Preserved Sheet Ivran Ondominel

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New user: TevinterMagister
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score

The Worried | The Cautious
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ivran Ondominel
  • Age: 31
  • Gender: Agender - Identifies as Male
  • Race: Magnus - Yanar

Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points: 31
  • Proficiency Points: 21 (-10 from Avant School)
    • +10 Avanthar Axe (+10 from Avant School)
    • +10 Horse Riding (+10 from Avant School)
    • +10 Arcol Elven Recurve Bow (+10 from Avant School)
    • +6 Unarmed Fighting (+6 from Points)
    • +5 Astronomy (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Sneaking (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Acrobatics (+5 from Points)
  • Culture Points:
    • +20 Horticulture (+20 Yanar)
    • +10 Carving (+10 from Points)
    • +5 Tailoring (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Instrumental Music (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Pastry Cooking (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Bodycare (+5 from Points)
    • +1 Dancing (+1 from Points)
  • Languages:
    • Common - 10/10
    • Modern Elvish - 10/10
    • Daendroquean - 10/10
    • Skodje - 5/10

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Red leaves with white flowers
  • Hair Style: Somewhat on the longer side, down to his shoulders. Usually kept down and untangled. Sometimes can be put up in a bun.
  • Skin Color: A soft, lightly colored green
  • Clothing: Very casual and easy fitting
  • Height: 6'5
  • Body Build: Athletic

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph | Strong Winds:
    • Ivran can be seen as a man of few words and being rather serious. Few smiles and laughs come from him and he often puts up a front. He does attempt to be more sociable when he is in a good mood, however. If you were to catch him at a bad time, such as when he is upset with something, he may come off as a rude and uncaring man with little empathy within his words, letting his emotions get the best of him.
  • Second Paragraph | Stressed Thoughts:
    • The yanar is very aware on how he acts and often stresses out over being rude. He often gets rather ticked off at himself when he lets his emotions get the best of him, being emotionally driven. He stresses himself very often over the most simple and easiest tasks, taking from his father when he was "born," making him be very indecisive as a well.
  • Third Paragraph | Humorous Plant:
    • Ivran lets himself be moved by his emotions around his family and friends. He can be rather cheerful and doesn't put up a mask. He finds it very hard to lie to his close ones. Around his friends, he is very easy going, though he still can be on the quiet side. He doesn't entirely let his guard down around them but he tries his best. Around his family, he is completely himself, all smiles and giggles. When he is upset, he would break down in front of him easily. He loves his family and would most likely lay down his life if he absolutely had to. When he finds a lover, he would truly cherish them completely. He would seem extremely clingy towards his lover. Depending on the race, he would be very aware of what little time in this world they had together and would make sure every second with him would be the best days and years of their lives together.
  • Fourth Paragraph | Unsure Thoughts:
    • Ivran is usually unsure on what is exactly good or bad, having been thrown through a large ordeal in his long life already. He is still cautious about most things, coming across as a chaotic good. He typically is seen as confused and easily told what is right or wrong but quickly figures out what is right once told. Once that is down he usually tries to stick to the law, trying to not gather attention to himself.


Life Story
[ 0 - 10 ]
  • Ivran was 'born' to his father, Nyth Ondominel, in 275AC after his father made camp within a Cielothar/Avanthar settlement.
  • The young yanar soon became the eldest of two other siblings along with his father.
  • He was raised within the community, learning to assist with his father.
  • His father soon began to train him in acrobatics, learning how to climb trees to gather fruit and other items for the elven settlement.
  • Until the age of 9 where he soon was dragged out of the element with his father, joining him in traveling with a strange Isldar.
  • However, things took a turn for the worst and became disastrous when the two yanar realized the ill intentions, leaving the strange elf and going to Daendroc.
[ 10 - 20 ]
  • Once Ivran was introduced to the Avanthar society that he and his father stayed in he was enamored by the strength the elves showed.
  • He quickly took upon trying to be like the Avanthar elves, beginning to train in the Avant School with other young elves.
  • His father quickly took up residence there and began to train from a tutor while he took the next few years to train himself with the Avanthars.
  • He quickly grew to be more serious as his siblings found their own callings, either being too lazy or too active for his tastes.
[ 20 - 31 ]
  • When he was old enough, he began to travel with his father within a trading caravan.
  • Ivran soon found himself becoming part of the mini guard force the trading caravan had as they traveled through Daendroc.
  • When his father parted ways with the group when they got to the port, Ivran instead chose to go with the group.
  • Over the next several years he began to learn the ways of being part of a merchant vessel crew.
  • He learned astronomy and carving from one of the elders on board, the serious yet partially wise elder Velhiem ailor took him under his wing.
  • Now within recent years he has come to Regalia after being asked to come there by his father, now trying to aid him in his endeavors.