Preserved Sheet Jennette Burton

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Jansen Burton, though she really prefers Jen, Jenny, or Jennette.
  • Age: 30.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor - New Regalian.
  • Main Ambition: Jen really really wants recognition, for anything. She loves attention. She craves it. She'll do anything to get it, too. She'll stoop as low as double timing someone or some organization. (Please, do not metagame this information.)
    • Secondary Ambition: Understand what she is, and why she eats people.
  • Special Permission: Witchblood.
Skill Information
  • 30 total Proficiency Points. (-10 for School of Griffer)
    • +10 in Thin Blades (+10 from School of Griffer)
    • +10 in Quick Fingers (+10 from School of Griffer)
    • +10 in Acrobatics (+10 from School of Griffer)
    • +20 in Improvised Weapons (+20 from proficiency points)
  • 30 total Cultural Points.
    • +20 in Vocal Music (+20 from cultural points)
    • +10 in Dancing (+10 from cultural points)
  • Languages.
    • Common.
    • D'Ithanie.
    • Alt-Regalian.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Simply down. She doesn't need anything fancy for her everyday life, but puts it up before she fights into a tight bun.
  • Skin Color: Slight Tan.
  • Clothing: A coat and dress that's colored red.
  • Height: 5'11 or 180 cm.
  • Body Build: Toned.
  • Weapon of Choice: Griff Blade, and anything on hand.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph.
  • To any of the mundane perusers of life, Jen is completely and utterly intimidating. Her normal sized stature would normally allow her to blend in easily, but her vivid green eyes betray her to be something else, something unknown. Should Jen find someone approachable, many would find her to be sweet, not sickly so, yet a slight difference in her tone and her actions. She certainly sounds carefree, but her movements are robotic and eerily planned. Jen has a bit of a reputation among the slums for her brief existence as a vampire, and has garnered many allies and enemies from said reputation.
  • Second Paragraph.
  • Deep within, Jen is cocky, confident, and any other words that could begin with 'c'. She holds no qualms about her actions or her plans, and usually abides by each of her steps. The Witchblood transformation did little to shake her confidence in her abilities, though the lost knowledge about what she is concerns her. At any chance Jen gets to learn about the ebbing of her green eyes, she'll take it.
  • Third Paragraph.
  • Jen, by all means necessary, will do well to keep her friends separated from her line of work. More or less for her own protection, Jen is selfish and ignorant when it comes to taking care of friends. Considering people close is enough for her cold heart. Family is a dangerous concept for Jen, too. Her last family member tried to kill her and the others have simply kicked her from their lives in an instant, leaving Jen with her crafty mind and revenge schemes brewing.
  • Fourth Paragraph.
  • Jen is a Chaotic Evil. Her morals are self serving, unjust, and serve to only benefit herself. All she does is to advance her plans to figure out what she is and what she can do. Attention remains her goal, but for the moment, she has to find out her abilities. Jen is wicked, ruthless, and all around evil. But of course, she dons the perfect mask of being a charming young lady with the oddity of strange eyes.
Life Story
  • (275 AC) Born to Keaton and Jodie Burton, a New Regalian couple within the Holy City of Regalia. Jansen had two older brothers, and her mother and father were somewhat well-off.
  • (Ages 1-5) Basic childhood. Aside from that, Jansen's elder brother, Hayden, passed away from sickness. Jansen was far too young to understand, however, it affected her parents greatly, and would do so for years to come.
  • (Ages 6-14) Jansen was heavily protected and spoiled by her parents, as if to make up for her brother's death. Her other brother had since left her life, and her parents had grown too old to create children, meaning Jansen was essentially treated as an only child during this time. She was also tutored in how to write in Common, in a rather uneventful few years.
  • (Age 15, 290 AC) Jansen was sent off to the Griff Academie, at the request of her parents. Though, quickly after she was sent over, her parents adopted a Velheim child, named Leifur. Jansen fell in love with the Ithanian culture and dubbed herself a new name, Jennette.
  • (Ages 16-21) Jansen trained in the School of Griffer, going through basic training and whatnot until reaching Warrior and graduating at 21. During this time, Jansen was taught d'Ithanie, and quite literally excelled at it, trying her best to learn all she could about this culture she fell for.
  • (Ages 22-30) Jansen took one trip to her home after she graduated, and met Leifur. She instantly hated him, though after some time they came to a shaky truce. Boy, was the household glad about that. Jansen left soon after this, and went to train more in Ithanie for ten more years.
  • (Age 30, 305 AC) Jansen has arrived home after reaching Champion level Griffer. She hopes to grab attention in Regalia and quickly become renowned. The reason why she moved back is to finally win back her parents' love (that she never lost) and in a way, be the best child. At everything.
  • During the recent Rikkira crisis, Jen fell in the face of a fight in the slums. Being a miracle she survived, and proximity to the dragons in the city, she began to go under a strange affliction only known to few. She now has the ambition to understand more about what she is now.
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  • Add one more sentence to the second paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the fourth paragraph.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Approved. Remember to register your special permission!
Updated life story and included new affliction of vampirism. I'll be redoing her personality eventually as well when I have more time. Reviewer is no longer staff.
'ello, I'll be putting this through a Staff Review!
Staff Review!

- I'd like you to expand on the 'Emotional' weakness.

But that's all, any changes in pink please!
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Sorry for the delay @Belgrade it slipped my mind.

I'll be giving her a crushed hand as a weakness, stay tuned.
Updated Jen to the new proficiency system and updated her to reflect the changes of a freshly made Witchblood. @Staff Roleplay
Review time!
  • I would like you to note how her Phantasma infection reflects upon her personality. As in update her personality paragraphs to include it.
Review time!
  • I would like you to note how her Phantasma infection reflects upon her personality. As in update her personality paragraphs to include it.
I was planning to do that, but my vacation trip got in the way of things. Expect something around Tuesday! Sorry!