Archived Jails?

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Chief of Regulus
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
I know something similar has been suggested before, but it was deemed to abuseable.

But I have a different idea for it. Although not actually sure if it would work.

What if each faction is allowed to not only choose a faction home but a faction jail. Not for catching other players during combat (although within RP it could probably be used for that) but for jailing players with permission from their Faction.

Say one player does something that is against their faction rules, their faction could jail that player. (which would lock all their warp commands). Also if a player from one faction messes with another faction the faction that was messed with could jail the player who messed with their faction... with the permission of the jailed players faction.

This may also prevent some needless war from other more... aggressive factions. Maybe make it active for 7 [2.3 hours] minecraft days (of online time?) , the player can be released early by the faction who owns the jail.

The player can also be broken out, if someone opens the gate/door/whatever is keeping them in, their warp commands will come back if they move a certain distance from the jail spawn.

Factions could technically abuse this by repeatedly jailing a player , but the player being abused could just /f leave.

Just something I thought of after I made my castles dungeon, just thought I would share.
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Although Massivecraft doesn't have this, there is a plugin that does it.. I have used it before.. It does exactly as you described. It is called FactionsPlus

I've seen nothing that says FactionsPlus does this.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the source.

It still stands that MassiveCraft does not have this. Also it does not effect members from other factions.
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