Preserved Sheet James Arament - The Hand

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: James Arament
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human, Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Wealth, and Fun. Wishes to, at some point, break into the Imperial Palace, just to prove he can.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Position: James is doing decently, considering. He is able to steal enough to live off of easily. He lives is a hidden area in the sewers, where the basement of an old building seems to have collapsed in. Its not much, but its spacious enough, not to damp, and hard to climb up to so its a good fit for him. (Note: Its not the one place I know everyone is thinking of. I found another Nook.)
  • Upbringing: James was born and raised in Regalia. His parents, Jess and Martin Arament, were both poor, and are now both dead. The only things he really learned from his parents was the general moral of 'be nice to people unless they are jerks'.
  • Secondary Ambitions: James gets very bored very easily. So, he is always searching for new things to entertain himself. Money is also an occasional concern.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Dark Gray-Blue.
  • Hair Color: Ginger.
  • Hair Style: Messy, with his bangs covering his Left Eye.
  • Skin Color: Light.
  • Clothing: A worn out dark blue jacket over an equally worn out gray undershirt. Light gray-brown pants tucked into his tall brown leather boots. Leather shin padding and a leather shoulder pad on his left shoulder.
  • Height: 5'8 .
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: Daggers.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Face: James looks fairly feminine, with an upturned nose and subtle cheekbones. He also has no facial hair to speak of.
  • Body: James has no tattoos, however he does have a slight scar around his upper left arm, as if a knife was dragged around it in a spiral, meaning it curves are circles his arm for about 3 inches.
  • Fashion and Accessories: His jacket has several pads of leather sewn into it on the inside.
  • Voice: James has a fairly charismatic voice, not too deep but not too shrill either. As with his appearance, he sounds slightly more feminine, though not overly noticeably so. He speaks Common, Theodora, and a limited amount of Elvish- being able to get the general gist, though not being able to speak it hardly at all.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

How is your character perceived by others? : James is often seen as somewhat annoying, always with a quick quip or insult depending on the situation. Once you get to know him though, he is usually a pretty relaxed guy, always trying to meet new people, and do new things. He is also very flirtatious, at least if he is vaguely interested. He is also fairly stubborn minded, often it takes a lot to get him to change his mind about someone or something.

How does your character feel inside? : James is very confident in his own abilities, always wanting to prove, mainly to himself, that he can do anything he sets his mind to. And often times, he can, he has a sharp wit and is good at improvising, which only further boosts his view of his ability. He values having things over having friends, because friends can betray you. A stash of gold you've got hidden away can't.

How does your character act towards friends and family? : He often still gives them a bit of crap, with his jokes and such, but he has always been a bit of a bottom feeder in the city, growing up poor. Hes seen many friends come and go, through various means, so he doesn't become too overly attached to people very quickly. That being said, he is always willing to stick his neck out for a friend, he just wont let it get to him if that's not enough.

What is your character's morality? : James has a pretty gray set of morals, being a thief. Generally in day-to-day life, he doesn't give a crap unless you cause issues for someone he likes, but otherwise hes not going to be going out on a limb to stop some random guy from being mugged or anything. He wants to be a good guy, but hes pragmatic. He realizes if he gets hold up with morality, he wont ever have a meal to eat. His life depends on his screwing someone else over, its a dog eat dog world.

