Preserved Sheet Ivran Draylas

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score


Art By @Patsie


[Almost Blue <> Chet Baker] [Chet Baker <> I Get Along Without You Very Well] [Take Five <> Dave Brubek]

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Ivran Sahdaie Aevaros Draylas
  • Age: Eighty-Three
    • Born April 14th of 221 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Kathar | Clan of Käyth Shenath
  • Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 60 Points From Age
  • Combat Proficiencies:
    • + 20 Fast Blade Combat Skill [10 from Race, 10 from Points]
    • + 10 Light Bow Combat Skill [10 from Points]
    • + 5 Unarmed Combat Skill [5 from Points]
  • Knowledge Proficiencies:
    • + 20 Magical Knowledge [10 from Race, 10 from Points]
  • Body Proficiencies:
    • + 15 Rogue Training [+15 from Points]
    • + 10 Acrobatics Training [+10 from Points]
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 25 Combat Points + 10 Acrobatics
    • 5(2) Unarmed + 10(2) Acrobatics + 10FB + 10LB = 50 Points
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Body Fat: Extreme Low-Fat
  • Kathar Elven Dialect [Native Language]
  • Common [Learned During Travels]
Special Traits
  • Magical Knowledge | 20 Points - 4 Categories
    • Demonology Info
    • Dimenthism Info
    • Arkenism Info
    • Racialism Info
  • Threlwar Summons
    • Malady | Blessing causes nails to turn into blackened claws.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Kathar White
  • Hair Style: Long Strands with a Ponytail
  • Skin Color: Grey-Blue
  • Clothing: Gypsy Garb or Servant Attire
  • Height: 6'4" or 193cm
Personality and Abilities (Required)

Outer Perspective | Ordinary Individual

Despite his skin color he's a rather average individual. Being the center of attention is never his true intention. He has a slightly selfish attitude when it comes to helping people, so he won't go out of his way to help people because of his expectations unless he's got a good reason to. He can also be defensive and secluded whenever he's put on the stand. If people ever heard about him they'd most likely here nothing of significance and think of him as no one in particular, or at least someone that does his job and moves along with his day-to-day life.

Inner Perspective | Weary Traveler

Ivran has come to the conclusion that a lot of things are out of his control and that he shouldn't take things too much to heart. He's forgiving of simple mistakes, but he's not forgetful of his past. His anxieties form as a sense of pessimism of others intentions and what they will actually accomplish. While whenever it comes to himself he doesn't think he's a bad or good person. Ivran just believes that he's currently in a stagnant state because of the universe and that it'll eventually change up for him. Though he is beginning to grow restless and tired because of the dead ends he's come across these past few years.

Friends & Family | Jaded Lover

During his stay in Regalia he picked up a few new friendships and his bond with Dahae grew. This came to a sudden change, and as of right now he's reclusive whenever it comes to displays of affection or friendship. He's willing to show off some amicable traits, but he's not willing to get too close to individuals in fear of abandonment. In the case that someone earns his trust he'll be far more trusting of them, spill his secrets to them, and sacrifice a little bit of himself for this individual.

Moral Compass | The Indifferent Sort

Over the past few decades Ivran has slowly grown to be indifferent about most subjects whenever it comes to his idea of ethics and morality. He's a rule follower sure, but it's not like he's going to snitch on someone for doing something bad. He's neutral about most things and isn't willing to get himself into a fight or anything gruesome unless it has a definite reward for him. Otherwise he understands that people do good and evil and that it's a simple part of life. He can't change an individual if they do what they do, and he doesn't plan on changing that. The only times he's willing to truly get involved in deeds that partake in grey morality is when they directly influence him or may make his life just a tad bit easier.

