two ships had been sunk and Jocelyn's contract was expired, with a monthly pay contributing to compensate for the incidents caused.

Under the Veil ( 24 - 30 )
··· Jocelyn, spending a year out of the fight felt the urge to get back into work and entered a Mercenary Order overseas named Eclypse. Strangely, she was selected to work under a new name in Daenshore to undertake to resolve an internal problem within the organization. Her tasking was to find and recover a stockpile of gunpowder, three missing ships and a large supply of coen-forged weaponry which had been captured by pirates hidden under different aliases.

Throughout her time, she finished six months before her 30th birthday with nearly five years spent searching. Through this, it was concluded a warship had been sunk, two had been renamed Vestry and Dynasty and were used by the pirates to attack further ships and the gunpowder and weaponry were found 1/3rd intact. After completion, Jocelyn resigned to find further work elsewhere.

Coming Back Up ( 30 - Current )

··· Disciplined and accomplished from years of work, Jocelyn began her time in Regalia and began organizing her own Physical Training Instructor business in the docks. It was shortlived before she began applying for new work. After working in the Vigilant Shield for a few months and leaving through the change-over, Jocelyn is now considering what her next move may be,

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Your character sheet looks pretty good and I love the quote btw. Great book and Elie will be remember for many years to come.