Preserved Sheet Jamie De Lar

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Character Information
  • Full Name: Jamie de Lar
  • Race: Hinterland Ailor
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Male
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Eye Color: Green
Core Concept
  • Though raised Unionist, through his journeys, Jamie has become less and less zealous and more self centered. While his faith hasn't necessarily completely weigned, it certainly doesn't rule his life anymore.
  • A scatterbrained, albeit often charismatic bard always trying to find a way to become more famous and write better songs.
Proficiency Information
50/50 Core 10/10 Hobby
  • 15 Instrument Art (+5 Core +5 Seizing Innovation +5 Race Boost)
  • 15 Vocal Art (+15 Core)
  • 15 Composition Art (+15 Core)
  • 5 Writing Art (+5 Core)
  • 10 Theatre Art (+10 Core)
  • 10 Dance Art (+10 Hobby)
5 Dance Art + 5 Theatre Art + 5 Seizing Destiny = 15 Body Stat

Ability Information
  • Ailor Racials | 0 Abilities | 5 Specials
  • Common (Free)
  • Aontaithe (Parent)
  • Fordic (People of Many Tongues)
Appearance Information
  • Jamie is relatively pale with bright green eyes and auburn hair of shoulder length. He is rather short for a Hinterland Ailor, standing at 5 feet and 8 inches (172.72 cm) and is of average weight for his height. Jamie isn't particularly muscular, though isn't unathletic due to the walking and dancing he does.
Life Story
  • Jamie was born in the Sinnedh province of Lar to unremarkable parents, Brian and Eimile.
  • Jamie had a natural aptitude for music throughout his life and spent most of his childhood and adolescence learning how to play various instruments and sing. Even at a young age, he started performing on the streets to try and make some coin.
  • Once he was learned enough in music and entertaining others, Jamie began traveling as a bard throughout the western parts of the Regalian Empire. He honed his craft and wrote many a song throughout his journeys.
  • His journeys up and down the western archipelago eventually led him up to the Imperial Isle and city of Regalia. While a rather grand location for his journey, it was also meant to be just another stop in his travels, but perhaps it will become something more?