Preserved Sheet Jean-marc Peirgarten

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Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
Knight with crossbow.webp
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Jean-Marc Silvain Laurent Peirgarten
  • Age: Twenty six
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor [Imperialized]
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: 26 - 10 School of Bloodcast = 16 Available. All used.
    • +20 Crossbow(+10 from School of Pavisa, +10 from Code-Bound).
    • +10 Large Shield(+10 from School of Pavisa).
    • +10 Improvised Weapons(+10 from School of Pavisa).
    • +6 Military Theory(+6 from Proficiency Points).
    • +5 Diplomacy(+5 from Proficiency Points).
    • +5 Battle Command(+5 from Proficiency Points).
  • Cultural Points: 26 Available. All used.
    • +15 Cuisine Cooking(+15 from Cultural Points)
    • +6 Pastry Cooking(+6 from Cultural Points)
    • +5 Tailoring(+5 from Leutz-Vixe Culture)
    • +5 Sculpting(+5 from Imperial Culture)
    • +5 Bodycare(+5 from Cultural Points)
  • Languages:
    • Ceardian 10/10 | 11-20
    • Leutz-Vixe 10/10 | 0-10
    • D'Ithanian 10/10 | 0-10
    • Anglian 2/10 | Currently learning

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
  • Hair Style: Ever-changing.
  • Skin Color: Very lightly tanned.
  • Clothing: Just about anything and everything.
  • Height: Six foot.
  • Body Build: Muscular.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Jean-Marc has recently come back to his previous mentality of causality and comfort. Finally getting over his period or 'phase' of militaristic discipline which he picked up for no apparent reason other than because it was exposed to him. Around strangers and random people on the streets or in his presence the Peirgarten tries to remain as casual as possible without displaying signs of disrespect, or gross incompetence. Keeping to his 'please's and 'thank you's, though unafraid to crack a joke and conversation in a friendly manner with those he does not know well. Many may know the man for being generous, honorable, and zany. Though with that said, the man is quick to come to defense if a stranger shows aggression or agitation towards himself or his family.
  • Second Paragraph: Jean-Marc does have some internal conflict despite his confidence and prowess in body and combat. The Peirgarten is less than confident in his abilities with reading and writing, often switching around letters when he is not meant to. Words such as 'bed', becoming 'deb', so on. Because of this he avoids public readings, or stepping up if reading is necessary when there are others around also capable of reading. With this switching around of lettering it causes Jean-Marc to both read and write slower than the rest of his family and most other upper class citizens with an understanding of literature. Worried to make a fool of himself, the Peirgarten keeps to the more basic forms of words while in writing, avoiding those long enough that he may get switched around and confused in spelling.
  • Third Paragraph: Jean-Marc is much the same with his family and kin than he is with the public. Though, even more casual, basically having no understanding of etiquette or the such when around them. Though, that doesn't mean he acts as a child, despite what some of his family may say. Acting as the uncle or brother role to just about everyone, Jean-Marc loves making his family laugh and have a good time. Spoiling them on more than one occasion. With lovers, Jean-Marc is very passionate and intimate, though at times has sudden sparks of intensity where that slow and loving nature becomes more. Friends, Jean-Marc treats his friends as one would expect. Drinking with them, having a laugh, the usual stuff for the man. Just, he holds more trust in them. Willing to talk to them about his life problems.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Jean-Marc's morality is concrete in certain aspects, though some are still left up to the wind. For example, due to his schooling in Pavisa and loyalty to the code he knows to not take up arms or issue threat to those that cannot defend themselves, even if they may be in the wrong. He is a charitable man, believing that doing such as alms will grant him a happy life and a long life that otherwise he may not have. As such, he is not quick to show unwarranted aggression and spite towards someone. Further, Jean-Marc finds himself disgusted by any form of corruption or brutality on those that are not given the right to defend themselves. Seeing it as a horrendous slander of any honor the corrupted once held.
Life Story
  • Born to Silvain and Marielle Peirgarten in the year of 280 AC in Brissads.
  • Jean-Marc had a relatively normal childhood. Spending much of his time with his family, or out exploring the wildlife.
  • At the age of fourteen Jean-Marc would want to explore further than just the land in which he knew for most of his life, traveling to Montania to attend the School of Pavisa. Having found a liking for their Code and way of working, he stuck with it.
  • Through these ten years of his life he was trained with a crossbow, a shield, and even began to learn how to use everyday items as makeshift weapons as it was part of his works in the school.
