Preserved Sheet Jarrik Av Kongehjem Ⅹ The Child Of Rage

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Jarrik av Kongehjem (Jarrik of Kongehjem, lacks 'father' name.)
  • Age: 32
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Velheim)
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Religion: Old Gods (Union of Air)
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: Jarrik currently has a total of 32 points provided by his age.

  • +22 Axes Combat Skill (+12 points, +10 race boost)
  • +7 Athletic Training (+7 points)
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (+5 points)
  • +5 Extra Heavy Combat Skill (+5 points)
  • +3 Bodycare Training (+3 points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 12 (Axes) + 5 (Unarmed) + 5 (Extra Heavy Combat) = 22 + (7 Athletic Training x 2) = 36
  • Body Shape: Strongman
  • Body Fat: Built Body Fat
  • Common (Learned while integrating into the Regalian Military)
  • Tunge (Learned as first language)
  • Skodje (Learned while being exposed to other Velheimers while growing up)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Ogre Muter (Silven)
  • Oorl Muter (Silven)
  • Hellion Muter (Silven)
  • Beastlord Muter (Silven)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Golden irises and crimson limbus ring.
  • Hair Color: Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Simple short cut, brushed forward.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Airy, dulled clothing, often decorated with animal furs.
  • Height: 6'8" (195.58 centimeters).
  • Body Build: Strongman.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Strangers: Generally silent, yet observant, Jarrik is an emotionally stable and calm Velheimer. He wields great self-control over his actions and psyche. Opposed to the public's belief on Velheimers, Jarrik is far from a wild, savage barbarian. Though he generates a welcoming atmosphere, the Velheimer remains stoic. The silent, awkward nature may cause others to misperceive him. His Silven heritage creates a struggle between his persona and the populace. Jarrik avoids stirring unwanted trouble and expresses better restraint than most men.
  • Inner Feelings: Unable to speak out about his struggles, Jarrik is forced to internalize his misery and loneliness. He cannot properly vent out to strangers lest he wishes to stumble over his words, so instead he focuses on renown. Jarrik feels anxious about his future and his story. He feels as if his story will not be worth, and never be passed down generations, leaving him effectively snuffed out from history, becoming nothing more but a speck of dust. The Velheimer wishes to leave his legacy behind by immortalizing himself through stories and becoming the epitome of greatness. Jarrik aspires to be seen more than a brute.
  • Family, Friends, Lovers: Closely tied with his siblings and mother, Jarrik treats his ancestors and family with respect and adoration. He does not treat females or males any differently, as he strongly follows a Velheimer's lifestyle. Loyal to a fault, Jarrik provides a protective, yet sometimes overbearing, nature over his friends. He bestows the wisdom of an owl, the loyalty of a wolf, and the defensive attitude of a mother bear upon his friends. Even when polygamy is a widespread practice in Velheim culture, Jarrik prefers to be monogamous.
  • Morality: While capable of kindness, Jarrik wields a firm mindset over his choices. If he is forced to commit atrocious actions just for the sake of survival, then he will do so with some reluctance. The Silven steers away from chaos and channels his angers through his crafts. Hardened by years spent in Nordskag's army, Jarrik's mind is dulled to the horrors of war.
Life Story (Required)
  • Born 274 AC in the capital of Nordskag, Kongehjem, in the summer.
  • His father is known as Fury.
  • Overwhelmed by her motherly instincts and need for more children to support the household, Jarrik's mother could not bear the thought of abandoning him. She keeps him, somewhat sheltered from the outside, and nurtures him.
  • Growing up in the capital, Jarrik is universally feared and hated by the Ailor populace solely for being a Silven. Not knowing how to make friends, Jarrik grew up somewhat alone, but found comfort from his (mother-side) uncle. He, along with his other siblings, assists his mother with her fishing business.
  • Jarrik is indoctrinated into Old Gods worship. (280 AC)
  • The Ogre Muter occurs at the age 10. (284 AC)
  • Jarrik begins to emotionally act out against those who acted ill against him. Knowing what fate may come for his nephew if he continued with his act, Jarrik's uncle decided to nip evil at the bud and takes him on an adventure to Stillevand. The journey takes place in the middle of warm spring, lasting for about a few months. Jarrik's uncle teaches him the importance of self-restraint and many other life lessons.
  • The two return from their adventure. Jarrik continues to help with the family business and lives his life with a fresh, new mind-set.
  • Enters the School of Skagger in Nordskag, and spends up to four years until he graduates. (284 AC)
  • The Oorl Muter develops at the age 20. (294 AC)
  • Jarrik enlists himself into the Nordskag military. (294 AC)
  • The First Elven War arrives in 302 AC. Jarrik fights in the Regalian Armed Forces.
  • Jarrik participates in The First Songaskian War that begins around 302-303 AC. He also performs in The Battle Of Curag Fields.
  • The Hellion Muter appears at the age 30. (304 AC)
  • Beastlord Muter is unleashed. (304 AC)
  • Bone Horrors had risen up and besieged Nordskag's capital. Fortunately, Sorenvik, Santorski, and Zastorzy levies aided the cities. However, Jarrik's family happened to be part of Nordskag's countryside 20% population loss since they were out fishing.
  • Devastated by this, Jarrik drops out of the military. Overwhelmed by grief, confusion, and loss, Jarrik turns to drinking. (305 AC)
  • Feeling the sudden urge to explore and find his father, Jarrik departs from the capital and travels to Regalia.
  • Jarrik participates in The Mission to Äloï-läy. He was placed in the support brigade. The mission's outcome was successful.
  • Needing a job, Jarrik dedicates his loyalty and skills to House Sorenvik, returning gratitude for their levies that aided the city from the Bone Horrors. He currently serves as one of Kaya's loyal house guard.
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You are one point over in the cultural section. Please remove a point.
Updated to the newest proficiency system, changed muters, adjusted the lifestory and personality bits. @Vegemiite
  • Physical Stat: 32 Combat Points + (+7 Athletic Training + 3 Bodycare Training = 10 Athletic Points x 2 = 20 Athletic Points) = 52 Physical Stat
This is incorrect. It's 32 combat with 22 Axes + + 5 Unarmed + 5 Heavy. Then, (7x2 for Atheltic Training, so 14) = 46, not 52. Your error was counting another 6 for bodycare. Still viable for Strongman tho.

Alter that math and tag me when you're done.
Here is my review:

  • Skill Information
    • You have incorrectly calculated your physical stat by including your racial bonus. These never factor into the calculation. Following this logic, the correct total of combat proficiencies would be 12 (Axes) + 5 (Unarmed) + 5 (Extra Heavy Combat) = 22. Adding to this his 7 points into athletic training, the calculation would be 22 + 14 = 36.
    • This would mean that at maximum, he is capable of Muscular body shape. However, because of your Ogre Muter, he can be strongman if you so desire.

Other than that, this is a flawless application. Please rectify the calculation and tag me when you have! @Narrju