Preserved Sheet Jacko

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Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
Basic Information
Name: Jack V
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Ailor)
Sexually: Bisexual
Culture: Anglian
Preferred Weapon: Standard Blade
Drahl Lineage

Pocket Watch
Three Pearls
Poppy Milk
Jack Velcantine has lived in Regalia for 2 Years. He originally came for the promise of a new life and a whole new way to live. He currently works in the medical field as a doctor Jack was born to an average Anglian Family in Axford, Anglia. He was brought up like any other kid in Anglia. He has no known siblings or extended family. Currently, Jack just wants to live his life, he has no big goals or objectives besides saving lives, externally Jack seems to be some what happy and put together, although not everything may be as it seems.

Proficiency Points
Medical Science: 15
Sword Combat Skill: 10
Perception Training: 5

Burgling Rogue: 3
Keyboard Instrument: 5
Vocal Singing: 3

Theatre Art: 6 (Hobby Points)
9 Unused age points
4 Unused hobby points

Physical Stat: 12
Body Shape: Average
Body Fat: Low Body Fat
Height: 5'11

Anglian (Learned from Birth)
D'Ithanie (Taught by Bliss Willow)

Special Traits
Stalwart Companion: Drahl Ailor are never without their bird companion, usually a Falcon, Hawk or Eagle of their choice (though possibly any reasonably and similarly sized predator bird). This Bird cannot be harmed or captured, and if at risk, will flee the scene and return to the Drahl when it is safe. The Bird is capable of minor aesthetics for the Drahl, such as sitting in their hand when feeding or playing. The Bird must always remain within the same street of its owner.
Bird's Eye View: Through the usage of their bird, the Drahl Ailor gains a leg up on other Generals, gaining bonuses to roll chances in World System Progression battles. Additionally, the Drahl gains +5 Perception through their bird communicating things to them. (The bird's communication is purely aesthetic, the character cannot perceive things only the bird can see).
Swift Strike: Drahl Ailor can call upon their bird to strike out at an opponent once per day, allowing the Bird to claw at a target once, physically striking any area of the target's body except for the face. The Bird cannot be interrupted, and will immediately fly away after delivering its strike.
Sanguine Curse: Alais [Inactive]
Crimson Guiding: The Vampire can give a victim a strong urge or suggestive feeling by placing their hand on any point of the target's body and muttering or whispering the instruction or feeling to them. This transferal of instruction is not perceived by the victim.
Crimson Clocking: The Vampire can activate a form of bodily camouflage while moving around which requires +10 Perception Proficiency to see through. Standing still turns this camouflage into perfect invisibility, but any movement will still knock the Character out of the effect, and they still produce sound and heat.
Crimson Guild: This Mutation has two effects: Primarily, it makes it so that anyone the Vampire is feeding on does not feel pain, and will forget about the circumstances surrounding the feeding afterward, leaving no bite marks. Furthermore, it makes the Vampire look entrancing, beautiful, and alluring, as long as eye contact is made.
Crimson Curse: The Vampire can set one of their Proficiencies (that they know they have) to zero (never Magic or Sorcery Proficiencies), leading to lapses of memory and confusion when they try to use this Proficiency. This ability does not heighten suspicion and is very subtle on the host like a lapse of memory.
Crimson Lies: The Vampire is able to target one person per day to alter their mind into believing something is the opposite of what they believe to be true, however the Vampire needs to specifically know what is being targeted. They will continue to believe this new false version of truth until they are given irrefutable evidence to prove the contrary.

Crimson Form: If Jack were to ever be reinfected his Crimson Form would be the following
His eye pupils would become blue with black whites. Skin becomes extremely pale. A blue mist would surround him at all times in this form, and his right arm becoming particularly misty. Small amounts of ice will form where ever he steps which will melt imminently after he steps away. Any weapon he uses will have a coating of ice when held.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Long and Messy
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Jack wears a wide variety of Clothing
  • Height: 5'11 in feet
Personality and Abilities

Character Alignment: Good Neutral
He always wants to help people, he has dedicated his life in doing so because of what happened in his past. He just wants to be the best person he can be.

Character Type: Defender ISFJ-T
Jack cares a lot about other people, doing reckless things to defend people from harm. He always wants to care and help others. Recently he has become more introverted due to the loss of his parents, and because of the loss, he is becoming obsessive about the safety of others, becoming overprotective.

