Preserved Sheet Jesc Pinfcail

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Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Jesc Pinfcail (Pumpkin)
  • Race: Cielothar
    • Subrace: Aiel
  • Age: 33
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: He/Him or They/Them Pronouns
  • Sexuality: Demisexual
    • Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
  • Eye Color: Green
Core Concept

  • Jesc believes solely in Estel as the All-Mother, however has a place in their heart when it comes to the Yanar faith.
  • Jesc is a support focused character through-and-through, going out of their way to help anyone around them with their wounds or situations, physical or mental.

Proficiency Information

  • +2 Stave Combat (+2 from Points)
  • +10 Medical Training (+10 from Points)
  • +1 Needlework Art (+1 from Points)
  • +2 Gardening Art (+2 from Points)
  • + 15 Baking Art (+10 from Points, +5 from Cielothar)
  • +10 Husbandry Art (+10 from Hobby Points)
  • +10 Horticulture Art (+10 from Points)
  • +6 Arcanology
  • +9 Sorcery
Physical Stat
  • 2 Stave (1) + 10 Horticulture (0.5) + 2 Gardening (0.5)= 8 Physical Stat

Ability Information

  • Arcanology
    • Affliction Knowledge
    • Curing Knowledge
  • Medical Training
    • Light Mend 1
    • Light Mend 2
  • Sorcery
    • Astral Being 2
    • Elemental Control 7
    • Elemental Brand 2
  • Cielothar
    • Age Control 1
    • Spirit Familiar 2
    • Element Control 2
    • Empath Sense 2
    • Restoration 1
    • Home Enchant 1
    • Magic Sight 2
  • Common (Free)
  • Saan (Parent)

Appearance Information

  • Jesc currently has no scars or mutations to be found, except some small ones from when they were learning how to fix their clothes and accidentally poked themselves with the needle.
General Appearance
  • Jesc is a 5'6 Aiel Cielothar with a greenish hue to their skin and brown hair that's kept out of their eyes; being on the thin side, they have just enough strength to open doors, carry boxes, and help some people up if they're not really big.

Life Story

  • Born in Daen within a Cielothar village, an owl being their Ta'rath that they named Loaf in Saan when they learn to speak, likening the bird to a loaf of bread in resemblance.
  • Spent a better part of their years learning how to help heal people, bake, and grow food.
  • After their trial, Jesc was adamant on their desire to help others without violence on their part. They did their best to learn all they could medically and magically that could either help prevent harm or protect others.
  • Regalia was never the first place they ever thought to go to, but with all that's happened in the world, it was one of the better places. It wasn't a permanent goodbye, for they'd still venture back to their village whenever possible, sharing what they learned while in this weird and large city.
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