Preserved Sheet Jason Van Der Veer - The Witchblood Noble

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Basic Information

Full Name: Jason van Der Veer

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Anglian Alior

Sexulality: Heterosexual

Proficiency Points
  • +15 Blades Combat Skill (+15 From Points)

  • +10 Heavy Bow Training (+10 From Culture)

  • +10 Front-Line Combat Skill (+10 From Points)

  • +8 Athletic Training (+8 From Points)

  • +5 Magical Knowledge (+5 From Points)
    Afflicthism Info
Common [Tutor|Fluent]
Anglian [Native Language|Fluent]


Eye Color: Green (Normal) Glowing Lime Green (Witchblood Curse)

Hair Color: Blonde

Hairstyle: Short & Wavy

Skin Color: Dirty White

Clothing: Black and Green Anglian Clothing

Height: 6 feet 5 inches

Body Stat: 25 Combat Skill + 16 Athletic Training (8x2) = 41 Body Stat

Body Build: Muscular

Body Fat: Low Body Fat


Jason is first seen as a charming young man who is the true Knightly Hero of all stories, or so he wants to be after reading the old stories of Knights and Heroes. Jason is the more social and friendly Carwell, also being called the black sheep of the family for his odd looks and actions. Others tend to think of him as the happier version of Robert, his brother. Though that isn't entire truth, he can be just as rude and serious but tends to be his happier and more friendly self. The stories have always lead him into the way he was, being the Knight that he is now. To be brave and compassionate towards his allies while facing head on towards his enemies.


Jason believes that everyone around him is his buddy, helping them out and being completely friendly towards them. Though his Viridian Training has kept him a serious man like Robert, but better looking and nicer. Over time, his feelings for others have made him more connected with his fellow Viridian Knights. His feelings hold him together, letting him be able to judge others easier when needed. His feelings keep him strong, what keeps him strong gives him hope during his darkest hour. His feelings make him more friendly towards strangers, wanting to give and spread hope through everyone around him with the hope of them listening and understanding his ideas when possible.

Friends and Family

Jason views his friends and family warmly and is very open with them. He is much the same with them as he is with normal people, being friendly and talkative. However he also is more willing to share how he really feels with his friends and family then he is with strangers. When it comes to family Jason does often find himself arguing with his Brother and the other males of the House as their overly militant and pragmatic attitudes often clash with his own ideals. Even through all the attitudes and clashes with his family, he is still the warm and loving man he has always been through his life. All they need is just a little more time to understand him.


Jason believes in the ideals of the fairytale knight, being brave and compassionate. This has largely shaped who he is as a person and what he does. He is trustworthy and honorable to a fault, much like the rest of his family. Jason supports many people, even those of other races and religions, being liberal leaning, unlike the rest of his family. He works within the law however and is careful to not break it. The ideals have given him the strength to fight on, to fight the good fight with his own bravery and compassion for his allies and the strength and destruction towards his enemies. All he needs is just a little hope to keep him going, the hope of everything being better in the end.

Life Story

0-6 Years Old

Jason was born to Jessica and Aumon Carwell on March 20th, 268 within the land of Angle Veer, Norreck. His younger days were spent learning how to read and write by his parent's servants. He always remembered the stories of the beginning of House Carwell, always making him more and more interested into combat. His mind raced as he'd hear the stories, his imagination ran wild like an ice storm as he'd hear the mighty battles of heroes and knights who battled the forces of evil. By that time, he knew what he would do when he got older.

7-13 Years Old

His time as a young boy was either spent on watching the soldiers and knights of his father's training or spent reading the stories of knights and heroes of the past and present, like his father. By the time he was ten, he was able to choose where he wanted to go to school. His final decision was to join the School of Viridian in the hopes of being like the Knights and Heroes from the story books. The day he arrived within Kurtenwald Castle, he knew he made the best decision of his life.

14-20 Years Old

Jason saw a long and dangerous journey ahead of him, training in the art of combat with a sword and shield. He became a well Knight within the Castle, training hard and long whenever he could. The time within the Castle felt like a lifetime as he trained in the courtyard, training until he either passed out or was forced to stop to keep his strength for the next day. Over time, he also trained himself in the Anglian Longbow as to hold the tradition of learning how to use the Heavy Bow. After training with the Anglian Longbow, Sword, and Shield, his training was complete. He had been named the "Sparrow Knight" after his family's banner and to show his swiftness in combat.