Religion: Unionism 2/10

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • He would express this emotion by being more generous to people, spending more time with friends and family, and would tend to buy more goods and services.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He would try to relive some of the fear with witty remarks that are ultimately meaningless .
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • he would act like everything is fine, keeping it to himself, he would focus more on making it seem that he is okay then actually going for the source of the issue. Also, he drinks Wayyy more.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Jack's opinion on Law Enforcement is beginning to decline because of his time as a guard, him watching people being executed or beaten is causing Jack to believe that maybe he being a guard is not helping people.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Jack is not racist, and does not judge people off of race.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
    • Due to his experiences in Regalia, he does not have a strong belief in any religion. Although he is publicly Unionist. He has an interesting relationship with Religion, since he internally believes that if there is a higher being then it is not pleased with him. Ever since the night of December 12th 298 AU, he believed that if there is a higher power it would be actively punishing him.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He sees it as part of the world, it is a tool, something that should not be used without proper guidance. When it comes to Exist and Void he is against it, but he is only against people who willingly accepted it, not people who were forced into it (Crimson Witchs, and Silver Walkers).
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • He believes family is extremely important to live and will do anything to protect them.
  • What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
    • He is only really proud of his work, (Doctor) and he is happy he saves lives, but he mostly does it just to feel that he is making up for what he did in the past.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Making up for past mistakes, and also some special people really close to him.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • He is afraid for the people close to him and is deeply worried about there safety.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Death of another person close to him
    • Fear of Abandonment, getting left out
    • Fire, just fire

Loss | Jack can be extremely paranoid about the safety of the people close to him, causing him to do reckless or self-harming things to ensure the safety of others. He will always attempt to convince people close to him to not get into dangerous situations. He would do almost anything to avoid the loss of someone close to him.

Kidnapping | Due to Jacks's Past experiences with being kidnapped or someone attempting to kidnap him, Jack is fearful of having his very freedom taken away from him. This causes him to avoid walking around in dangerous places or causes him to be slightly distrustful to strangers.

Not being good enough | Jack is afraid of disappointing the people around him. He fears that if he is not "Good enough" He will lose everything he has. This causes him to nearly anything to be considered "Good enough" or "Worth it" Although he would not break his own morals for it.

Fire | He has an interesting relationship with fire, Although it is a necessity of life it is the thing that Jack fears the most. He will never forget the night of December 12th 298 AU, and he will never forget about his parents burning to death.

Alcohol | Once Jack starts he can't stop, He has a serious Alcohol issue. "Just one drink" Will always turn into him passing out from drunkenness. He often uses Alcohol to deal with emotional stress, which often makes things worst.

Recklessness | Depending on the situation Jack can be extremely reckless, or extremely responsible, Although when he is in the situation where he is Reckless, he gets extremely reckless. For example, attacking someone he very clearly will lose against to protect someone else. Jack will get himself inquired all the time due to this Recklessness, and one day possibly killed.

Inferiority Complex | Jack sees himself as lesser than the majority of the population believing that most people are simply better than him, not only in intelligence but self-worth, seeing others as physically and mentally better than himself. Due to this he simply does not take care of himself at times, both physical and mentally.

Friends | Jack Loves spending times with friends, It just makes him feel happy and secure, although he would do a lot of reckless things to protect or keep those friends.

Alcohol and drunkenness | Jack loves Alcohol, despite its Harmful effects, He enjoys getting drunk and forgetting about life as he eventually passes out from pure drunkenness.

Kaffee and Tea | Nothing like waking up with a cup of Kaffee and sipping some nice Tea in the afternoon, Jack highly enjoys both Kaffee and Tea. Normally having Kaffee in the morning and tea later in the day.

Adventure | Jack loves a good adventure, and he always will, Seeing new things, going to new places. These things give Jack a rush of happiness. He often goes hiking in the forest for the fun of it.

Pain | Jack hates to see others in pain. He would do nearly anything to bring someone out of a painful physical or emotional state. Seeing someone else in pain causes him to partly feel the same pain himself.

Sewers | Jack has had bad experiences with the sewers. He highly dislikes whatever shit is going on down there and wishes for the crime and death that takes place in the underworld to end.