Personality Traits
  • Adventurous: James lives for the moment. He wants to see what there is to see, do what there is to do, and experience as much as he can. His situation does not allow for the typical grandiose of going off to foreign lands or battling the monsters of some far off forest, especially after recent events, but he does take what he can get- which is usually trouble.
  • Confident: James is very confident in himself. He 'knows' he can do anything he sets his mind to and he 'knows' he is the best at that he does. He will walk into any shit storm with a confident grin- even if that situation is probably way beyond his level to handle.
  • Friendly: James hold to the whole ideal of being nice to people- until they no longer deserve it. He tries to treat everyone well, starting conversations and just generally being polite, which helps him make gather allies and rarely friends. Once you're on his 'shit list' it is a bit of "An eye for an eye".
  • Impulsive: James is very much a doer not a planner. He goes with his gut feeling more often than not- and though it tends to be fairly accurate, it has landed him in more than a few hot spots. A lot of what he does, from his thieving, to where he goes, more or less everything he does, is left up to whatever happens. He goes with the flow so to speak- which can get annoying for those working with him, especially those who prefer a well thought out plan- or a plan that has been thought out even slightly.
  • Materialistic: James likes stuff. More than that, he really likes having stuff. His position as a bottom-feeder in the City has only fueled this, he wants to own things, even if it is seemingly insignificant. Carving out his own place, finding the Nook and making it his own, was a huge deal for him, finally having a place that was HIS. Inside of said Nook, there are numerous momentoes and stolen goods that he has grown attached to as well- numerous frilly throw-pillows with intricate designs he has stolen, Vases and Paintings of Landscapes, etc.
  • Clever: James is fairly clever and resourceful, being able to think himself out of a lot of situations, usually on instinct. If he were to sit down and plan anything, it would almost certainly be a huge success- the issue is that is not really how he does things. He picks up on things quickly, and is able to put the pieces together very well.
  • Stubborn: James is stuck in his ways. Once his mind is set on something, it takes quite a bit to persuade him off the path, no matter how apparently self destructive or stupid that path may be. This ties in a bit with his Confidence- more specifically his Overconfidence. He knows what to do and how to do it, and that is what he intends to do no matter what you say.
  • Dexterous: James is very Dexterous, being a long time thief and pickpocket. He can pick locks and pockets fairly well, which he makes use of often, though he has strayed from pickpocketing as he considers that to be less reliable than robbing houses. He is also very good at card tricks and sleight of hand in general.
  • Speed: James is a very quick person, in terms of running and in battle. His use of Daggers compliments this very nicely as well. He can strike very quickly and efficiently, making short work of those unprepared. That being said, his over confidence and lack of strength hampers this.
  • Daggers: James has been using Daggers since he was 12, so around 5 years, and though he usually does not aim to kill, or even main, he is fairly good with them, instead opting to hinder or neutralize threats- be that stabbing someone's leg, or cutting their belt so their pants fall around their ankles and trip them up.
  • Strength: James is not the strongest individual, relying more on speed than strength. Against most people, especially Soldiers or Orcs or anything of that nature, he would be demolished. Though he is speedy, when he is hit he is hardly in a position to shrug it off. On top of this, his left arm is injured fairly badly from one time he attempted to break into the Crimson Citadel. He attempted to sneak in at night, on one of the less watched sides. This was... Half successful? He made it onto the wall, however, was soon after spotted. In the escape attempt, he took an arrow in his Left Shoulder. While it was far from fatal, it took him too long to find a Healer, and as such the arm is weaker- often being sore and slightly stiff. He has learned to cope, but it is none the less a difficulty, and has left a scar both mentally and physically.
  • Snarky: James is very snarky and sarcastic, especially to anyone who has found themselves on his shit list. This will get him into fights a lot- for instance the other day a man was rude and said "Out of my way B-." And he responded "Yes Mam'." with his big grin. Which resulted in him being thrown into a bookcase.
  • Drinker: James is a very heavy drinker, and though he can handle a fair bit, will almost always end up drunk. While Drunk James is still surprisingly dexterous, his impulsive nature takes full control, resulting in numerous wonderfully stupid decisions, several of which have landed him in a cell.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Quirks: When anxious, James will often tap the floor with his feet, or tap a counter or table with his fingers, or be fiddling idly with something.
  • Skills: James has, on a very rare occasion, gained access to horses. And he is actually a pretty good rider. Not the best, but he can manage well enough.
  • Talents: Lockpicking is one of James' best Talents. He is good at it, what more is there to say really.
  • Horse Riding: Though it is very rare, James loves riding horses. It plays on the whole Adventure and Risk that he loves, being able to just go wherever at such speed. It makes him feel free, like he doesn't have to worry, like he can escape the cesspit he sees Regalia as most times.
  • Wine: James enjoys the finer things in life, even if he almost never gets to experience them. One of these things, is wine. He has managed to get his thieving hands on several fine bottles of Wine from various Vineyards through less-than-legal methods, and even keeps the empty bottle of a particularly expensive variety on a shelf in his Nook, along with a few partially emptied bottles stowed away in a cold nook in the Nook.
  • The Sky: It seems odd, but James really just enjoys relaxing and staring up at the skies. Any time he is outdoors and idle, your likely to catch his gaze diverted upwards. He especially enjoys watching clouds. Though during this activity, he will often just doze off to sleep.
  • Foul Smells: Strangely, considering he grew up in the Poor District and lives in the Sewers, James is not very fond of foul scents. He has never really grown used to them, due to his Nook being pretty well ventilated and spending a lot of time on the Surface. Bad breath- especially when someone is up in his face- is particularly annoying to him.
  • The Cold: Living in the Poor District, James' family was never really able to keep the place warm, especially during the winter. Blankets were scarce and often worn thin. He has always had a general dislike for the cold every since, preferring to stay in warmer areas if at all possible. During the winter months he can usually be found sitting near the fireplaces in the Mossy or the Tavern.
  • Nobles: As many of the poorer people do, James holds a decent amount of resentment towards the richer people of the city, particularly Nobles. He finds them to be generally stuck up and rude, and very obnoxious. If the opportunity presents itself, he is more than happy to give them a subtle insulting.
Relationships (Optional)

