Preserved Sheet Jehenna Howlester

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Oct 3, 2013
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Victoria Valiant Medical Regime




« Basic Information »

Full Name: Jehenna Gianna Howlester, formerly Lampero.

→ Nickname: Jen, Jenny, Mother Howlester.
※Age: Forty five years old.
※ Gender: Female.
※ Race: Ailor, Dressolini.
※ Sexuality: Heterosexual.

« Expansion »
Jehenna's main duty in Regalia is to her six growing children, however her recent aim is lift her position as surgeon with her medical knowledge and to better apply her talents for a better purpose. She has begun to realize the importance of devoting her attention to her children rather than her own needs, while she currently resides within the Howlester Castle with her family after thirty three years in Regalia.
Jehenna was raised in a loving environment in Vultaro with her dear brothers and father, during her youth, she lacked a mother, finding it difficult to pick up on the expected social graces and etiquette that seemed to be assumed knowledge upon her arrival in Regaila. She was born to Audrei and Thaddeus Lampero, the youngest of her three brothers Basium, Tristan and Lysander; All of which she adored dearly.
While her primary focus is her children, Jehenna also wishes to pursue a surgical position within the Medical Union to apply her knowledge and invest time in research, a goal of which is heavily supported by her kin.

« Skill Information »

※Proficiency Points (45/45 used)

+20 Medicine (+10 School of Medicine, +10 Oath of No Harm)
+30 Surgery (+10 School of Medicine, +20 Points)
+5 Acrobatics (+5 Points)
+5 Horse Riding (+5 Points)
+5 Quick Fingers (+5 Points)

※Cultural Points (45/45)
10 Horticulture (+10 School of Medicine)
5 Instumental Music (+5 Dressolini Boost)
20 Bodycare (+20 Points)
20 Tailoring (+20 Points)
5 Dancing (+5 Points)

« Visual Information »

※ Eye Color: Pale blue irises.
※ Hair Color: Raven black.
※ Hair Style: Somewhat curly though often pinned tightly in a bun or out. Depending on the conditions, Jehenna may wear a head garment to appear composed and well-put together.
※ Skin Color: A pale complextion with olive undertones.
※ Clothing: Jehenna often sports the Howlester colours on her gowns and outerwear; however if another colour is worn then she will pair it with an accompanying sash to boast her family's colours.
※ Height: 5'9 ft
※ Body Build: Curvaceous.

« Expansion »
Jehenna, much like that of her siblings possesses a strong jawline, accompanied by prominent cheekbones; furthermore, Jen sports her Lampero nose, being a little on the larger side. Contrasting that of her brothers, Jehenna's brow ridge doesn't protrude as far as to shade her eyes, despite being positioned somewhat lower upon her face. The Howlester's eyes tend to have a soft gaze, not often carrying an air of strictness but rather that of a a boisterous and loving nature. Jehenna's lips are a lovely cupid's bow shape, her lower lip being rather plump, much like her top lip that sat in proportion above the lower. Her skin possessed little blemishes bar a faded scar on the right side below her eye, merely just under an inch in length.
Jehenna's frame supports her well, her legs being rather muscular as her larger hips and bust accentuated her curvaceous figure, her height peaking at 5'9 ft and her weight sitting comfortably around 140lbs with regular fat distribution considering her features. Jen by no means was muscular bar her legs, her upper body strength proving to be her downfall in regards to strength; However, Jehenna ensure she remained reasonably fit endurance and stamina wise. The Howlester bears no tattoos apart from a small sigil on the base of her left foot though faded beyond recognition. Similarly, on her left leg, an obvious burn scar spanned from her ankle up to just below the knee joint and a scar from the fifth rib down to the eighth rib from a previous injury.
Jehenna sports a ruby pendant, a symbol of her home from her former husband to remind her of her roots despite being so far from Vultaro and her family. The Howlester also wears her old wedding band and both engagement rings across her fingers though leaving her ring finger vacant of any rings.