Life Story

Early Childhood: Jack was born into a small farm family on the outskirts of Axford in 285 AU on October 1st. He lived a basic life form here, spending most of his time tending to the animals and crops. His family was poor, but he still made the best of what he had. He spent some of his free time writing and playing around with the village kids. He gained a small habit of stealing things during this time, since his family could often not afford some of the things young Jack wanted he often just stole it. He got caught a couple of times and his parents did discipline him with beatings, which only made him better at not getting caught, Although he mostly got away with it. Besides this, he had a fairly average Anglian Childhood.

Adolescence: Jack lived with his parents until he was about 16, after which he moved into the deeper city of Axford. Although, he soon found that he struggled to hold up a job within Axford. His childhood on the farm did not translate well into city life. During this time he spent much of his time as a pretty thief, narrowly dodging guards to get by. Most of the time he made very little from robbing people on the street and it was dangerous work. Although, his life of being a crook changed on one faithful winter night. It was a cold day on December 12th 298 AU, It was on this day when Jack walked into a bar and moved up the stairs. His intentions were to take the lockbox money that the bar kept in a janitor's closet. He did it before so things seemed to be going smoothly when someone yelled out behind him when Jack was right in the middle of locking picking the lockbox. The person saw Jack and called for some people to stop the thief. Jack took a random pocket watch that was next to the lockbox and made a run for it. Although in the process he knocked down a single candle in the closet. This started a fire in an establishment full of drunks, causing the death of 7 people. Jack made it out with his life and no one knew he was the one who started the fire... except for him. As he watched the place burn down a wave of guilt flooded him. After this day he gave up his life has a thief and decided to dedicate his life to helping others, in order to make up for the horrid action he committed on that one winter night.

Adulthood: By the time Jack became an adult he was already studying medicine. After passing medical school he decided to get as far away from the place of the fire as possible, moving to Regalia and becoming a doctor. Although, no matter how many lives he saved the guilt from that one winter night never wore off, He fell in and out of depressive states, although never told anyone about it, bottling up all of his emotions. He continued to find more ways to save lives, and after an incident with a Vampire, where he was narrowly saved by guards during a vampire attack, he decided to begin working on getting a side job as a guard.

Everything beyond this Happened In Roleplay

(November to December 307AC) He decided to first seek training before joining the guard force. He got blades training from Jared Luchs Kade, and when he told Jared that he desires to one day be a detective, he was also given some training in detective work.

(Around February to March 308AC) After he got the training he joined the Crimson Inquisition under Commander Karp. He worked for the Crimson Inquisition till it was dissolved.

(Some Day in March, 308AC) During an incident, involving a Criminal named Neomite, Jack's right wrist was directly slashed with a dagger. During the fight, Jack was forced to let his right wrist bleed while he used his left arm to hold his sword. When the fight was over and Jack was treated, he was left with a small Scar on his right wrist.

(April 5th, 308 AC) After the Crimson Inquisition was dissolved he decided to join the Old Guard. Now he is currently a member of the Old Guard under the command of William Howlester.

(April 9th, 308) Jack gets kidnapped by Alais Vampires, during his kidnapping he was thrown in a cell and forced to wear a blood collar. Although he made it out alive and uninfected, the incident would cause him to view Vampires even more negatively. He has many more run-ins with vampires after this event, all of his interactions with them are negative, this causes him to learn a few things about vampires. He would learn these things through books and such. After this Jack became a full-time guard, within the Old Guard.

(June First, 308) During an event, where guards went into the clickers hive and blew it up with bombs, Jack was stabbed in the right lung by a clicker, the clicker used its sharp claws that pierced threw his armor. When he was stabbed he was unable to get help until a whole hour later. By this time he was so close to death that doctors prematurely pronounced him dead. Although he survived it left him with permanent lung damage and the area that got stabbed was left with a massive scar.

(June 29th, 308) Jack ran into a grouping of Kathar right outside the Silver Salon, when seeing the Kathar he would attempt to make a run for it but one of them used an ability that disabled him and they then knocked him out. He was then forcefully infected when he was unconscious after they identified that he was an Old Guardsmen, and then threw him into a sewer cell in the Kathars base. He would then slowly turn into a vampire during the next 3 days.
(Jack gets afflicted by Vampirism)

(July 8th, 308) Jack gets exposed as a Vampire to many of his close friends in a vampire attack when one of the vampires calls him out.

