Preserved Sheet John Karalais

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Jean-Luc Percival Karalais
    • Nickname(s): John Karalais
  • Age: 31
    • Astral Sign: Capricorn
  • Gender: Male
    • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Race: Leutz Ailor
    • Lineage: Woaden
Skill Information
  • 31 + 5 = 36 Points to Spend
    • 20 Hunting Knowledge [+20 from Points]
    • 10 Common Shortbow Combat Skill [+10 from Points]
    • 10 Architecture Arts [+10 from Hobby]
    • 3 Athletics Training [+3 from Points]
    • 3 Labour Training [+3 from Points]
  • Languages
    • Leutz-Vixe (Native)
    • Common (Fluent)
  • 20 + 10 + 3 + 1.5 = 34.5 Physical Stat Points
    • Athletic Body Build
    • Low Body Fat
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale Blue.
  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Wavy, Messy Man-Bun.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Coat and Boots.
  • Height: 5ft 11in.
  • Weapon of Choice: Common Shortbow.
Personality and Abilities
  • Personality Type
    • ISTP-A Virtuoso
  • Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Religion
    • Unionist (3/10)
Life Story
Jean-Luc was born Jean-Luc Percival Ravenstad to his father Percival Ravenstad, and his mother, Adelheid Ravenstad née Brandebourg, on January 13th, 277 AC in Chärlz House, within Vieux-Provence, Brissiaud. He was born a year after his elder sister, Cecile, and three after his elder brother, Xavier. Like his father before him, he'd be the youngest child, as well as be the birth that killed his mother. As a child, he didn't see much of his father, mostly due to Percival being busy with Viridian matters at the time. In lieu of that, Jean-Luc found a second father in his uncle, Anton, who was the sitting Revain of the Hinterlands at that time. Surely, nannies and servants saw to the majority of the young Ravenstad's early life, but his uncle was the "fun uncle" as he grew into his childhood. Early education went off normally, but it was the outside that interested Luc, not the inside. From as early as seven, Jean-Luc spent a lot of time out with his retainer guards and caretaker, as well as Percival and Anton when the latter were able to find the time. At ten, Percy became more proactive as a father, and it seemed Jean-Luc got the soft side of the knight, rather than his elder brother Xavier, who got the tough shoulder.

Jean-Luc went out a lot with his father and uncle on their frequent hunting trips as he got older, and having no real niche or hobbies of his own, took on theirs instead. As long as the hunt wasn't too dangerous, Percy and Anton would often take the boy out with them into the Bos de Bris, going as far as to handing him a bow himself to take down prized stags or hogs with. Luc had a knack for it, his father claimed it was his blood that made the boy so adept at hunting as young as it was, but Luc wasn't convinced that should be the end of it. Using the vast libraries in Machellon at his disposal, a twelve year old Jean-Luc took to studying the treatise by Ser Halberd Huntverk, "Huntverk's Annal on the Essentials of the Hunt", beginning his foray into the training of becoming a true Huntverk, his idealized calling. Either too preoccupied to care, or quietly supportive, Percival did not interfere, knowing the succession of his brother was secure enough for his second boy to be left to his own devices. Luc tutored under one of the family retainers, Master-at-Arms Wulfram Ravenstad-Krier, to be able to better utilize his skills with the shortbow, but there was little the Ravenstad-Krier could show him about hunting that Luc didn't already know. In his frustration at not being able to further his skills, Luc tried to turn to his brother, Xavier, and his friends, Richarr and Vulmar Ravenstad, for entertainment. It became clear quickly, however, that he wasn't entirely welcome with the trio, and felt admonished and even jealous of Richarr and Vulmar for being considered more of brothers to Xavier than he ever was. This only served to embitter him more as a person.

Knowing his son's ambitions and frustration at his learning being stalled, Percival contacted a local Huntverk expert, Ser Carryn Vaardenwood, to be his son's tutor, and Luc the Vaardenwood's ward. Ser Vaardenwood was in his middle ages, but was able to help Luc more than any Master-at-arms could. He helped the teenager utilize Huntverk's teachings, and further his skills at hunting, but did more than just that. Carryn believed there was art and philosophy in hunting, and passed that down to his ward. Furthering his own life experiences, Jean-Luc accompanied Ser Carryn on multiple hunting trips, either further in Brissiaud, or up to Calemberg, or within Brixoid, and even further out. He tutored continuously under Ser Carryn, up until he was more of an adult.

Luc didn't do much of note after that, merely his pastimes revolved around honing his skills, hunting, and even moved into a backwoods cabin within the drier areas of the Bos de Bris forest, living for himself on the land just for the fun of it. He completely missed the Lo Crisis, going actually forgotten about by the world at large. He wasn't brought into prominence until his brother, Xavier, took the Ravenstad titles in 305 AC, which made him heir apparent. Luc complied to the vigorous grooming his ailing brother forced him into, but when it came to Xavier's death only a short few months later, Luc passed up the honours in favour of Vulmar. He wanted nothing to do with the Ravenstad patriarchy or it's political power, and resided to his cabin to toil away. During Vulmar's reign, Jean-Luc actually ended up forsaking his nobility and name, taking up the mantle of "John Karalais", a commoner. He longed for a common life, not wanting or enjoying his former one in the nobility. The now-John moved to the New Ceardian Colonies around 306 AC, building houses on the frontier and continuing his passion of hunting. It wasn't until about two years later did he leave the Colonies behind, deciding to see what his now-Common cousin, Vulmar, was up to.
Last edited:
Add the Tailoring Proficiency for his Leutz Culture, you Ravenstrudel.

But no really nicely done, as expected.
Character has been fully updated to common times.
Character is a commoner. Fundamental design the same. Updated to current formatting and roleplay rules.
Needs new review and reviewer.
Claimed for review.​