Preserved Sheet Jace Tolsimir

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Coffee addict
Aug 5, 2015
Reaction score
Song to set the mood for this character:

Basic Information
DECEASED: 12/11/19
CAUSE: Broken Neck

  • Full name: Jace Tolsimir
  • Age: 45 Alorian years, Born July 20th. Looks like he's 25 year-old
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Preferred Weapon: Twin Axes
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
Proficiency points: 45 total proficiency points from age(+5 for the new points system)
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +10 Axe Combat Skills
  • +10 Cavalry Combat skills
  • +5 Metallurgy Arts
  • +15 Linguistic Knowledge
Body Shape
  • 25 Combat Points + 10x2 Athletic Points = 45 Physical Stat
  • Body Shape: Strongman Body shape
  • Body Fat: Built Body fat
  • Common(Taught by Parents)
  • Plains Elf(Native Tongue)
  • Daendroque(Linguistic Knowledge)
  • Modern Altalar(Linguistic Knowledge)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Auburn
  • Hair Style: Medium length
  • Skin Color: Tan Olive
  • Clothing: Blue shirt, one shoulder is bare showing a tribal tattoo and brown pants
  • Height: 6ft 4in
Personality and Questions

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Character Personality: Virtuoso
Character Religion: Faith of Estel

  • Level of belief: 5/10
  • How would Jace respond to Fear?
    • "What was that? Who goes there? Dear God! What is that?!" Jace responds to fear like any normal person, confused and with heightened senses. Quick to run from anything that is beyond his understanding and knowledge.
  • How would Jace respond to Stress?
    • "I don't want to deal with this right now stranger. Please, just leave me be." Jace responds to stress in a frustrated manor. Eventually he will become angered if anyone keeps trying to push for anything like an answer to why he is frustrated.
  • How would Jace express feeling Happy?
    • "Let's go get a drink to celebrate! What's that? We celebrate life and liberty my friend!" As you can see, Jace is the type of person who'd celebrate anything. He enjoys drinking as celebration no matter the price of the spirits.
  • How does Jace view Law and Authorities
    • "Law establishes order, and order establishes stability. Some laws are meant to be broken while others can't." Jace see's both Law and Authorities the same way. Necessary for civilization to remain stable. Even in times when it teeters on the brink of collapse.
  • How does Jace feel about Races other than his own?
    • "Anyone who calls me barbaric are nothing but imbeciles in my eyes. I don't care if their a man, woman or child." Jace hates people who call him barbaric or similar. Yes he is an Avanthar, yes he is muscular, no he isn't barbaric.
  • How does Jace feel about Religion for his self and other faiths?
    • "I'm not a very religious man but when I walk into a temple, I respect whatever god is being worshiped. Reverence is important for me because I don't want the gods to banish me to the void." Despite his lack of religion, Jace respect the beliefs of others.
  • How does Jace feel about Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • "Knowing that the Arcane and Magical are somewhere in this world ceases to amaze me. I only ponder the understanding of it's existence." Jace wants to understand the Arcane and Magical yet he doesn't obsess over it.
  • How does Jace feel toward his Family?
    • "I'm glad I left my dreaded father when I had the chance. I couldn't take his flaws anymore. My heart goes out for my sister, for she has to deal with that fiend. As for my mother, I love her dearly, but I don't understand why she married that excuse for an Avanthar." Jace hates his father but loves his mother and sister dearly.
  • What is Jace's biggest insecurity?
    • "Insecurity? Are you kidding? I regret nothing and insecurity is nothing in my eyes." Jace doesn't have an insecurity because he chooses to be prideful.
  • What is Jace most proud of about himself?
    • "My axes were made by my own two hands. I'm glad that they turned out in my image."
    • "When I took down an orc back in the highlands, that was my greatest feat of my strength."
  • What is Jace's biggest fear?
    • "Fear? I know no fear. I've had my encounters with death. I enjoy escaping it's cold grasp." Jace isn't scared of anything, not even death. It's only a matter of time until he picks up a fear.
Life Story
Childhood to Early Adulthood
Jace's story starts in the plains of Daen. He was born on the hot summers day of July Twentieth. Born of two Avanthar parents, he is the oldest of two siblings. His father was involved with the combat troops which allowed young Jace to learn how to ride a horse, learn how to use twin axes and grant him the muscular body. Whenever Jace got into trouble, his punishment was brutal and relentless. His father would determine the punishment for him depending on what the kid did. Most of the time, Jace would be lashed and beaten for no reason what so ever. This led to his whole back being riddled with scars. By the time Jace was ten, he was riding horses and learning how to make weapons. It took Jace five years to become a good blacksmith to where he crafted his own twin axes to which he carries to this day. When Jace was sixteen, he left his brutal father, his caring mother and sister. He went to travel the plains and would work as a blade for hire to anyone willing to pay him. He stayed on this path for several years, but he got paid a lot of coin to do this work.

Jace, The Lone Castaway
Once Jace was twenty-five, he'd buy his way onto a ship that would sail the seas. While the voyage lasted, Jace would always be seen up near the front of the ship looking out into the vast oceans ahead. During a heavy storm, the ship was torn apart as Jace was tossed overboard the ship. He'd be rendered unconscious as he floated on the remains of a row boat. When Jace woke up on a beach of a deserted island he would find himself lost, alone and forgotten. Jace knew he had to find his way to Regalia but he didn't know how far he was from the main land. Days went by as Jace worked hard to build a small raft. When Jace finished the raft, he'd set out to sea only for the raft to break apart as a result of the tides. Washing up back onto the shoreline, Jace would build another raft that could withstand the tides. Week went by, and Jace's mental health slowly deteriorated as the realization that he'd die alone on this dreaded island. One day as Jace was building the raft, he'd see a ship not to far from the shore. Thinking it was a hallucination, he shruged it off. Minutes later, the ship had slowly gotten closer to the island. As the ship crept closer, Jace soon knew that he wasn't forgotten. After what had seemed to be hours, the ship finally reached the island. Excited as he was, Jace ran to meet the sailors and board their ship. One of the sailors was an old friend and once he'd seen Jace, he'd ask "Jace what happened to you?". Jace would explain what had happened to him once the ship left the shore. With this experience, Jace would never forget how tranquil that island was and how he thought he'd die alone.

The Highlands years to Present Day
He'd finally reach the Regalian Highlands where he'd meet Theodas Vamys. While Theodas lived a peaceful life, Jace was a hellion. He'd go to be a fighter at the local pit. Despite his years in the highlands, Jace didn't adopt the accent like his new friend Theodas but he did learn how to speak Daendroque. Jace would train with Theodas for some time before heading south to the city. While Jace was leaving the highlands, he'd find himself crossing paths with a mage. This mage had sparked Jace's intrest in the Arcane and Magical. When Jace entered the city, he'd head right for a tavern to better understand the arcane. With no luck, Jace would forget about this encounter for the time being so he could find work and possible a place to lay his head. Jace is forty-five now and has been battle hardened since he was six, Jace is ready for what life has to throw at him.
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hey ! i am Chap and this is my peer review
to try and help with the crazy amount of apps being reposted / posted I will look at prof points and body stat but thats it . my thing is numbers not words !
★racial points no longer exist with the new system !
★you are born with 5/60 points meaning you have 50 points to work with
★dont forget with these changes your body stat will change
★ your axes may only go to 25

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