Jean-pascal "the Saint"

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Testlo, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Testlo

    Testlo Terry Seattle

    Aug 29, 2017
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    • Name: Jean-Pascal Vrière-Illumin La Tour Coeur Buffle Brochard de Saint-Agellèmes
    • Shortened: Jean-Pascal Brochard
    • Alias: Saint (Ironic given his nature)
    • Age : 35
    • Race : Nōthorc Orc
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Preferred Weapon: Blackguard Tower Shield and Imperial Gladius.


    <Age 35(Points) + 5(Base), +10(Hobby), +10 (Talent)>
    +10 Hobby left out!

    • +15 (10 Points, 5 Base) - Sword Combat
    • +20 Points - Shielding Combat
    • +5 Hobby - Siege Command
    • +5 Hobby - Strength Training
    Body Stat - 35
    Burly, Built on body fat.


    • Mother tongue - D’Ithanie 10/10
    • Free- Common 10/10
    • Father Tongue - Vashkularr/Vashnōlor 2/10 (Does not fully understand due to upbringing)


    • Eye Color: Grey iris, Brownish gold pupil
    • Hair Color: Brown, sometimes dyed blonde.
    • Hair Style: Always buzzed.
    • Skin Color: Beige
    • Clothing: Loose shirt and pants with long or short jacket.
    • Armoured: Fully backed-out Blackguard Blacksteel armour set that was fitted and customized.
    • Height: 7 foot.


    Personality Type

    • Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    • Character Personality Type: Executive
    • Character's Religion: Unionism 5/10


    Jean-Pascal was trafficked from an unknown location to the Ithanian City of Saint-Agellème, he was bought by an influential family in the Ithanian Sovereignty and was sought to be raised into an established paramilitary asset to them.

    In Jean-Pascal’s early youth he was trained and tutored by Blackmark mercenaries hired by his adopted family.

    Jean-Pascal was always told that he was different from everyone else, he now started to see that as his pointed ears and tusks now started to grow larger. He would get his ears professionally smoothed and tusks ground down to the bare minimum, looking more ‘normal’.

    Around this same time, Jean-Pascal’s training became more intense, the Blackmark mercenaries would start to train the young Nothorc in offense and new guerilla tactics, nothing he ever knew before. He would often join the Blackmark mercenaries in most of their day to day goings, advised by his adopted parents to do so as they didn’t want to babysit him, they didn’t even show any affectionate love to the small boy, so this was the only comradery that Jean-Pascal could get. Jean-Pascal would start catching on habits and lingo that the mercenaries used, being quite crude in nature though of course his adopted parents never paid attention as they were never around Jean-Pascal, only visiting him every month for an hour a day to see his progress.

    Every day was a struggle for Jean-Pascal, now in his late teenage years he would be combat ready and would have learned a lot from his years of training, his paramilitary career would soon start with the Ithanian Sovereignty. His first role that he would play was a very small one, this role was used to see how he operated within the system, he acted as a Policier Militaire which essentially was used as a main operating group of skilled combatants, mostly mercenaries, that protected important Government officials as well as important Government buildings. Jean-Pascal would stand guard, not using his training to the full potential but after a year of his standing by Jean-Pascal would stop an assassination attempt on an influential Sovereign Prince who played a key role in their government. Jean-Pascal was recognized for his heroic action and was later promoted within the Policier Militaire, serving now in the Tactiques Spéciales division which acted as a special group of the Policier Militaire which succeeded in executing warrants through raids, community policing and responding to direct orders from the Sovereign.

    Although he was raised and taught to serve the Ithanian Sovereignty, Jean-Pascal didn’t have any connection with the Nation but felt a stronger bond and fraternal union with the Blackmark mercenaries that practically raised and trained him, soon abandoning the Sovereignty just before the southernmost Hivres riots and the Bone Horror Crisis hits. He along with the few Blackmark mercenaries that left moved to merge with Ryker Lampero’s armed militia which at the time was only starting to grow. The army would consist of primarily Orcs and Half-Orcs but Blackmark Mercenaries too, or what was left of them.

    At the start of 304 AC, Jean-Pascal participated in the Purge of Vultaro, being put under the company of Ryker Lampero himself. At this time, Jean-Pascal would be seen as an important figure within the force because he would be quite good at finding anti-Imperial rebels, executing most of them himself, earning him the ironic nick-name “Saint”, which would stick. After the inquisitions, Jean-Pascal would soon find himself following Ryker Lampero again to Lampeporta where the army took control of the city, killing off any remaining rebels in a swift manner.

    The Knightly Order of The Blackguard was soon formed by Ryker Lampero, Jean-Pascal joining its ranks, becoming a First Sergeant after pledging his loyalty to the Iron Duke. The army would take power in Montania after the elimination of House di Alan. Since then, Jean-Pascal was held up in a stronghold in Lampeport until he was ordered to make his way over to the Holy Imperial City of Regalia where he would be given the task to spread the influence and name of the Knightly Order in a positive way through whatever means necessary.

    Jean-Pascal would find himself in the City quite recently, having to establish contact with the current Blackguard Knights there first before anything.

  2. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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