  • At the age of twenty four, Jean-Marc was officially considered a graduate and a knight of Pavisa. Though he was proud of his accomplishments, he did not grab or showboat them. Keeping a more modest approach.
  • During the times of Freya Lo Jean-Marc attempted to help in the resistance, though near the beginning came to a injury, leaving him in physical recovery of his leg, taking him out of commision for this time periods fights.
  • After the attack of Freya Lo all was mostly calm in Regalia, Jean-Marc serving in the Regalian wars where he could, though he found a comfort with his family.
  • Never staying around for long Jean-Marc began traveling a few months after the Freya Lo occuption. Mostly doing marches and marathons for charity drives, and hunting expeditions. Because of this the man has had the chance to explore much of the archipelago.
  • On July 11th Jean-Marc returns to Regalia after two years of being away. Reuniting with his much loved and missed family.
  • This is where our charitable knight is now, living in the Crown City of Regalia with his family. Wanting to serve and protect all those that need it.
  • After some time in the city and after watching his family shift over, Jean-Marc decided to Imperialize to broaden the jobs available to him and to show his dedication to state.
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@seoulmate Amelina Peirgarten {Cousin}
"She's so small but so scary."
@Jareth Orianne Peirgarten {Cousin}
"I question if she can carry the weight she's putting on her shoulders."
@Anarchizm Julius Peirgarten {Adopted Brother}
"Blinded by desires of flesh. But a good man."
@_Owlet Maxence {Disowned Brother}
"I miss him greatly."
@mochalattes Marie Peirgarten {Adopted Cousin}
"She had mistreated myself and those around me for the last time."
@sincerelymeme Violane Peirgarten {Sister}
"A little ball of aggression and happiness."
@mcmann Noelle Peirgarten {Adopted Sister}
"Very ambitious, a bit annoying."
@violattes Cecilia Peirgarten {Adopted niece}
"A studious young girl. She'll do great."
@DiabloDonut Alarik {Disowned Nephew}
"He made a wise choice. Painful, but wise."
@brooke_stinks Julienne Peirgarten {Cousin}
"Not sure what to think of her. A bit too blunt."
@Walnoodle Seraphina Von Ebene {Friend}
"A bit rude, but I trust her and she keeps my family safe."
@Sujitation Sibyllad Lykke {Friend}
"I can't understand her half the time, but shes a fun person."
@GrimDeValhalla Taveric Yurkier {Annoyance}
"He questions every decision I make. Damn Isldar."
@KingdomKnightz Zelgius Pavise {Friend}
"Trained, responsive, capable. Truly the best guard I've met."
@CyberMo01 Cieli Le'vilja {Friend}
"I can't say her last name, but she's active and keeps my family safe."
@WrongChat Hansen Viduggla {Uncertain}
"A good man. A great one if the sneaking around would stop."
@Resirolas Silyoran Haaven {Friend}
"A newly acquired thing. I think she's with my nephew."
@FluffHairBebop Bruce Everstone {Trusted Friend}
"I would trust this man with anything. I consider him family."
@Ceilidhe Si'Zralli Zu-Yaotl {Friend}
"A cute little Allar that is always at work on time."
@katieisdecent Lea Aalders {Friend}
"Someone I can talk to when I need to."
@Nathan Cypri de Letoirneau {Leaning to Dislike}
"A small man riding on du Polignac legacy. Acting as if he were part of their history without knowing it."
@MidWaifu Ada de Letoirneau {Neutral}
"A kind girl, rumor may have made my words more harsh than needed."
@Miss_Silver Ana de Letorneau {Neutral}
"A woman I have met only once or twice. I hope to know her better."
@Nesstro Aprilly Demarais{Close Friend}
"If it weren't for me being a noble I would ask for her hand."
@Nano_Kay Aston Domincy {Acquaintance}
"A wise man who is good to talk with, but conversations quickly die with him and get awkward."
@Luxellea Luna Domincy {Friend}
"An engage-able lady, nice to talk with, though is often quiet in conversation."
@BeashSlap Garth Viduggla {Indifferent}
"I have great respect for his family, but he should hand patriarchy to Hansen."
@nath_n Aliskander Viduggla {Un-trusted}
"A man who my sister thinks is stalking her. I'm watching him."
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Woot! Let's get down too it!
  • ALL personality paragraphs will need to be expanded by two to three sentences. They are all a bit barebones as far as those go and I believe, looking at the rest of the application, that you can do better. Always be improving!
  • The life story is much the same. Refer to above.
Otherwise it looks good. Funny gifs is always a plus. Make the edits in the color of your choice and @tag me when you are done.
@Percuriam I believe I have made the appropriate edits. I am no good at life stories.

EDIT: Hope its alright. Took two points from body care, put it into vocal music. That is all.
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Marked that Jean-Marc graduated at twenty four rather than at twenty as I was told you can not enroll to a knight school until fourteen.
All requested edits made.
Jean-Marc is now a Pavisa rather than Bloodcast, and is no longer an etiquette craving freak. All edits made in pink.
Had to fix my app as all my dividers and images broke after the forums going offline. Also added Imperial Culture onto Jean-Marc. Last sentence of his life story having to do with such.
Nothing changed other than culture and proficiency updates.
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