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Played Character Jannick Von Rolanthe

This character is actively played.


Jul 5, 2023
Reaction score

Character Information
Full Name: Jannick Felix Dirk von Rolathe
Nickname: Jan, Janny
Race: Ailor
Age: 21
Birthday: July 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: queer :)
Affinity: None
Affiliation: House von Rolanthe
House Mekrov - Formally
House von Kepler - Formerly
Occupation: Viridian Knight of the Eulenburg Chapter


Core Concept
Jannick is an soft, kind hearted, young man. He can come across as a bit dull but really is quite smart- not that you'd ever know it from his sunny personality. His main goal in life is to be able to protect and serve those who cannot protect or serve themselves. He maintains an optimistic view of the world and he continues to try to spread kindness and good in the ways he knows how to.

Jannick is a unionist who's whole life has been plagued by the loss of his mother to an ilness. He spends substantial time praying, hoping someone is looking out for him somewhere.


Inventory and Equipment
A small journal filled with scribbled writing and drawings.
Plate Armor
Steel Plate armor with leather holsters and wraps.
A large, imposing broadsword with his Artifact shield, Fernweh.


5 Strength
Technique Parry
Steady Body
Knockback Sweep
Force Toss
Diving Tackle

7 Constitution
Shield Block ( Free )
Shield Cover
Shield Slam
Calvary Summon (Free)
Mounted Getaway
Mounted Lancer
Mounted Armory
Mounted Hit and Run
Familiar Disrupt (Free)
Interception (Ailor Free Pack)

Medical Rescue
Medical Bolster
Medical Stance ( Free )


Ability Information
Calem, Native Language
Common, Fluent
Common Sign Language, Fluent
Leuz, Fluent
Kriv, Fluent
d'Ithanie, Conversationally

Ailor Perks
Destined Familiar
Intuitive Ear


Appearance Information
Jannick is a tall 6'6" man with thick, long blond hair, dull brown eyes and a lean swimmer's build. He clearly cares about dressing nicely, outside of Knight work.


Plot Hooks
Grew up in Hinter Calem
Attended Kalemburg Ordner Akademie in the City of Calemberg
Was once a Lothar Squire then transferred to the Viridan Order as a Squire- he is now a Knight Captain of the Eulenburg chapter

Ripley - His best friend and love, and now Fiance. They have known each other for years and have seen each other grow into the young people they are now. He worries about her deeply but knows she is smart enough to get out of any trouble she might find herself in.

Major Henrik Osmont - His beloved mentor, Jannick practically takes Osmont's word as law. He sees him as the older brother he never had, appreciating all the time Osmont puts into training him and housing him. He strives to be a knight Osmont is proud of.

Major Adagio von Rolanthe - Jannick remembers when Adagio got to Regalia. He remembers thinking that he seemed like the type of knight he would wish to be, had he stuck with the Lothar Order. Although their lives are different, Jannick finds Adagio charming and kind - much kinder than most would give any Lothar credit for.

Major Kreiger Von Karlisle - An unlikely friend found within a Major of the Viridian Order. He looks up to Kreiger as both a knight and a man, someone he desperately relates to and knows believes in him. In the last weeks, Jannick has found himself in the company of the Major more and more, becoming somewhat of a squire to him as well.

Sina Gray- A dear friend and relative who he had a habit of following around like a lost puppy. She didn't seem to mind it though.

Ser Mykola - A good friend of his, someone he respects greatly. He always finds himself in some sort of trouble around Mykola but he doesn't mind.

Kateryna Mekrov - As Jannick's family merged with the Mekrov family, he found himself confiding more and more in Kateryna. He loves her like family and considers her a sister to him.

Yehor Mekrov - While he doesn't know the quite man very well, Jannick respects him deeply and finds him charming. He likes that Yehor is quiet, finding the peace comfortable.
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