Preserved Sheet Jahangir Mooriyi

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A Depressed Decker
Jul 27, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information

Full Name: Jahangir Mooriyi
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Race: Khaneh Qadir
Sexuality: Running out of ways to answer this without giving this away.
Preferred Weapon: His words although he could use a felling axe if needed.

Inventory Information
  • Glasses: Appear to be nonfunctional
  • Around 100 regals
  • Hemp rope
  • Notepad
  • Roman Stylus (made from graphite)

Skill Information

Total Points: 60 + 10 hobby
  • Conning Rogue: 25
  • Financial Case: 20
  • Theatre Arts: 10 (hobby)
  • Linguistic Knowledge: 10
  • Axe Combat: 5
Body Shape

  • Body Stat Calc: 5+0=5
  • Body Stat: 5/30
  • Body Shape: Toned Body Shape
  • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Farradi (Learned from father)
  • Khanehi (Learned from mother)
  • Alt-Regalian (Fluent and literate)
  • D'Ithanie (Fluent and literate)
  • Common (Fluent and literate)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Alais Vampire:
  • Crimson Guiding
  • Crimson Truths
  • Crimson Reflection
  • Crimson Dressage
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Neat
  • Skin Color: Deep brown tan
  • Clothing: Red overcoat and shirt
  • Height: 5'10
Personality and Abilities
  • Alignment: True Neutral. Despite how he comes across, Jahangir doesn't view his actions as malicious and evil, he simply thinks he turns chaos into profit. In fact, his entire logic of reasoning is that it is okay if he is slightly monstrous as he is doing this in a twisted attempt to fix the world in the long-term.
  • Personality: The Architect. Jahangir is a planner and schemer at heart, using this obsession with planning to create wealth. However, due to this, he tends to judge things too deeply as he thinks that there are more people like him creating plans. Finally, he places major emphasis on the long term, ignoring the world in the short term most of the time.
  • Religion: Esrah Alwattah (?/10). Religion is a confusing concept in regards to Jahangir as his motive for everything has technically been for faith but he doesn't believe the very god he wants to finance the building of is to be worshipped.

Life Story
Jahangir was born in 208 AC to two Khaneh in Mooriye as his name suggests. His father made clockwork for a living, teaching his son the basics in his formative years. However, clockwork was not the main focus of Jahangir's life as he was raised to be deeply spiritual. Jahangir didn't resent his upbringing, in fact, he loved the faith and feeling of being something more. Despite this, he always felt like he was missing something, some purpose that other men had grasped but that he had missed.

Eventually, when he was 15, Jahangir would discover what he had missed. His father had met a man who moved sugar and other such resources and Jahangir was fascinated by this, drawing him in like not even faith had. So, with his father's permission, he began to learn under this man and this was perhaps his first job of sorts. Even though he was completely drawn into being a merchant Jahangir didn't forget his faith, balancing it with his work.

For five years Jahangir kept at this lifestyle, slowly but surely amassing wealth. However, his loop was broken in a Hadravian backwater while negotiating over salt, a mining operation recently having been started. While there Jahangir met a woman who called herself Azar and, after getting quite close to her, it turned out she was an Alais vampire. The trader was offered a choice, he could either die with his principles or become a vampire and walk away. When Jahangir left the backwater he was a different man, he had some investments in salt and also was now a vampire.'

Jahangir continued his merchant lifestyle, vampirism being more of a boon than a weakness. Still, he covered his tracks. Azar was dangerous, she knew what he was, so one day her ship was attacked by pirates and there were no survivors, a happy accident. Jahangir's life had changed though, despite what he claimed, as his investments were far more callous in their nature now. While before he was on dubious moral grounds now he was essentially a war profiteer, viewing conflict as simply an opportunity to create profit. He stockpiled food, selling it at a higher price when shortages came in due to some civil war in a nation no one cared. He sold steel and weapons to both sides of a war just so he could earn more money. If any security got wise to his various illegal trades he'd have them investigated, looking for evidence of laws broken that he could leverage or snitch on. If the person was completely clean, which was rare, then he'd simply forge the evidence himself. However, he did still take setbacks as even though events like the Bone Horror Crisis did create instability he lost a significant portion of his wealth due to trade temporarily grinding to a halt.

Now Jahangir has come to Regalia to seek profit. Most his assets aren't available, they're being invested under a variety of pseudonyms, so he's more challenged then he'd like to be although he's certain that in a theocracy like this there will be something to exploit.
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