Silas Denwood @flareskies : James has recently become acquainted with the "Rooftop Runner" and has become fairly involved in the antics and dubious activities that come with this, including coming along as a lookout when he harassed the Guards from above in the most recent Curfew.

Hooded Fence: The Hooded Fence is an NPC who is essentially in charge of selling the stolen goods James procures. They have been in a mutually beneficial business arrangement for 4 years now, though his real name has always been a secret to James, as has James' name to him. He simply knows James as 'The Hand'.

The Gray: The Gray is James' contact in an Information Brokering group. They know each other only by 'The Gray' and "Jimmy', but they have spoken on numerous occasions, usually with James either buying information on a targetted estate, or selling any juicy tidbits he has overheard on his job.

Kailie von Duerr: James has chatted with Kailie on a few occasions, and finds despite her blue blood, she seems to be alright. Hes not overly attached obviously, but hes always down for a chat if she wants.

Life Story (Required)
James was born in Regalia to his parents, Jess and Martin Arament. His family was always poor, and lived in the Poor District as such. But they always made do with what they had. Unfortunately, eventually the cold and rather disgusting conditions lead to his mother falling ill, and shortly afterwards his father caught the ailment as well. His mother recovered, though his father died eventually from the sickness, when James was 8. James lived with his mother for 3 more years before she once again fell ill, and died. At the age of 11, James was left to fend for himself in a City that could care less. He quickly turned to thievery, starting small and over the next few years learning and becoming more skilled.

At the age of 15, he began to work on riskier jobs, even breaking into a Noble's home and making it out with a haul big enough to keep him fed for a month. It was around this time that he found his home, which he lovingly named, the Nook. The Nook is a decently sized nook that is accessible via a bit of tricky climbing, tucked nicely in the shadows behind a pillar in the Sewers. It is what seems to be the basement of an old house which has collapsed in on itself. It is not the most spacious of places, but it is well ventilated and he loves it. James keeps many possessions, momentoes, a decent supply of food, several stolen paintings, and such in the Nook, and he has only shown a very rare few.

When he was around 16, he decided that he was going to break into the Imperial Palace. Mostly just to prove to himself that he can- because he thinks, 'If I can break into the Imperial Palace, I can break into anywhere.'. He has managed to break into the Crimson Citadel, though not overly successfully. He managed to scale the wall at night on one of the less watched sides, though he did not make it farther than that before being spotted. In the escape, he took an arrow to his Left Shoulder, which is to this day weakened, and grows sore and stiff. James is, like a decent portion of the population, disgruntled by the Guard Curfew- mainly because if everyone is in their homes, its hard to burglarize them. He has recently taken to going out during Curfew with the Rooftop Runner, and causing whatever trouble he can manage.

During the Lo Crisis, James went more or less underground, not getting involved in any of the movements, and instead taking the opportunity to attempt to burglarize as many now empty homes and estates as he could, to varied degrees of success. The same happened when the Battle of Regalia began- he ducked out and avoided it all as best he could. Latter, he continued to cause issues during the Curfews the Undercrown began, for the same reasons as he did the original Violet/Guard Charter ones- because it was annoying and disrupted his work.

I feel it is also worth noting that James is Bisexual, and has on several occasions flirted with the Imperial Guards in front of the Recruitment office, not getting much of a reaction thus far though. (Because they are mindless NPCs XD)
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I'll start with your stated bodybuild. For one, you've considered that realistically, James is likely malnourished due to being impoverished, and as a result is skinny. You however contradict that to say that he's athletic as well - how? Do you perhaps mean nimble, that he's more of a skinny crawly sneaky kind of character? Because athletic implies that he's not in fact psychically weak but somehow, despite being skinny, is somehow also sporty. You can only realistically be one or the other, and in James' situation, it makes more sense to be nimble and skinny.