Jehenna's voice is calm and soothing, rarely finding herself raising her voice or scolding unless she has to. Her tone is often caring and maternal to those around her she cares for, while being quite friendly and childish when enjoying normal conversations with friends and family; despite being able to uphold etiquette if needed, Jen usual speaks casually, not liking to get too stern in any situation unless it's needed. The Howlester's voice carries a slight Dressolini accent and as she ages, finding it hard to find a word used in common tongue from time to time.

« Personalities and Abilities »

Jehenna is often perceived as boisterous and kind to those around her, though to a degree she can appear as a little confused and hesitant more often than not when she finds a situation uncomfortable. When she's surrounded by loved ones and friends, she finds herself at peace both internally and visibly, appearing far more relaxed; However when put in a position where she's uncomfortable, particularly socially, she appears visibly unsettled and tentative in her approach to the situation. The latter is often seen regarding her children, her uncertainty in her own decisions somewhat obvious. To the public around her, she emits and aura of confidence and childishness as she mucks around occasionally with her children in public, the Howlester never quite coming across as stern even when it's needed for discipline, a trait she both envies and admires William for.
While Jen is overall quite pleased with life, her fear of making a mistake socially and within her family often overrules her lax nature at times and lacking in a sense of control, accompanied by the fear of losing her children. While Jehenna admires her former husband's new partner, she holds an overwhelming anxiety that she can't step up and provide what's needed, that her difficulty enforcing discipline will inevitably result in her not being the mother her children neither need nor want. However, Jehenna is a strong, confident woman particularly with tasks she finds a passion and excitement in completing, much like her surgical and medical training and procedures. She finds a new wave of confidence and an undisturbed focus when pressure boils to a head in the operating theater.
In addition, Jehenna is a closeted hedonist, though she doesn't dare speak of this to anyone, despite suspicions.
Jehenna is known for her loving and maternal instincts, always getting quite over-protective of her loved ones, she tends to act more like one of the children whilst enjoying their company though always providing a shoulder to cry on. The Howlester obviously adored her children to anyone looking from the outside, feeling free to enjoy herself while in the company of her family. When it comes to lovers, Jen is a loving and worrying partner, though far more confident with a partner by her side than when she's alone, finding a sense of security around lovers that she struggles to find elsewhere in her life. To those in her life, she's a confused yet charming woman, one incredibly thankful for the family and support she has.
Jehenna's morals are aligned with good, finding justness and fairness crucial in and symbiotic relationship between herself and another individual, as well as the relations between others. While she feels strongly about this, her morality may be ever so slightly twisted when loved ones are involved, her maternal and admittedly selfish instincts kicking in and overtaking her moral compass within reason. Jehenna finds herself fall under the alignment of a neutral good, avoiding biased and subjectivity, wanting to do the best she can; This however may sometimes shift more towards a more chaotic end of good when family and certain loved ones are involved. The Howlester adheres to the law and values doing so, as well as believing in personal and individual freedom, sticking to her word and fulfilling it as best as possible, thus strongly following a just law.

« Strengths and Weaknesses »

Jehenna finds her strongest weakness with her uncertainty and anxiety in family dramas, her fear of saying or doing the wrong thing often leading her astray or making her second guess her actions and judgement. This weakness is often shown in family disputes and distress, more often than not becoming distressed herself while trying to help handle the situation; The weakness feeding into her fear of not being the mother her children need.
Jehenna's tendency to be clingy often acts as a weakness, feeding into her need for security and affection, hence her love of flattery. The Howlester will find herself smitten with her lovers, clouding her judgment while also finding her own sense of worth hard to self-determine. While she enjoys preaching of knowing one's worth, she doesn't follow her own advice.
Jehenna's strength is the ability to piece together functions and abilities, how and why things act and spread the way they do on an anatomical level, proving an advantage in her medical studies and practices while maintaining a calm, steady hand under pressure and her ability to work with what she's got.
Jehenna's ability to get up and just keep going has served as a strength in some of her hardest times, despite the common feeling of loss and abandonment, both from her former husband but particularly her old flame Thomas Kade. His constant disappearance and reappearance, as well as his creation of false hope and a false sense of security made it hard to keep moving forward; Jen doesn't like to dwell on what she's lost, insistent on focusing on what she has.


