Preserved Sheet James Treji Larkson

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Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
James Treji Larkson (The Pagan)

"Blood before Oaths, Blood before Gods, Blood before Everything
For in success and failure one can always count upon their Family to see them through."
- Treji Motto
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: male
  • Race: Url (Formerly Ailor)
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Preferred Weapon: Sword (the Celtic Gladius)
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 35 (30 age+5)

  • Ritualism skill (12 age)
    • Powers
      • Ritualism Counter (3)
      • Ritualism Shroud (3)
      • Ritualism Uprooting (3)
      • Ritualism Weapon Sprite (3)
    • Aesthetics
      • Ritualism Myth Telling (3)
      • Ritualism Phase blade (3)
      • Ritualism Glow Weave (3)
      • Ritualism Fear Smith (3)
  • Pathfinder (5 age + 5 Racial Boost)
  • Frontline Tactics (10 Talent)
  • Painting Arts (10 hobby)
  • Wood Arts (8 Age)
  • Swords (10 age)
Body Shape:
Phys stat: 19 (plus form bonus)
[Fused: 29 (19+10)]
Body: Depends on Form
Body Fat: Depends on Form
Height: 6.9

  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Skodje (Mothers Original Language)
  • Oort (Racial post symbiosis)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: orange iris with red colorations
  • Fur Color: black
  • Hair Style: Bear
  • Skin Color: tanned white
  • Clothing: traditional highland/regular regalian commoner
  • Height: 6.9
  • A tall Url with a Gallovian Black Bear's head with tattoos across his body, many either re-tattooed when Urlification purged the Pagan Book or acquired post urlification.
Question List
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • A kind smile with a measured laugh, James subscribes to a more fatherly sort of friendship in the case of many so a Hug or the occasional teasing is often a likely effect.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Fight, he'll race to act against what scares him hoping to end either physical threat or mental fear. But in some of the most extreme cases, he will let himself slip let his emotions somewhat drain affixing a sort of somber personality where he compartmentalizes his emotions in favor for a cold determination.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Depending on the stress, sometimes anger but usually would do something like paint or go spend time with his children to help himself calm down.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Law is something important yet authority and law can be wrong as it if often formed by Nobles who either do not have the respect of their people or who have never entered somewhere like the sewers before. Therefore likely lack the experience to deal with some of the seedier parts of the city.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Welcoming race is something to merely be considered in terms of possible abilities and impacts, he holds no hatred for any of them as a entirety even Kathars. The actions and practices of the Individual are what matters to him.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • James cares deeply for his faith but he has little issues with those who choose to differ. Even those who worship the void, though he doesn't entirely know the full horrible extent of their practices, is something he would tolerate in a form such as the law allows. Where they seek not to spread the corruption just as he would answer one of the exist attempting to spread the Exist itself out onto Aloria.
  • Core Aspects
    • The Fervor the anger and love of battle born of a Warrior and augmented by the blessing of Basthur's Gift (urlification).
  • The Cold: As his path diverged from the Original forms of Aluian worship done by the Ailors, he has resolved to end his Harbinger nature and put to bed his Aluian Worship until such a time as his Title is restored and his family fully cured.
  • The Warmth James more default state, warm and friendly his more natural state at this point. Which is used to exemplify the warmth and nurturing of a Follower of the Union of Fire.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Welcoming seeming it as a useful tool which should be used for good yet he also respects what it can do. It is not something to take lightly or to simply control with an iron Fist.
  • In Regards to the Afflicted: upon becoming Url there is always a ever present disgust for Werebeasts only increasing around the majority of Packs.
  • In Regards to Born Incurables: James has seen the capacity of Skinwalkers and Crimsons act with kindness and a wish to be moral even if outlawed. So long as this freedom is maintained, James is willing to let those less bound to the Curse closer into his life. Hoping his new sect might be able to discover a way for them all to live in a more peaceful harmony as they will never be mundane.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Loving, he is fiercely protective of his family and much of his life is spent with them and among his family both blood and adopted.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • His internal control, Though to many James may seem uncontrolled or reckless. He came along way from what he was and now seeks to ensure it is him not the fervor, blood lust, or even Oorl which dictates himself.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • His family and friends, James loves the family he has created and they him. He upholds himself in hopes to continue doing good as he sees it and ensuring his daughters have the best life they can. He also seeks to help people without a family find one.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • His Paradoxical views, the Man struggles at times over how far he might've diverged from what others perceive as the right path. Now he has fully broken from the Old Ways, aiming to form his own sect of belief.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • To lose his family, he fears one day he will make a mistake or something will simply happen which causes his family to be hurt, so he responds to it with full force.
  • His sense of family, has worked out well for him but he may one day risk being taken advantage of. Yet any who try might find the Url much harder to wanna betray then at first glance.
  • His cooler head and ability to run in multiple circles, does not protect him always from conflicts of loyalty so every so often he has to make a choice between two dangerous things. This is something self created though he manages it the path is not always a clear one.
Life Story (Required)
James is raised among his family in the Highlands, with his father being a Priest of Alu and the one responsible for the passing on of the dead to their reunion with the source of life (the All Being). He is chosen to carry on the Aluian Ritualism of the Clan but in a addition to the established tradition. His mother, taught him her dedication to Basthur and the path of a warrior blessed with the Fervor of a Devout. The animalistic yet controlled berserk state of a Skagger being to her a sign of Basthur having chosen her as champion for his Rites and accordingly learned the rituals in his name. Once she noticed that beserker ability within her son she had sought to train him to become a warrior of Basthur, yet lacking the schooling undergone by Skaggers. He would never fully replicate his mothers control within the Fervor but he learnt to use it all the same.