Moving into his clothing and accessories, you mention his strange mesh of armour that crosses between leather and bits of chainmail. It's clear that you've taken away the actual disadvantage of chainmail that is the noise it makes and how bulky it is, and I don't doubt that this will be used in a way that some opponent aiming to stab you will 'coincidentally' strike the chainmail parts of the coat. Even if that's not the case, I'd like you to remove it. Leather armour on its own is far more acquirable, and so that's free to stay.

Next, his personality traits. Balanced though they may be, they make very little reference to how those close to him, or those he interacts with, are affected by the traits he has. For instance, does his impulsive nature upset those close to whim that may care more for a plan? Is his greed something that divides him from others due to a habit of taking that which he believes should be his? Moreover, you have only two purely negative personality traits. I'd like you to add another that will actually act against his generally smooth attitude - possibly anger management, and so on. The choice is yours.

For all of how impulsive, planless and daring James is, his weaknesses reflect very little relative to how much harm he's sustained as a result of his lackluster attitude towards caution. As such, I'd like you to add one definitive weakness that's a result of a combat situation gone wrong - such as a scar that may serve as a painful reminder of what not to do next time.

Finally, his lifestory. Clearly, breaking into the Imperial Palace is a big deal for James. However, an instance you fabricate regarding him reaching the outer wall is hugely improbable. This is mainly due to how archers would likely have struck him down with volleys of arrows before he attempted to even manage clinging to the wall. Moreover, the Imperial Palace has huge numbers of patrols that would occupy a lot of the grounds space merely surrounding the actual palace. If he somehow DID manage it however. he'd likely be detained for a very, very long time, if not worse. Also keep in mind that running along the slanted Regalian rooftops is incredibly difficult.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @conflicttFTW !~
@TheBioverse I finished the edits. I added on to a few traits with bits about how they affect his social life and friends, as well as adding Stubborn as another negative. I also changed it so instead of making it onto the Palace Walls, he made it onto the Crimson Citadel's walls, and was injured in the attempt. :)
@conflicttFTW Why is this in the Needs Review section? Do you want a new review?
My Review:
  • You still have the old Strengths title on an area now called "Talents". Please follow this link here and ensure that you are using the correct formatting while also adjusting the content correctly:
  • Your life story near the end mentions "the Curfew" a lot, what is this? Do you mean the Curfews that were laid down by the previous Undercrown? Or the Curfews of the Lo Occupation?
Tag me once the edits have been don in green @conflicttFTW
@HydraLana Changed the title name. As for the Curfews, I was referring to the OLD OLD ones, where the Vigilant Shield, Hammers, and Crimsons all jointly did their thing. Though, with the reminder of the fact that his story hasn't updated since then, I added a paragraph briefly covering his activity during the Lo Crisis and the Undercrown's Curfews as well.
@HydraLana Changed the title name. As for the Curfews, I was referring to the OLD OLD ones, where the Vigilant Shield, Hammers, and Crimsons all jointly did their thing. Though, with the reminder of the fact that his story hasn't updated since then, I added a paragraph briefly covering his activity during the Lo Crisis and the Undercrown's Curfews as well.
I would ask that you re-examine your Talents and Weaknesses again. For example:
  • Strength: James is not the strongest individual, relying more on speed than strength. Against most people, especially Soldiers or Orcs or anything of that nature, he would be demolished. Though he is speedy, when he is hit he is hardly in a position to shrug it off.
Left Arm: James is very reckless, in and out of combat, and has been in several situations gone horribly wrong. One of which was when he attempted to break into the Crimson Citadel. He attempted to sneak in at night, on one of the less watched sides. This was... Half successful? He made it on to the wall, however, was soon after spotted. In the escape attempt, he took an arrow in his Left Shoulder. While it was far from fatal, it took him too long to find a Healer, and as such the arm is weaker- often being sore and slightly stiff. He has learned to cope, but it is none the less a difficulty, and has left a scar both mentally and physically.
Your bad left arm should be adsorbed into the lack of Strength.

Additionally, you state this:
Daggers: James has been using Daggers since he was 12, so around 5 years. He is not the best with them, but he knows how to hold his own in a fight. He usually does not aim to kill, or even main, instead opting to hinder or neutralize threats- be that stabbing someone's leg, or cutting their belt so their pants fall around their ankles and trip them up.
So why is it a talent is he is not good with them.

Please tag me once you have done the edits in green.
@HydraLana I combined the weaknesses and removed the part about him not being the best with them, since the wording there was a bit weird lol.