« Relationships »
Immediate family:
Audrei Lampero - Dearest mother.
Thaddeus Lampero - Loving yet cruel father.
Basium Lampero - One of the few true lights in her life, her dearly missed brother.
Tristan Kade - A true best friend, her utterly adored brother.
Lysander Lampero - Estranged brother.

Rodderick Howlester - Her pride and joy, her beloved first born son.
※ Rosalina Howlester - While not a child by blood, she is held in her heart, beloved former stepdaughter.
Daina Howlester - A mini-me of Jehenna, her first daughter.
※ Tommen Howlester - A child at heart, her more fragile son.
※ Genevieve Howlester - The apple of her eye, her much adored daughter.
※ Celianna Howlester - The sassiest of them all, her truly beloved daughter.

Aldwynn Howlester - Somewhat of a black sheep, her loved yet confused son.

※ William Howlester - The love of her life, her first and former husband.
※ Thomas Kade - The one that got away, her first fiancee and former flame.
※ Warren Howlester - A brief time, yet a memorable one, the short lived romance that ended as quickly as it began.
※ Aron Santorski - Fueled with anger and distaste, yet an underlying intimacy.


« Life Story »

Early life

In the late evening on August 31st, 262 AC Jehenna Gianna Lampero was born to Audrei and Thaddeus Lampero. Jehenna's mother was a kind and nurturing mother figure, one in which greatly influenced her own maternal nature. Thaddeus, her father, treated her kindly and occasionally expressed his affection towards her as a father; However the cruelty he showed her brother was strongly impressed upon her, building somewhat of a resentment towards him.
Over the next fourteen years, Jehenna lead a comfortable life with her family, despite the absence of her brothers in Vultaro. Bar some occasional visits from her brothers, Jen was raised almost as if she were an only child though enjoyed the company of her cousins and siblings whenever they were around.
At the age of fourteen, Jehenna by the request of her brother Tristan moved to the heart of Regalia, a foreign land to her which soon became her home for many years to come. Upon her arrival, Jehenna found herself at a complete loss with etiquette and the new social hierachy; However, this didn't seem to scare her and later met her first flame, at the time Prince Thomas Kade, despite embarrassing herself often. The impressionable woman was soon molded by the world she was now exposed to, one of socialites, political notions and hierachy.
Despite the abandonment she'd faced from her then-fiancee Thomas Kade, Jehenna found a newfound comfort and companionship with one of his best friends, William Howlester. Their companionship soon turned to an arranged marriage, the two betrothed and wedded within the span of two months; Her time in the surrounding political scene ended up being too overwhelming at times, the Lampero turning to opioids for her relief before developing her addictive vices.
Within nine months of her marriage to William, Jehenna gave birth to her first child, a son named Rodderick in which she spoiled and devoted herself to for the next few years. Over the next decade or so Jehenna had mothered seven children, six legitimate and one bastard child to Thomas Kade in which she'd given up from birth; while she adored her children, Jen found herself faced with yet another obstacle to follow her through life, this being her post-partum depression.
During her time in Regalia, Jehenna attended the Haüwald Academy, a school of Medicine to thrust herself into the intricate knowledge that enabled her abilities as a physician, researcher and later lead her to the specialization in surgery and the study of surgical techniques in major bodily injuries, specifically Ailor.
※ During 304AC, whilst in the midst of the Anahera usurpation, Jehenna found herself teamed up with Ania and fellow female companions in an attempt to overthrow the control of the tower in which her then husband and others were held captive. To their success, Jehenna aided in organizing the assembly of allied forces to rescue her husband, this success carried though a strong sense of confidence and leadership for many years to come.
※A while later, Jehenna found herself in the middle of a divorce with William, constantly blaming herself for the divorce due to her neglect of her husband in his times of need.


Recent times
Currently, Jehenna spends her days studying and focusing on her children as her first priority, her second being her application of her medical knowledge and skills to further her practices. She is currently situated in the Howlester Castle as her home, enabling her to enjoy the company of her children and family. The Howlester aims to make a name for herself in her field of expertise, hoping her efforts wont be in vain.


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