(July 10th, 308) Jack gets cured of Vampirism by James Larkson. This happens when James becomes suspicious of Jack, leading to a fight, which Jack loses. After the fight, he is brought to Greygate, where he is cured. (Jack gets cured of Vampirism)

(July 19th, 308) Jack Officially leaves the Old Guard, leaving his life as a guard behind him, from this day on he began to repursue his career in the medical field.

(July 26th, 308) Jack discovers that his parents burned to death in a house fire. This deeply affects Jack causing him to think that his parents did in fact die because of him, he thought it was divine punishment for the incident that happened 8 years ago. He began seeing hallucinations of his parents and the words Deus Vult in random places, most notably the pocket watch that he keeps as a reminder from that faithful night.

(August 11th 308) About 4 months before this date Jack accidentally took out the eye of a man named Murad, because of this Murad would get his revenge. He kidnapped and then tortured Jack mentally and physically for hours. This combined with the fact that his parents recently died of fire, (causing him to think they died as a punishment for the incident that happened 8 years ago), gave Jack a temporary depression, yet permanent psychological damage.

(August 31, 308) Jack was going for a fine cup of tea when he was bashed in the back of the head by Kathar named Beluar Darkbrood (This Kathar previously attempted to befriend Jack) He was dragged into a house in the Old Town and reinfected with vampirism by an Alais Vampire. He would be fully turned by sunset of the next day.

(October 3, 308) Jack was revealed to be a vampire by someone who he has previously attacked and due to this, he is quickly cured by the guards, Although Jack will now be paranoid of the Crimson Witch that infected him.

(November 10th, 308) Jack gets a small letter in the mail, within the letter was an acception letter, Jack officially rejoins the medical field, becoming a doctor.
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Made the backstory a little short on purpose in order for him to be mostly affected by Rp.
Also, this is basically my main character
Claimed for review. Expect a reply shortly.
Made the backstory a little short on purpose in order for him to be mostly affected by Rp.

Regardless, I still think you're able to build onto your character's life story a lot more than what you currently have. There's surely a lot more to be told about the life of a 27-year-old than a single paragraph. Add a few more paragraphs worth of information about his life story, or flesh out what you currently have, mark the edits in red, and tag me when you're ready for me to review your app once again.
Basic Information
Name: Jack Velcantine
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Ailor)
Sexually: Straight
Culture: Anglian

Proficiency Points (27+5+ 10 hobby points = 42total, the character is 27 years old)
Blade Combat Skill: 15
Squad Tactical Skill: 6
Medical Science: 5
Perception Training: 6
Musical arts: 7
Visual arts: 3

Physical Stat: 15
Body Shape: Average
Body Fat: Low Body Fat
Height: 6'0


Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Normally wears a hood
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • He would express this emotion by being more generous to people, spending more time with friends and family, and would tend to buy more goods and services.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He would attempt to avoid the problem, but in a situation where other people's lives are at risk, you would face the fear.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • he would work much more, spend less time with family, and would drink much more.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Admires Authorities for keeping the streets safe and helping the people in need.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Indifferent
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
    • He keeps his religion a key part of his life.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He fears the unknown but is a little curious about its properties.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • He believes family is a key part of life.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • He believes that he is good with a blade but besides that, there is nothing about him that he is super proud of.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The belief that all lives are important and his desire to help people in need.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Lack of confidence
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Death of another person close to him
    • To be put in a situation that forces him to kill someone