21-27 Years Old

His time within the School gave him hope, the hope of a better tomorrow, believing to fight for what is right. Sadly when he tried to leave the School, he felt incomplete. He knew right there and then that he needed to stay for a while long, until he knew he was ready to leave to face his family once more. His hard training continued on, his skill increased with the blade as he'd use that more often then his shield. His time and energy was also spent helping to training the young Squires when needed.

28-34 Years Old

Jason knew that he needed to leave some point of time. Almost at the age of thirty, he deicided to leave the wonderful Castle to travel around Regalia for a time. His training kept him at bay as Bandits would attack him from time to time. Jason's athletic skill increased more then his shield as he'd run from town to town, keeping his endurance up so he could withstand more attacks and move faster during battle. He was thirty-three when he finally decided to return home, after twenty-three years of being away. He arrived at the Hand of Man, everyone was surprised and thought that he was either dead or would remain at Kurtenwald Castle for the rest of his life. That night was odd though, waking up the next morning to hear from his brother that his father died after choking on a grape. He was surprised to hear of his father's death, sad to hear of the terrible news. The good news from his father's death was that his brother, Robert, had become the new head of the House.

35-38 Years Old

His shine time had began, stepping up to help his brother when needed. He sadly couldn't train any new recruits himself, but he watched closely as their army trained. He wanted to see their skills, strengths, and weaknesses. After some time, he became the Commander of the family House Guard, The Sickle Guard. He has kept this open to people who were willing to protect the family up and personal. At age thirty-eight, his brother Robert deicided to take him and part of his family with him to Regalia. Jason stayed home for a while, not sure about heading to Regalia until he decided to head there. Now, he lives within Regalia with the hopes of keeping the Viridian Order and House Carwell strong during these hard times. He is extremely happy about one thing during these times, his dream had finally come true, he is now the "Sparrow Knight". He just needs to be sure he can spread hope. After some time living in Regalia, he was attacked by an unknown Bone Creature during his sleep. He was lucky to survive, but it costed him much. He left the Viridian Order once the curse fully activated. After Robert's death from a group of bandits, he became the Baron of Norreck for a time. The pressure was on, he was a warrior. Even with his training to lead in the Viridian Order, he didn't believe himself as a leader of an entire land. Jason decided to have his aunt, Alyssa Carwell, married into House Longsae in order to unite Angle Veer together. With the marriage done and complete, he has become a van Der Veer with the unified family. Lately, he has been spending much of his time as a magical researcher about the different magical afflictions. Finally after much time as a Van der Veer, he passed away from the Witchblood Curse.
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Though his Viridian Training has kept him a serious man like Robert, but better looking and nicer.

Myra is better looking than all of you
  • My largest point of review is this; reformat your app. Section headers are missing, centre-aligning the personality paragraphs makes them difficult to lead, and there are gaps of irregular sizes between all of the sections. For example, the Visual Information section apparently merges into the Skill Information section, since there is no Visual Information header. Please rectify this.
  • Please lengthen your Personality paragraphs significantly. I want to know the reasonings for, causes of, and effects of his various personality aspects in regards to his social life. As with the previous paragraph, I'd like you to align these paragraphs to the left, and add the relevant header to distinguish this section from the rest of it.
Please mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done.
  • My largest point of review is this; reformat your app. Section headers are missing, centre-aligning the personality paragraphs makes them difficult to lead, and there are gaps of irregular sizes between all of the sections. For example, the Visual Information section apparently merges into the Skill Information section, since there is no Visual Information header. Please rectify this.
  • Please lengthen your Personality paragraphs significantly. I want to know the reasonings for, causes of, and effects of his various personality aspects in regards to his social life. As with the previous paragraph, I'd like you to align these paragraphs to the left, and add the relevant header to distinguish this section from the rest of it.
Please mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done.

Keeping the paragraphs in the middle and I updated the paragraphs with what I could. There isn't much in his social life anyways since he has spent his whole life either at the family castle or the home of the Viridian Order.
@Scribbe I moved my points around a little with the new Front-Line Combat Skill and divided my Shielding points for +5 to Front-Link and +5 more to Blades.
@Scribbe With A LOT of stuff going about, I decided to edit Jason's app a bit to where House Carwell and Longsae came together to unite Angle Veer. Now I changed his points around to where he understood how to lead an army at the very most into battle. He'd most likely learn it under his father just fyi.
@Scribbe I have changed around his points due to the freedom of not being the "General" type person anymore.