Preserved Sheet Jae'ien Extranoza

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Mamba Mentality
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score
╠ ⋅ Basic Information⋅ ╣
  • Birth Name: Tal'aestal'sieth Estar'enth
    • Call Me: Jae'ien Extranoza
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Nelfin
    • Half Shai || Half Varran
      • Affliction: Werebeastism.
  • Sexuality: Money
  • Weaponry: Longsword
╠ ⋅ Skill Information⋅ ╣

Total Points: Jae'ien has 33 points total.

  • Combat Proficiency: 15 Total
    • +10 Blades Combat Skill
    • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • Knowledge Proficiency: 10 Total
    • +6 Linguistic Knowledge:
      • Daendroquin
      • Modern Altalar
    • +4 Magical Knowledge:
      • Artifactism
  • Arts Proficiency: 10 From Hobby Points
    • +10 Theater Arts
  • Sorcery Proficiency: 8 Total
    • School: [ Elemental ] & [ Arcane ]
      • Spell book: 2 Spells
      • Binral Blink [ Sorcery Spell ]
      • Elemental Orb [ Sorcery Spell ]
Werebeast Mutations: 4 Chosen
  • Soul Line: Uthurenn Soul-Line
    • Status: Active
      • Mending Healing: Constant Passive - The Werebeast quickly recovers small wounds like cuts, slices and gashes within an hour, and recovers broken bones within a day, but does not recover greater damage without outside assistance.
      • Howling Call: Werebeast Spell - The Werebeast is able to produce a wolf-like howl that can be heard all over Regalia (even in the sewers) that notifies all other Uthurenn Werebeasts of their exact location.
      • Loyal Empathy: Constant Passive - The Werebeast is able to sense the emotions of a person by touching them, which is an ability that cannot be turned off, sometimes resulting in sensory confusion. This cannot be used to tell a lie (unlike the Usrsarr), but does give an accurate reading on the emotional state of whoever they share physical contact with. This ability is powerful enough to allow the Werebeast to sense their emotional pain, and even make them able to absorb a part of it, reducing the suffering of the other person.
      • Howling Dash: Constant Passive - The Werebeast can run just as fast as a Varran (the fastest race) and ignores armor weight while running as long as they aren't wearing full-plate.
  • Body Shape:
    • Body Build: Ripped
    • Body Build Math: 10+5=15 Total
    • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Languages:
    • Wa'an [ Mother Tongue ]
    • Common [ Free ]
    • Sulvaley Elven[ Mother Tongue ]
    • Daendroquin [ Invested ]
    • Modern Altalar [ Invested ]
╠ ⋅ Visual Information⋅ ╣
  • Eye Color: Moonlit Silver
  • Hair Color: Reflective White
  • Hair Style: Relatively short and well kept.
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Exotic eastern wear.
  • Height: 5 Feet 10 in
╠ ⋅ Personality ⋅ ╣
Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose Your Character Alignment:
    • Chaotic Neutral.
  • Choose Your Character Personality Type:
    • INTP-A Logician.
  • Choose Your Character's Religion
    • Faith Of Estel [ 8 / 10 ]

╠ ⋅ Life Story⋅ ╣

  • Jae'ien'c'ha was born within Daendroc to a Sihai mother and Altalar father in the winter of 280 A.C. Jae grew up in a relatively normal family, with two brothers and many cousins. Jae's parents worked in merchant trading and selling, which would influence the half-breeds business savvy future for life.
  • From a young age, Jae'ien knew there was a special family secret of sorts, she grew up closer with two of her cousins, Lorelei and her brother Kristoph. In her younger years, Jae'ien grew toward her father's business and the outside most notably, finding interest in his sellings.
  • At the young age of ten, Jae and her family moved to pack out to Daenshore for better business, as business began to run stale for the family. Growing up in a poor-and crime ridden environment would shape Jae's personality for years to come. Influencing her morality, and a loss in any and all faith but her own self-worth, she found it difficult to justify any divine being with all the cruel workings of day to day life as she sprouted up to teenagehood. Whilst in Daenshore, Jae'ien ran into a half-Varran group of merchants, becoming well acquainted with the grouping, they sought to reunite in the future as they moved on.
  • At the age of sixteen, Jae'ien took much of her father's clerk work from the shop, and began to manage it fulltime. Her and her father mostly pivoted away from strictly legal goods, keeping its general store purpose, but began to sell and buy illegal stolen goods for the crime setting which runs rampant in Daenshore. Whilst taking this up, Jae'ien took specific interest in martial art training. Namely unarmed, she picked this up along with theater as a hobby. Jae'ien fell deeply into theaters grasp, the idea of masquerading as another person entirely and changing the narrative enveloped the seventeen year old half-breed. It was also the group which she found most comfort with friendship, as she finally found herself mingling with people her age. However, in her teenage years, Jae'ien became fascinated with the idea of mercenary based work. And thusly, the half-breed found herself in line enrollment into The Regalian Ranger schooling, and began her short stint of schooling.
  • From years of being within the culture, Jae'ien had begun to pick up Daendroquin as a language to better communicate with the locals. And at the age of nineteen, the half-breed sealed it with absolute fluency to her arsenal of linguistics. At this point, she had worked to pass her first trial as a Ranger, thusly speeding through.
  • At the latter years of Jae'ien's twenties, Jae'ien finished her second trial as a ranger, thusly becoming a fully graduated one, and in hot pursuit of the legend of the third trial and it's relation to her heritage. As she also learned of an old friend and business partner Moji Shimizu's location and operation within the Crown City of Regalia, she bodes her family well and ships off to the Crown Isle to reunite with her lost lineage and friend in Moji and Lorelei.
Last edited:
Minor edit in the Religion section, and some backstory fixes from the last template from when I turned it over from docs, nothing inherently changed.