Preserved Sheet Jakob Hendrik Ludevar

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Jul 9, 2017
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Yakov Thermashniydom Ludevarnid Genrikh Pyotrovich
    • Imperialized Name: Jakob Hendrik Ludevar
  • Age: 54
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Born Vladno, but raised Colonial
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information

  • Total Proficiency Points: 54
    • +25 Religious Knowledge (+10 from culture, +25 from points)
    • +10 Blades Combat Skill (+10 from points)
    • +8 Statesman Knowledge (+8 from points)
    • +6 Linguistic Knowledge (+6 from points)
    • +5 Perception Training (+5 from points)
  • Languages
    • Mirnoye (Native Tongue)
    • Common (Fluent)
    • Proto-Regalian (Learned from School of Sancella)
    • D'Ithanie (Fluent)
    • Alt-Regalian (Fluent)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark-Brown
  • Hair Style: Medium length, tucked to the side.
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Varies from occasion, but usually wears purple clerical vestments
  • Height: 187 Centimeters
  • Body Shape: Toned

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph
    • When one first meets Jakob, he can be seen as distant and unwilling to befriend another, yet there is a calm about him. Keep talking and the man will begin to open up, revealing much about himself and his thoughts. Those acquainted with Jakob know that he is always willing to counsel them. Non-Ailor and unbelievers are somewhat the same. He takes pity on them, believing that it is his duty to improve their station, so they may be reborn as Ailor. While suspicious and reserved, he is approachable and after some exchanges even more open.
  • Second Paragraph
    • The Reverend is quite confident in his abilities to spread the faith, he may at times indulge in the finer things in life, but only after he feels he can reward himself with it. Like many Humans, he often finds himself in conflict with himself. Unsure whether to do what he himself wishes or what the Synod and Unionism wishes. Under certain circumstances, the man even questions his own abilities as a Reverend, but after some reflection, this doubt usually disappears. What he knows however, is that he may find harmony in his faith. He is often however concerned about his Vladno heritage, he understands that long ago his family was persecuted in Etosil for various reasons, he believes its been so long that the people no longer care - Yet he listens to his father, when it comes to the issue.
  • Third Paragraph
    • Jakob has always maintained a distance to his other family members, as he has been partially raised a Vladno. There are few people he trusts and values, still most are not privy to everything he intends, yet the few he calls friends, he would gladly avenge.
  • Fourth Paragraph
    • Jakob's morality lies somewhere in the middle. He is a law abiding citizen, and would not intentionally break any laws, he admires the charters for their work. But then again, he is willing to ignore a law or two, if it would be in his very own gain. There is one thing he abhors, it is the violation of Holy laws, as a devout Unionist, he cannot stand by and have his faith insulted and/or harmed.

Life Story

Childhood and Adolescence
  • Born in April 20th, 252 AC. To an aristocratic family residing in Pomeroy, Essalonia. The family had for generations fished and whaled in the region. This is was their main income.
  • Jakob was born to two siblings, each their own gender. The two were named Carsten and Alena, he was the oldest. As the oldest of the children. The boy's father, Petyr had before the child was even born, promised him to the Church, so tutors were hired and the boy was expected to learn about languages, mathematics, religion and so on.
  • Jakob would often find himself with his father, Petyr on long trips to the sea. While he was not expected to participate in the fishing and whaling as an adult, it was the family business, and he was expected to learn what the work entailed. He would also accompany his mother Eleanora, a state official on business, mostly as an observer.
  • However, because of some complications within the family, Jakob was sent off to the Calemberger Dom a year prior, and would serve there as a simple servant, tending to the curates and reverends.
Teenage years
  • At the age of eleven, however the child would officially begin his studies in the Calemberger Dom. It took some time for him to realize he wasn't any longer the servant, but a student. As a mere servant in the care of the Sancella, the child had picked up on many things of interest. This made his earlier studies much easier. He took to his studies well.
  • A decade later, in 272 AC, Jakob was officially ordained a Curate. He had garnered quite the respect and influence. After his graduation he quickly returned to his family in Essalonia, he hadn't seen his family for years. Yet he was required to begin his missionary work, as is often the norm.
  • Jakob spent years roaming Aloria with his brothers, reminding the faithful of Unionism and even going to foreign lands to preach, where his and his brother's lives were often threatened. While the work he performed was good, in his eyes, he preferred the sword and expressed his desires to become a Curate attached to the Regalian army.
  • His wishes were eventually accepted and he was sent to join a detachment of knights heading for the newly declared Chrysant War. Here the Curate would tend to the victims of war and offer them religious support. It was also during this time Jakob would learn how to wield the sword, by the knights. They believed it was prudent for him to know how to fight, and so did he.
  • Once the Chrysant war neared its end the Ministry of Curates had noticed Jakob's exploits, after much deliberation, he was raised and ordained as the Reverend of Hawthe. The Verwaltung he was awarded was in terrible shape.
  • Against all odds however, Jakob maintained his verwaltung and acted as the personal reverend for the local lord. He worked hard on improving the verwaltung, which the former reverend had allowed to decline somewhat. To gather support and regals for its improvement, he and his curate would travel around much of the archipelago. Including the capital itself, where he would spend much of his time, in fact.
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Gonna need a re-review. Realized I had misinterpreted some lore and got stuff messed up in the life story section, also changed the hair color to better fit the lore. I've marked all my changes to the thread in purple

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Sorry to bother you again, but I decided to rewrite Jakob as a closet Vladno. I also added some pictures to spice it up a bit. Do let me know if anything is wrong!

Updated the character sheet to the new one. Uncertain if it's correct, but I hope it is all fine!

Here again to bother your day. I updated the age, also the skills and backstory have also been updated to a lesser degree. Everything that has been changed should be in this color

Going to need a re-review. Removed the 10 points I put in medical knowledge, then I arranged the leftover points into other proficiencies. Also updated the backstory and personality. All changes have been marked in red

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