Life Story (Required)

| Birth & Childhood |

Ivran was born in the year of 221 AC. He was born to an obscure Kathar and his mother Tae'lii Draylas in the Paärthalaär. Where he lived the Kathar cultures were mashed together and bastardized into a more common ground with some prevalent distinctions. His household was average in the fact that it was a chaotic mess amongst the ever changing environment around him. The family was incapable of keeping up and parts of their lives fell around them as they took care of the young babe. So in turn this chaos pushed on the boundary of what they were able to handle and left them without much to survive. Most of his early years continued with a plain motion as his family tried to survive through the constant change and horrific conditions surrounding them. It wouldn't be until around the age of eight that Ivran was forced into enslavement based off of his father's wrongdoings. His father's actions were never known to the boy, but it didn't really matter since he'd never get the chance to ask him as his father was later sacrificed in the name of the Prefect of Power while his mother was able to escape a malevolent fate. The boy's enslavement wasn't as harsh as it could've been as the boy was prepared by a selective group of Saivale that wanted to mold the boy into a personal thug.

| Teenage Years |

Being taken at such a young age let the boy develop his skills in schooling that favored his master's intentions. Early on he was tutored by a mixture of Kathar with different backgrounds. His main tutors were a set of individuals that taught him in the arts of a rogue. Throughout his training he had to compete with other pupils. This meant he'd have to swindle their chances and betray. Despite all of this he enjoyed his life so far. It was a tough life to live by, and he wasn't entirely respected, but he was given necessities and didn't have to worry about anything besides himself and training.

| Early Adulthood |

Now with his main tutorship complete, at the age of twenty-two, he'd now pick up on the extra skills. The first of the main tasks that he was given was to learn the in's and out's of those that he'd be dealing with the most. This meant that his training was focused around the magical elements of the world that include mages, aberrant, and the possessed. This portion of his life was also when he started to gain work experience through small jobs that he was given. He wasn't entirely centered around servant work as he committed nefarious deeds for his masters. This sort of work would include thievery, robbing and espionage.

| Mid Adulthood |

Ivran's life continued along its normal path as he began to work further away from the 'estate' life that the Saivale provided. Instead he picked up more of a mercenary lifestyle. One of the more inconvenient missions that he was assigned to was to hunt down an elemental mage that was trying to make his way to the edge of the Dread Empire and make his escape. It sounded easy enough since the mage was relatively incapable. So Ivran was set off towards the middle of nowhere with some trust given to him by his masters. His hunt brought him across into unknown lands as he had to survive the perils of the wilderness between the rest of the new world and the land of the Dread Empire, which wasn't an easy task in all regards. Most of what he had brought with him was lost in the journey except for his blade and bits of knickknacks.

This all led him to eventually making his way to a small port city with a small slums filled with Kathar refugees. He believed this would be the place to find his target. Instead he was dragged into a trivial life within the slum, making wrong turns here and there as his search dragged on for months. It only ended once he learned that the mage was shipped away with a crew, so now he had to find his own. This was when he first met the adventurous and odd Dahae. She had been the only non-Kathar to assist him in some manner, and with her zeal she'd be able to sway him over. He then boarded a ship with her, assisting as a crew member for some years.

| Recent & Current |

The crew eventually landed in the city of Regalia, and with a few rumors circulating he had heard of a 'Dark Mage' making his life well known in the sewers. So with this he continued his search and slowly drifted away from his Dahae. He grew cold to her despite never having the intentions to do such. His jealousy eventually ousted him from her circle of friends. It was over these past few years that he had dealt with a multitude of the city's dramatic events. He even found himself in chains once more to a 'Miss Nancy,' but that relationship declined once she disappeared from his life as well. So now he's stuck in a repetitive cycle that has lasted a few years now. He's practically stopped his search as he is now focused on either finding his way home, or by finding Dahae and rekindling his relationship.
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My Review:
  • Life Story
...population that was heavily reminiscent of the Clan of Käyth...
  • So why is it not? If it isn't the Clan, why/how is it reminiscent of them considering Kathar society and their fairly distinct Tribes.
  • Why was "decay" the most prevalent part of his childhood? "Decay" isn't really tied to chaos, business, speed, a dozen other things are, so why was it "decay".
  • Please directly state the age he started and finished his schooling so I can ensure that he has the needed 10 years in his School of choice.
Tag me once the edits are done in green @Sebbysc
@HydraLana :^) Un-Shelfing him. I redid the formatting and all that since this is an OLD app.
@HydraLana :^) Un-Shelfing him. I redid the formatting and all that since this is an OLD app.
The maximum word allotment of 900 for the Life Story has been cleared by just over an extra 100 words, please do appropriate editing to meet the limit.