Preserved Sheet Jaanvi

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Criminally mad with no batteries
Nov 7, 2020
Reaction score
Here (not Scottland).
҉ Character Information
Name: Jaanvi
Race: Anchored Void Demon
Eye Color: Golden, contrasted by a single white pupil

҉ Core Concept
Jaanvi is a void demon made by the Greed Arken, who preys on the obsessed and feeds off of the desires and wishful fantasies of others.

Fen'nan contracts Jaanvi in the winter of 310AC to imitate someone they'd deemed important to them at a distant point in time. Jaanvi abandons the contract in the winter of 311 AC.

҉ Proficiencies
- Demolisher Pack
- Cheap Pack
- Fisticuffs Pack

- Protectorate Pack
- Counterplay Pack
- Recovery Pack



- Enchanting
- Illusionism
- Control

- West Linguist Pack
- Spirit Vendetta Pack
- Spirit Anti-Faith Pack

҉ Abilities

Contract (Current Contractor - None)

Jaanvi is currently without a contract, and therefore not present within Aloria at the moment.

҉ Languages

Common (Free)
- (Summoner's tongue)
West Linguist Pack (Proficiency)

҉ Appearance Information

Jaanvi prefers to take on a rather flamboyant appearance with a rather psychedelic color scheme, a depiction a previous contractor had painted for Jaanvi. Donning vibrant colors of pinks, purples and dark blues, a hole-riddled fairy's wing sprouts from one of Jaanvi's shoulders. A glowing white pupil glowers like a moon over a crimson sky, divided into four eyes. A lightless midnight sky drew vines and roses over vibrant blue skin.
Upon Jaanvi's last summoning, it was offered the face of Riftan Vaedra as a new visage for the demon. Accepting this bribe to make a contract, Jaanvi sometimes assumes a twisted appearance of the Ailor as their own to possess.

҉ Life Story

Jaanvi was made by Greed, a drifting entity with no purpose but to feed its obsessive interest in what other creatures may be obsessed about.
In 310 AC, Jaanvi is summoned and contracted by Fen'nan Solaveira, tasked with pretending to imitate their lost friend "Narla," and offer the support and presence Fen'nan had, in truth, already lost a long time ago.
In 311 AC, Jaanvi loses interest in Fen'nan's continuous spiral, annoyed by its competititors which fought it for influence over its contractor, and it abandons its contract.
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- West Linguist Pack
- Commander Pack
- Leadership Pack
- Saboteur Pack
Apologies, as I'm not familiar with the State packs. This line exists;
State Point Buy Rule: Characters can only purchase up to two of these packs, under the justification that a character is "A Commander" "A General" "A saboteur" or "A clumsy little guy," and not all four at the same time.
Apologies, as I'm not familiar with the State packs. This line exists;
State Point Buy Rule: Characters can only purchase up to two of these packs, under the justification that a character is "A Commander" "A General" "A saboteur" or "A clumsy little guy," and not all four at the same time.

Oh lmao I totally overlooked that too. Let me take some out and put them innnn. Constitution, I think. maybe 1 in STR and 1 in CON.

EDT: I just needed to move out 1pt. 1 Pointed invested in Counterplay (CON).
@Caelamus I also decided to go for a small proficiency overhaul, since I was updating the appearance information.

Dex was tossed to even out the point distribution, we're going 3 3 3 3 now LMAO.
@Caelamus Spells changed names. :flushed:

Added an Altered self description, bc I think the new Altered self is funny.
You're a demon, this is actually redundant to have. If you want to disguise yourself just hide in your summoner. Demons need to be visible in their identity when they are out and about.
You're a demon, this is actually redundant to have. If you want to disguise yourself just hide in your summoner. Demons need to be visible in their identity when they are out and about.

Yeah tbh I'm settled in this weird place where I'm like "Do I want to pretend to be 2 different demons or do I just shapeshift then and there bc haha funny."

Let me swap out Illusionism for smthing else. This character hasn't gotten into combat yet bc I've been running around and talking like a valley girl, so it's not easy to work out what to settle on yet.