• Character Sheets are optional on MassiveCraft. You do not need a sheet to play or be whitelisted on our server. You only need a sheet if you plan to engage in roleplay combat.

Played Character Jian Ironhand

This character is actively played.


Tech Junkie
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
The Educational fungeon
Character Information
  • Full Name: Jianhu Ironhand
  • Heritage / Culture: Sihai/Eronidas
  • Age: 19
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male He/Him
  • Religion: Dogmatic Unionism
  • Character Occupation: Tyrian Viridian Knight
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Hair: Dark brown with pink dye
  • Height: 6'3
  • Body Type: Muscular
  • Additional Features: Golden rope earrings dangle from their earlobes, while their hair is neatly tied back with a vibrant blue ribbon.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Athletic Hobby.
  • Mechanics: 1 Sihai, 4 Eronidas, five total.
  • Languages: Common.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • Veteran Solitude
    • Veteran Swift Strike
    • Veteran Tri-Slash
    • Veteran Impurity
    • Veteran Banishment
    • Veteran Anti-magi
    • Melee Technique Parry
  • Constitution: 5
    • Iron Will
    • Rage Counter
    • Interception
    • Bulwark
    • Shield Cover
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Chem Purge
    • Chem Berserk
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 1
    • Guided Prayer
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 0

Category Explanations

All of the information necessary for filling out a character sheet is explained below per section. If you need any help please reach out to staff via our discord ticket bot or set your thread as Needs Help/Review! Click on the buttons to expand the category to view the information.

This is where you would put down your character's heritage! You can see the list of options here. If your character is of mixed heritage you put down which one they take after predominantly (for mechanical reasons).
  • Heritage/Culture: Huo-Chang Sihai.
  • Heritage/Culture: (Dominant) Kissut Eronidas.
This is where you would put down what religion your character is, you can have them pick from the ones listed here or have them not be a follower of any.
  • Religion: Dogmatic Unionism

Character Occupation
Describe your Character's job. You can make one up or state that your character is part of a Knight Order or a member of a Guild.
  • Occupation: Tyrian Viridian Knight

[Appearance Information]
This is where you describe what your character looks like! Under additional information, feel free to describe anything from clothing style to any features such as horns or magical mutations.

Jianhu is a towering figure of solid muscle, his Eronidas heritage evident in his broad shoulders and sturdy frame. His dark brown, nearly black hair falls in thick, straight locks, though the underside is dyed a striking pink—a rare splash of defiant color, tied up neatly with a blue ribbon. His warm brown, monolid eyes gleam with an easygoing joy, though there's an undeniable weight behind them, the kind carried by those who have known rejection yet still choose to smile.
A small pair of tusks jut from his lower jaw, more subtle than most Eronidas' but enough to mark his mixed blood. He moves with a relaxed confidence, carrying himself as if unbothered by the world, but there's an unhurried nature to him.

Off duty, Jianhu favors practical leathers and well-worn training attire, garments suited for a life of discipline and combat. But when duty calls, he dons the signature plate of the Viridian Knights.

[Skill Information]

Hobbies and Talents
Talk about any hobbies or skills your character might have.
Be sure to check out the list of hobbies to see the limits of magic and technology outside of combat.
Hobbies and Talents:
  • Painting.
  • Poetry.
  • Cooking.
  • Yoga Enthusiast.
  • Astrology.
Mechanics are mostly noncombative powers and features a character may gain from their heritage, being occult, occupation, or item of power. Each mechanic is explained on the page they are written on.
Characters of mixed heritage may pick between the mechanics of both of their parents for a total of 5.

Mechanics (5/5):
  • Eronidas have hardy physical digestive systems, capable of eating raw and spoiled foods and drinks without any issues or risk of illness.
  • Sihai can read the position of the stars anywhere telepathically, allowing them to know exactly where in the world they are at any time, even during daylight.
  • Eronidas have two independently beating hearts, meaning that even if one heart were to stop (damage/heart attack), the other would keep them alive.
  • Eronidas, however, because of their two hearts, have a faster heartbeat, resulting in a quick temper, and their bleeding being more profound (this does make them die faster).
  • Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
All Characters can speak Common. Additional languages can be chosen from the Languages page, within reason, such as being raised in that culture or study.
  • Common.

[Life Story / Plot Hooks]
Discuss any parts of your Character's backstory here that you think others might want to know, or just things about them that other people can use as reasons to roleplay with them.
Born in the Regalian Empire, Jianhu is a foundling who never knew his parents—only the name they left him with. Everything else in his life was shaped by the Viridian Knights, who took him in at a young age and sent him to the academies for training. His path was guided by his adopted guardian and mentor, Henrik Osmont, a knight who saw potential in the abandoned orphan and gave him not just a future but an aspiration to carry forward.

Now a fully-fledged knight, Jianhu serves in the Regalian Chapter of the Viridian Order, patrolling the city and upholding the law with a steadfast but approachable presence.

Potential Roleplay Hooks:

  • Ties to the Viridian Order – Fellow knights, squires, or academy graduates might know him from training or past missions.
  • Seeking Identity – Though he carries the Ironhand name, Jianhu has little connection to his Sihai heritage. Someone with knowledge of Dexai or his mixed lineage might be a source of curiosity or inner conflict.
  • City Patrol & Encounters – As a knight in Regalia, Jianhu interacts with all sorts of people, from nobles to commoners, criminals to merchants. There's plenty of room for interaction, whether it's helping someone in need or dealing with a dispute.
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