As he grew into the beginnings of ritual training at age five, he began to learn drawing and painting as a way to further his ritualism which, as resultant from ones faith, could be nurtured through emotional experiences such as Music or the process of creation. This would eventually also become a method to mundanely improve (by hobby points prof) his ability to shape images from paint dust to record and explain the stories/beliefs of the Gods.


As James began to grow, his mother trained him in the blade as she did many of the Villagers. Being much like his Uncles both a hunter and a warrior, Theodora succeeded in instilling somewhat of the former and most of the latter into her son, yet she also instilled in her son a deep respect for ability and a sense to never underestimate a women. As being both a Skagger and ritualist, Theodora had become the defacto head of the Larkson Family over her more bookish and quiet husband earning her a unusual position as one of the leading warriors in regards to training aspiring fighters. As James grew up he often talked to his Uncle Francis who, in contrast to his brother, had chosen to follow the Union of Fire in his ritual practice continuing the Larkson tradition of Ritualism being taught with somewhat of a variance behind the concept of where their abilities originate, depending on the Gods and beliefs they observe.


After James came of age at 15 and fully accepted his place as one of the Treji clan and the Treji Oath. His transition was signified by the acceptance of the Pagan book mutation which formed the Silver wolf head tattoo on his neck and by the acceptance of the Treji middle name as his own (which is also given to adopted members). But it was at this year, with his abilities fully formed and his first patrons Alu and Basthur chosen his family was tasked with the elimination of what was believed to be a Starving Silver Wolf pack which had caused a series of disappearances among local Hunters.

Once they had all laid at their camp they were attacked by a coven of Doughalls feralized by their ever decreasing stock of blood cattle tore into the Camp. The Larksons rallied and with many seasoned fighters, hunters, and two alchemists they repelled the coven. Taking a few of them captive,
Ignorant of curing and seeing nothing but mere void cursed beasts. Halhar taught his son a new kind of sacrificial rite, cutting the throats of the beasts and wishing them to find peace. Though a Coven might never die in name, the Larksons dedicated themselves to ensuring that the Coven was expelled from the region believing sanguine to be little more then feral beasts.

