Preserved Sheet Jakub - The Url

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
"My power is now true to my cause."


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Jakub
    Past Name: Jöran Fristadvlom

  • Nickname: Jack, Jake
  • Age: 48
  • Date of Birth: March 17th, 260
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Thar-Url
  • Culture: Höglander Alior (Past Race)
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Fists
Skill Information
(48+5=53 points)

  • Combat
  • +18 Unarmed Combat (+18 Points)
  • Knowledge
  • +15 Hunting Knowledge (+16 Points)
  • +4 Society Knowledge (+4 Points)
  • Unionist Culture
  • Arts
  • +10 Culinary Arts (+10 Hobby Points)
  • Training
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 Points)
  • +6 Athletic Training (+6 Points)

Body Shape:
  • 18 Combat + 15 Hunting Knowledge +3 Athletic Training + 20 Body Stat = 56 Body Stat
  • Type: Muscle God
  • Fat: Built Body Fat
  • Common (Learnt from private tutors)
  • Nyspråk (Parental Tongue)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Dark Gray Sclera, Orange Iris
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: Dirty White
  • Clothing: Tribal Pants w/o Shirt
  • Height: 6'8"
  • Aligenment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Thinker (INTP) - INTPs are well known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic, which makes sense since they are arguably the most logical minded of all the personality types. They love patterns, have a keen eye for picking up on discrepancies, and a good ability to read people, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. People of this personality type aren't interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.
  • Religion
    • Old Gods (7/10)
Life Story

"It all started with the day of my birth, March 17th, 260 AC. My father told me that it was a beautiful morning, the day I was born. However, whenever I asked about my mother, he just ignored the question. He said that my mother was happy to see you in the world for my first few moments. However, he says that she passed away after my birth. I doubt it, but none the less, I had to accept it and continue with my father. My childhood seemed pretty normal, always on the move from city to city. My father had given me books to read during my travels, always wanting me to 'Learn the ways of the world'. By the time I was fourteen years old, my father decided to use the money he got from his jobs to send me off to the School of Darkwald."

"Those days were the best days of my life. It was truly the best thing my father did for me, no matter what you think of it. When I arrived, I was nervous. I had no clue what to think about the entire idea of schooling, as my father and I had always travelled. During my first year of schooling, I was taught how to read and write Common like a normal person. They wanted me to know how to take notes on different types of magical knowledge. For me, they decided to teach me Shatterology and Artifactism. Even though most Darkwalds hunt Sanguine, I force the Werebeasts of the world out of hiding. When I was eighteen, I got into my first true spar with someone. I managed to beat them, but they cut my face pretty good with a true steel sword. I still hold the scar to this day. However, I don't try to hide it. I show it as a reminder that I can always improve myself. I managed to graduate on time with the rest of my class."

"My first mission was to search Anglia for reports on Werebeasts. During my ten more years worth of hunts in Anglia, I didn't find anything that gave a true report on Werebeasts. However, my family name did start coming up. It was for a few newspapers, but I began my new search for finding my main family. My search has lasted for the past eleven years, leading me on a wild chase around different parts of the Empire. However, I managed to find a report that my family has their own land. But, they appears that they have been a bit quiet as of lately. So, I am going to see if I can find anything in Regalia to give me a lead on their current whereabouts. I'm only fourty-five years old, but I am starting to lose hope that I may never find my main family. Spirit guide me."

"I have found my main "family", and by the Spirit they are such idiots. They are magic loves, being disgusting pigs in the eyes of the Spirit. They defend Mages and Silven at every corner. Some day, I'll make them pay! I'll make sure the entire family pays!!"

"My time as a useless Alior is over. Now, with a new family and brother, I shall become a new hunter in this world. My past life was useless. Now, I am above all around me. My strength as an Url is superior than those in my past life that caused me pain. I shall be better than them."

  • Born on March 17th, 260 AC to an unknown woman and Caj Markusson av Fristadvlom
  • His mother was said to have been happy about his birth, but seemed to have passed away after his birth
  • He was always traveling, hardly ever getting a chance to gain friends
  • He was taught the basics of Common and Nyspråk during his travels with his father
  • Was sent to the School of Darkwald at 14 years old
  • Gained me knowledge on being able to speak Common more fluently and is taught the Unionist Creeds and Unionism all together
  • He was taught the Knowledge of Shatterology and Artifactism
  • During his training, he gained a scar across his face that resides to this day
  • He'd graduate on time, at the age of 24
  • Was sent to Anglia to hunt for Werebeasts
  • After 15 years, he couldn't find much if anything about any Werebeasts in the city
  • Began to start finding reports on his family, having to the thought of hunting for them.
  • Has now arrived to Regalia, to search for his family and Werebeasts
  • Was disowned from the family and now seeks to cause them trouble
  • After some time of uselessness, he decided to increase his strength and go for a new cause as a hunter by the name of Jakub
Last edited:
@Havsbris_ I have aged him up by 2 years, removed Artifactism Info and moved the points over to Stealth Rouge Training. I have also changed the +20 Blades into +20 Thin Blades.
@Havsbris_ I added a bit into the Life Story, re-arranged his points, and changed his name from his transformation into an Url!
As Havsbris is busy, I will be taking this application.

As I can find no issues, Approved.
@HydraLana Jakub has now aged up to 48, as his birthday had just come through. Removed 1 Point from Hunting Knowledge moved it to Unarmed. The 1 Point from Birthday was put into Unarmed. And I moved 4 Points from Athletic Training into Unionist Culture.