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January Bull 306ac.

Frieden und Segen
Synod dealing with the return of Lord Percival

Speaker Médard of Mt. St. Lucia - December 31st - January 1st, 306AC.


In longing of Salvation

His Holiness FOSCARI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness of Médard
Reverend of the Sancella in Regalia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial Benediction.

His Holiness Aherne
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial Benediction.

His Holiness Bellini
Reverend of the Sancella in Montania, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial Benediction.

His Holiness von Hohenstadt-Lohnhausen
Reverend of the Sancella in Calemberg, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial Benediction.

CURAE I - Sacrament of Slumber
CURAE II - Imperial Consortship
CURAE III - Sacrament of Harmony
CURAE IV - Surname/public stance

CURAE I - Sacrament of Slumber
Upon conveying His Imperial Holiness' message to the Synod, The Brother Reverends took great deliberation on the matters laid before them. Firstly, the Brothers of The Church found that The Sacrament of Slumber performed upon the unnamed body was invalid in the case of Percival Ravenstad (The living lord of Regalia). Yet The Sacrament was valid in the case of the nameless body. While the untitled and unnamed deceased will travel to the Everwatch through the blessed sacrament performed upon his body, Percival is undeterred by this matter, and thus the Sacrament of Slumber is unaffecting upon his name.

It shall now be the case, that the matter of precedence within the Sacrament of Slumber, is not the name used within the blessed Sacrament, but the body the Sacrament is performed upon. Let it be known, that in falling with the tradition of nameless burials, all burials shall bless the body of the dead, regardless of false name or false title used.

CURAE II - Imperial Consortship
In falling with the verdict upon the Sacrament of Slumber, The Sancella finds the following: Lord Percival shall continue his previous position as Consort of the Forth Corridor. The church finds that infalling with longstanding tradition, service to the Emperor is a matter of life, and should be considered such until eventual death or rejection by his Imperial Holiness. The church will consider Lord Percival a Consort of His Imperial Holiness, and find any such violations of this ancient tradition a heresy (such as touch, or contact with the Lord Percival).

A false Sacrament of Slumber will not, and should not annul any such service to the Imperial Spirit, Imperial Vessel, or any such holy institution. Furthermore, The Brother Reverends make one such comparison: if an Imperial Guard were to find himself missing in action, and presumed dead (as Lord Percival was). The Guard falsely named during a Sacrament of Slumber. Would this Guard, upon revealing himself alive, by released of the Imperial duty? The Synod found the answer to be, no. Thus, Lord Percival shall continue in his service.

CURAE III - Sacrament of Harmony
The Synod, after long discussion finds the following: The marriage between His Imperial Holiness, and Lord Percival Ravenstad is naught, and was naught. The Synod finds that the Sacrament of Harmony, blessed, and performed by Supreme Reverend Aethelred Von Ultor, was performed under political machinations, and undue sway, on behalf of outside parties. The Synod therefore finds the Sacrament to be invalid, and nonexistent in its articles.

The Synod, on other note, finds it perfectly acceptable for His Imperial Holiness to issue another such request, of his own volition and will, to have such a marriage blessed in the future. The Imperial Seat is within its SPIRIT given right to have any such marriages cemented via Sacrament, and the Reverends of the Synod are willing to do as such, under minimal outside influence.

CURAE IV - Surname/public stance
The Church finds, on this topic thusly: Lord Percival will neither be known as Kade nor Ravenstad. In accord with the wishes of Count Ravenstad and Lord Percival, he shall adopt his own surname, being affirmed by the Synod to carry on as one of noble blood and bearing. Lord Percival will neither be married to The Emperor, nor be a member of the Imperial Family (unless His Imperial Holiness so wishes).

In Short:
  • The Sacrament of Slumber will not effect Percival, however, it has ensured the unnamed body will enter the Everwatch
  • Percival will remain as Imperial Consort, and will continue his service to the Emperor in the Church's eye. Touching, or otherwise making contact with Percy will be considered heresy.
  • Percy will not remain married to the Emperor, and infact the previous marriage is considered to never have existed to the Church. A new marriage is welcome by the Sancella, if explicitly issued by the Emperor.
  • Percy will neither be known as Ravenstad or Kade by the Sancella. Instead, Lord Percy shall choose a name of his own, to live as an unlanded noble.
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We, with Synodical investiture do amend thusly:

Inkeeping with the loyal devotion, we The Synod, bear for His Imperial Holiness, CEDROMAR I: we have, through collective thought, and prayer, established beyond doubt The Former Supreme Reverend Von Ultor was of clean, sound, and spiritual mind, upon the blessing of His Imperial Holiness' coronation, imbuement with SPIRIT given right, and blessing of the Elective Succession which with anointed power invested him. We, in clear mind establish that only one such sacrament was tainted with political duress: that of Lord Percival Ravenstad's marriage to His Imperial Holiness.

May we walk the way unhindered,
Abbot Médard of Mt. St. Lucia