After that day, James took on this perspective of Sanguines being nothing but feral hardening his heart he set out to serve as a harbinger of Alu. Cold and dedicated, he feed a growing bloodlust and zealotry setting about to crusade against the Curse.


James' in the coming years, would remain the Cold Harbinger seeing Sanguines as feral animals that did not deserve to remain. In his cruelest of moments, the Ailor would cure his prey only to sacrifice them any way but with each sacrifice he began to break further drowning in bloodlust, then in endless drink, then in endless regrets, and culminating in a endless Darkness. It was this darkness which brought him to Dotheia, a kind women who loved him and wished for him to have a better life. Yet he never fully reciprocated her love and when she became infected with sanguinism she would become his victim (read more in the Lore Story on this).

Doethia's death was what finally broke through his coldness, in penance he swore himself to the Union of Fire hoping that in taking up his Uncle's duties he might receive absolution for his crimes against the Goddesses. In doing this the Ailor began to let himself feel, his hatred turned inward as he questioned if his actions had truly been right if he had not substituted his bloodlust for the redemption of the cursed. In tandem with his Penence, the Url began to dedicate himself more firmly to the ways of Lanarra and Ellea instilling them in himself as a third balance to the Fervor and the Cold beginning the stirrings of his more warm personality he later achieved.

Having no purpose the Ailor decided to become a mercenary, fighting wars and battles all across the Highlands. In these times he forged close bonds with many dearths learning to command men better then the average soul, but his abilities really expanded when he began to work with the Skagger Hordes of the North. Though not a skagger himself, his fervor and his heritage brought him a closer connection to the Warriors then most Gallovians their help and comradery refining him and making him a very competent Commander.

Helped through his dark period by comrades and battle, he hadn't forgot the ever present darkness or his alcoholism so once he parted ways with the men. His struggle worsened his Alcoholism and self hate re-surging, though the Fervor and the Cold were more equal in control then they once had been allowing the Ailor to not be so bloodthirsty as once. He was still weak and suffering, through a series of mistakes the Ailor laid on deaths door in a Regalian clinic and was offered Urlification by Ingemar Syllbess in order to avoid a dishonorable death and in hopes it would change him.

James accepted and became a Url, through symbiosis he was able to change leaving his need to drink away his pain and instead he moved forward. Over many days, many errors, and a resistance to some of what was dictated to him to become. The Url grew and became a warmer person, in control of the Fervor and the Cold though still young and at times foolish he forged his own understanding of the Faith. Though his actions have caused divides among his family who did not share his belief in letting Incurables survive until a cure can be found.

James adopted in incurables and they have helped him watching over there younger sisters and helping keep the family safe. James further honed his ability to paint after becoming the Co-Owner of the Frozen Feather expanding his skill as he helped teach his daughter to paint and draw as he does.
After His Father Halhar Larkson, High Priest of the Harbingers, stripped him of his title and tattoo deeming his new perspective and burgeoning trust of the creatures they hunted heretical. His powers faded and began slowly to be replaced by new ones as he cast aside the Rituals of Alu and resolved to forge a new ideology around his three patron gods, Basthur, Lanarra, and Ellea.
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@Havsbris_ re-review told to tag both the thread and you. I made sure to highlight the changes in Orange.
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@Havsbris_ re-review told to tag both the thread and you. I made sure to highlight the changes in Orange.
Make sure that you change the tag to needs re-review whenever you want your application to be reviewed. Otherwise it will often get overlooked by your reviewer. I will be tagging @Havsbris_ to notify him. In addition as a prelim review, you do not need to add your racial abilities. Just your race, excessive details about ritualism, racial abilities are unnecessary.
@Caelamus aging up finally. (Finally decided I gotta at least give him a few more years to help better justify his personality/maturity in certain ways.)
Added total prof calculation along with designating all the points incase thats what was meant by calculations. Sorry about forgetting the calculation for total prof points.