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Played Character Jacq

This character is actively played.


holy person
Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name: Tjakha of Nasar, more commonly known as, Jacq
  • Heritage / Culture: Deshret, Remet Asha
  • Age: 37
  • Gender / Pronouns: Masculine
Core Concept
Jacq is a conman, a cheat, and a killer. First a corsair, and then a slave, Jacq now lives in the ports and wharfs of Regalia, where he preys upon new arrivals to the city. He mainly uses his cunning and charm to exploit unsuspecting tourists but isn't above resorting to violence when necessary to make a profit.

Appearance Information
Jacq is tall and slouching, with long limbs that hide their strength beneath a vibrant striped pelt. Depending on how he holds his face, Jacq can appear either friendly or quite threatening, a tactic he uses both to lure and intimidate his targets. He is dressed loosely, wearing a large old shirt fashioned from some great square of fabric, and matchingly baggy pants. His right ear is shorn almost clean off his head, while the left glints with opulent golden rings. He wears his age in scraggly, bent, nature of his whiskers, and the deep-set scars that interrupt the pattern his fur.

Attack and Defense Stat
Strength and Constitution

  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Flurry
    • Bruiser Parry
    • Bruiser Feint
    • Bruiser Agony
    • Bruiser Rampage
    • Break Down
    • Weapon Throw (Free)
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rebound
    • Debuff Endurance
    • Rage Counter
    • Thick Hide
    • Breather
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Escape Artist (Free Pack 1)
    • Dirty Fighter (Free Pack 2)
Common, Ithanian and Ibeth

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Tjakha was born to two corsairs in the wharfs of Nasar. From an early age Tjakha was made a member of his mother's crew, joining her and her men as they harried vulnerable Ithanian ships.
  • Ultimately, his mother's career as a corsair ended when she was eventually lead into a trap, where her sole vessel was set upon by a squadron of Reglian ships. All the survivors were left to drown, save for Tjakha who was hoisted from the water by the very Ithanian captain his mother was hunting. Knowing his daughter had a fondness for tigers, he was brought aboard as an indentured servant to the Captain.
  • For decades, Tjakha was kept ostensibly as a pet. He was mostly spared the torturous life of an Ashal slave in Ithania, instead being kept in the captain's manor like a courtier. He was renamed Jacq, and taught how to be polite, and perform tricks for guests.
  • As Tjakha, now Jacq, continued to grow however, his Ithanian keepers grew more and more leery of his physical potential, and soon looked to move his station from the manor and out to the wharf. When Jacq, who had grown used to the luxury of being a palace servant, protested, he was punished cruelly by his keepers.
  • His loathing for his masters multiplied each day that he toiled in the sun. For all his strength, he longed to return to his life in the cool, gilded halls of the manor. He had entirely forgotten life before it. The asha's luck turned one evening when the captain's daughter journeyed down to the wharf to see him. Manipulating her sense of guilt for what had become of the pet she once adored, Jacq had her undo his bindings. She did, and was promptly taken hostage.
  • With a jagged claw against his master's neck, Jacq threatened his way to the docks, throwing the daughter into the cool black water once aboard a private skip. Had she loved him at all, she would have freed him long ago, he thought, sailing into the night. But at last, the miserable tiger was free once again.
  • Though 'wanted' throughout Ithania, and by proximity, Regalia, Jacq lives comfortably in the capital. It is here that he haunts the docks and piers, preying upon naive tourists and fresh arrivals, treating them to tours of the city that fleece them of their gold - one way, or another.