Life Story

Jack Velcantine was born into a wealthy Anglian family of 4, when he was born he was twins with Richard Velcantine but he never got to know Richard because in a robbery gone wrong Richard was taken by a gang of bandits. The family, not wanting their loss to affect Jack's life, decided to never tell Jack about his twin and therefore Jack lived the rest of his life not knowing that he had a twin. Jack's parents were able to provide Jack with a fulfilling childhood because of their wealth. Jack got to have an education and was fed well. Since he did not have to worry about much when he was a child he got a lot of free time to spend playing with other children and have some hobbies, such as music and art. This also had the negative effect of Jack never really understanding and unable to relate with people who were less fortunate than him. Overall Jack lived a normal childhood.
Once Jack began to grow more he started to think about what he will do with his life. He thought about staying in Anglia but once he hit 19 he made the decision to move to the Regalia. He bought a ticket for a ship that would head of to Regalia and once he got there he went to look for work. He found work in a bar and began working as a bartender for the next 8 years. Till he was 27 when he, out of curiosity, went down into the sewers to see what it looked like under Regalia. When he was exploring the underbelly of Regalia he encountered a vampire. When he saw the vampire he began to back up but then the vampire started running towards him. He made a run for it and made it out of the sewers but the vampire followed him out. It was the middle of the night and when the vampire backed him into a corner he thought that it was over for him but then out of nowhere a patrol of guards spots him being attacked by the vampire and they quickly put down the vampire. After the guards saved he thought about what would happen if they were not on that patrol. After thinking for a bit he made the decision to become a guard.
He decided to first seek training before joining the guard force. He got blades training from Jared Luchs Kade, and when he told Jared that he desires to one day be a detective, he was also given some training in detective work. After he got the training he joined the Crimson Inquisition under Commander Karp. He is currently working as a guard in the Crimson Inquisition, now under a new commander, and is working to help people all around the city.
@Arhbi So Jack was infected with Vampirism meaning Re-Review is need I lowered his blades to only 10 since he was not a fighter most of his life, I removed stuff he would have never learned like squad skills, I basically changed up his profs a bit, and I made his personality align with the vampire curse.
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1. Made Jack Bisexual
2. Added Weakness and Fears expansion to his personality
3. Added More Basic Information
4. Added likes and Dislikes
5. Added Theme Songs
6. Small expansion of Backstory
Remains approved.
Jack got cured
Personality changes due to curing
Approved once more!
Changed Perception from 10 to 5
And reused the points into Athletics Training
Also changed Clothing Style
Remains approved
Theme Song Update
Religious Beliefs update
Backstory update

Updated Proficiency's
lowered his Shatterolgy to 0 since he has no reason to study it (He was never attacked by Werebeasts)
Increased Medical Skills to 8
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Remains approved.
The Personality Update

-Added The Core List in the personality section
-Turned the Questions list into a spoiler
-Added a numbering system to when I update the character sheet (Because I felt like it)
-Removed Richard
Everything looks in order to me.
The Alais Update

-Added a Crimson Form for if (When) Jack gets reinfected
-Made "Mozart - Lacrimosa" the new theme song
-Removed Vampire theme song
-Removed Richard
Poor Richard. Approved once again.

In the future, please only tag for significant or proficiency changes, I don't want to have to keep doing this for minor edits.
Spooky Scary Skeletons Update

-Jack is reinfected with Vampirism
-Personality changes due to the Reinfection
-Added new mutation, Crimson Lies
-Theme Song Change
-Removed Richard
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What happend?
What do I got to change?
I see they changed the Profs
Now I must work once again
Proficiency Points (27+5+10 hobby points = 42 total, the character is 27 years old)
Medical Science: 10
Sword Combat Skill: 8
Perception Training: 5

Writing Skill: 4
Strings Instrument: 5
Vocal Singing: 5
+5 Perception
+5 Theatre Arts
+5 Dancing Arts

5 Unused Points

Your points are confusing, Perception even repeats itself. Please put in parenthesis next to your points where you're getting them from.
@Arhbi I made some changes, is this better?
Sorry for another ping
I reworked the entire backstory so it is entirely different now

2.0 The Blazing Flames Update
-Entirely Reworked backstory
-Reworked Personality to Align with the Update
-Removed RICHARD
2.1 Update
-Small change made for the new prof system
Proficiency Points (52 total)
Medical Science: 15
Sword Combat Skill: 10
Perception Training: 5 +5 Perception (Birds Eyes View)

Burgling Rogue: 3
Keyboard Instrument: 5
Vocal Singing: 3

Theatre Art: 6 (Hobby Points)
8 Unused Points

Birds Eye View as an ability for the Drahl Ailor is no longer existent. Please refer to this wiki article for the new Drahl abilities.

You also should have 50 Age points + 10 Hobby Points, not '52 total'

Please go back and correct this.