Archived Jailed For Attacking An Enemy Of Our Economic Ally

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Magnate of the Deep
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Harrison, AR
I am quite enraged that myself and two other clan members of mine, Brittlebear and JackMacken, of our own accord, decided to go and run over to and attack and raid an enemy of our economic ally Clan Karuck. We excitedly snuck up over the mountain side, setup cannons in preperation for an assault, and even had a Vampire standing watch atop a building to catch the fleeing members of the Argos faction.

In the middle of the assault, there was banter back and forth and someone with a yellow title named BigBellyBudda something says stop attacking, to which I replied with Cannon fire and the vampire finished him off, thinking it was just a vain plea for us to not attack our victims. I didn't know that yellow titles were staff or something that could jail us and that it was an official, don't attack here.... All that was said was "don't attack, last warning" and I thought that was a threat from the victims of the assault, so I attacked again to try and start a battle on the field, not realizing instead I was going to be jailed for attacking my enemies.

I was later informed (after being jailed) that there was a helpop going on and that I needed to leave them alone until it was investigated. How the heck was I supposed to know there was a help op going on? It's not like I get a broadcast that says, Argos is under investigation, any attackers will be immediately jailed.

I think the person that jailed me, should have identified himself in some way prior to jailing me so that I would at least have known it wasn't someone from that village we were attacking.

Anyway, this is all kind of disheartening considering I enjoy the pvp aspect of the game and on my first raid out with my friends, we are jailed for attacking someone. This just makes no sense.
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Like I explained to you in general chat. I would have explained further that I was on a helpop with them, but I was killed twice before I could say so. Hence your jail.
Sir, you could've been a member of the faction, how were we supposed to know that you weren't? The first thing you did was ask what our business was, and the second was that we had to leave. Neither of which let on you weren't representing the faction and had a valid reason for being there.
What I'm more concerned about is that we raided a faction, our first raid on the server, and because the faction complained and sent out a helpop, we had to be stopped. This seems very discerning. Any time Albacore gets raided I suppose I should just send out a helpop and then it'll stop, I thought that pvp was encouraged on this server?

Please explain why we had to be stopped from raiding, via a helpop and staff interference?
So the: Don't attack comment I managed to make before you killed me the first time didn't say anything? Or the fact that my name is a different color? The jail was within my rights to give and you were also unjailed after the conversations. Not all staff would do that.

Also, I was dealing with a helpop that did not concern the raid you guys initiated. All I can say is that for your first raid it was just bad timing.
I don't have to be a staff member to tell someone to stop attacking me. Also, aren't staff allowed to participate in PVP on this server? So I thought that everyone was fair game. Had you let us know directly after your first death that there was a bigger picture here, we would've stopped.
I was trying to shoot their faction members like fish in a barrel. When you popped up, I honestly thought you were a faction member of theirs because it looked like you came out of the same area we'd been watching them come out of.

As for the comments about Valyria or whatever that was you said and former Albacore members attacking Argos and our raid seeming fishy, we aren't privy to any of that. We didn't communicate with anyone prior to that raid, because we wanted to go stealth mode. Most of the members of Albacore don't even know the former members anyway. I knew a few of them but they turned the clan over to Muzbush within mere days of me joining Massivecraft (of which I have less than 2 full weeks of playtime - I'm a premium but brand new to massivecraft)

Anyway, no harm was done to me, other than now I feel like I'm going to have to worry every time I raid if I'm going to be jailed for some reason.

<chuckles> And I don't mean this to disrespect you BigBellyBuddha, but the fact that you died two times so quickly is because, that's sort of an Albacore thing....we work fast and furious.
As for your rapid killing of me...I was unarmed and unarmored...which I am while working on helpops.
First kill was probably okay considering the confusion, second one was not.

When a staff member tells you to stop attacking, you are supposed to listen. If they say so without a valid reason, then you can complain and report them on the forum. A staff member will never tell you to stop attacking unless they are abusing their position, which BBB did not do in this case.
Well, I have been educated now and know that a yellow name is a staff member. I did not know that before this evening's chaos.

My apologies.
I think we've all learned something, but I know this is going to put me off raiding, since I feel very disheartened and dejected by the fact that we were stopped by staff. Perhaps it was just really bad timing, but now I'm going to be on edge anytime anyone mentions going on a raid.
First off: lol

Secondly: You have horrible timing. Though, BBB, just a suggestion, next time this happens say "I'm staff working, please hold off for a bit" rather then "STAHP!" (I say stop all the time, doesn't stop anyone lol). Also, I (a long time member) had no idea staff had yellow names lol. News to me :P
Hey everyone, as one of the leaders of Argos I just wanted to first extend my apologies to Albacore for getting wrapped up in our problem with Valyria, and second to clear up that we did not put in a helpop to have you guys stopped while you were raiding us. As BigBellyBuddah has said it really was just a matter of terrible timing. We had an open helpop going on with Valyria and BigBellyBuddah just happened to contact us about it with information while you were raiding, it was pure coincidence. It didn't help that the members of Valyria we have issues with used to be members of your faction so your arrival seemed suspect and that's why he chose to ask you to leave. I don't think the mods would ever get involved in stopping a raid without good cause, so I don't think this is something you need to worry about ruining the PVP aspect of the game for you. It was really unfortunate this happened to you on your very first raid but I'm sure it was a rare occurrence you will probably not have to deal with again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hmm. Give staff God mode while doing help ops? I can see its potential for abuse but it would prevent things of this nature from happening again. And ya, sounds like a misunderstanding and series of unfortunate circumstances. I wouldnt worry about it Maelbosha and Jack. Stuff like this happens, not worth holding a grudge over.
First off: lol

Secondly: You have horrible timing. Though, BBB, just a suggestion, next time this happens say "I'm staff working, please hold off for a bit" rather then "STAHP!" (I say stop all the time, doesn't stop anyone lol). Also, I (a long time member) had no idea staff had yellow names lol. News to me :P

Like I explained earlier. I managed to say don't attack before I was killed. Then I didn't get much a chance before the next time I got killed.
Like I explained earlier. I managed to say don't attack before I was killed. Then I didn't get much a chance before the next time I got killed.

Did you instantly teleport back, or did you have a bed there? If not, you could have sent them a /msg about it. If so, then okay, fair enough :)
I teleported to the player I was on the helpop for. I don't see why I'm explaining every little detail to you guys about this situation. He got jailed for killing a staff member on a helpop. End of story.
*sigh* I'm just trying to help prevent this from happening again. Did the guy who called in the helpop do the killing? And you never actually answered my original question there lol.
Wrong again Mech. I did answer your question. And if you're trying to help, you're taking a long time to get to any point you wish to make.
Wrong again Mech. I did answer your question. And if you're trying to help, you're taking a long time to get to any point you wish to make.
No need to be so defensive, this isn't a 'bbb is ebul' thread, nor an 'admin abuse' comment. This is just one sap (me) trying to actually help. If you HAD answered my original question (did you respawn back in the battlefield when you were killed the first time) I would have been able to get to my point faster. Since you haven't answered this question yet, I'll have to assume you didn't and post my point based on that.

My point is this: When you were killed, if you did not respawn at the field of battle you should have said, either in a /msg or in global, that you were working on a helpop and that attacking you would result in some form of punishment. Hindsight is always 20/20, and if you did respawn at the field of battle then I can understand why you didn't get a chance to say anything.
Because I'm not gonna yell at people in global if I can go there and keep it within 100 blocks of the situation. The whole server doesn't need to know what goes on in a certain place at any given time.
Lets just move past this, in both perspectives, maelbosha and BBB made a mistake, which is ordinary for living people these days.
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