Character Information
Appearance Information
Core Concept
- Full Name: Ivazys Afeya Thaelyr Parvayr Azadha Vas Araïs Almaaia s'Abyä Som'ro Min'zyëra.
- Heritage / Culture: Life Isldar, Mender Faction.
- Age: 48.
- Gender / Pronouns: Female | She/Her.
- Religion: Draconist.
- Character Occupation: Wandering Healer, Scholar, and Curioso.
Appearance Information
- Ivazys is best defined by her strikingly dark, gracefully curly locks of hair, which she keeps almost absurdly long as far as length is concerned. The Isldar is 5ft 10in for height, and rather slender, but lithe, in body shape. Her eyes are a sparkling, frosty hue, glistening with the same fractal patterns of her kind. She often enjoys to wear veils, wimples, or other hair coverings as a decorative piece, which also in turns can serve to make her traveling lifestyle more easy. Furthermore, Ivazys dresses herself usually in the robes and dresses of her culture, often furnished additionally with more draconic elements and details.
Core Concept
- Ivazys is a Life Isldar by birth, to the patrician Thaelyr House of southern Ellador, raised in the graces of the Draconist faithful. She is a woman of many paths in life: A scholar, a curioso, and a healer to the forgotten. As a staunch pacifist, Ivazys ministrates the care and aid of the healing arts towards the misbegotten of Aloria. Upon her wyvern, Sahälyym, Ivazys wanders in search of aiding the impure, the shunned, and those deemed lesser by the rest of the world.
- Born to the House of Thaelyr, Ivazys is one of many siblings and members of an extensive, ancient lineage. While raised amongst Truebloods, the circumstances and experiences of her life have altered her ideals, and has been a Mender Isldar since after the civil war.
- Due to family, upbringing, and simply outright zealous belief, Ivazys is a devout Draconist and patron of Aurora. She believes fervently in the right of life, for all people, and takes great pride in feeling she is honoring this philosophy with her ministrations.
- Ivazys served a mandatory decade of combat against the Dorkarthi vampires, as many Isldar do. This horiffic experience however drastically altered her viewpoints in life, rendering the Isldar a pacifist at heart.
- Despite a diplomatic education, Ivazys' new way of seeing the world drove her towards scholarship and healing. She studied the alchemical arts of her people, turning them to healing aromatics of her own design. With this knowledge and skillset, she began assisting others, singularly so the so-called lesser creatures of the world, at least those she managed to earn the trust of. Primarily, her time would be spent flying between Thylan tribes in Jorrhildr, who she became the most attached to and able to provide the most goodwill towards. Equally so, this often puts her in harm's way, as she operates with no oversight or security, with only her own personal renown amongst those creatures who know of her to shield her.
- When not undertaking this, Ivazys turns to scholarship, study, and religious contemplation. As a result, she is often a very isolated person, even if she wouldn't prefer to be so alone. She does not consider herself a zoologist, as she believes classifying those she helps as animals to be offensive, but in pure technicality, she could be seen as a specialist in this branch.
- In addition to her wandering scholar aesthetic, Ivazys is ever curious of ruins, artifacts, and lost tomes of old. Though interest in this is more considered by her to be a passion project rather than her true calling.
- Despite being a pacifist, she strangely enough keeps up her practice with her preferred weapon of the Moon-Glaive. In her opinion, it is much more of a dance, and a practice of mediation, wit, and focus, than a means to harm. It could be surmised that if not for her pacifism, she might be rather deadly with said weaponry.
- Ivazys is a very skilled Wyvernrider, having a strong bond with her own mount, Sahälyym (Puredream), which she uses to enable herself of swift travel from place to place, or more specifically, patient to patient in the frozen Jorrhildr wasteland.
- Additionally, Ivzays loves playing the setar, a stringed guitar-like instrument native to her people, and is incredibly skilled with it. When set up camp high up in the blizzard-strewn mountaintops, and the moon glistens brightly overhead, there is nothing she might enjoy more than the peaceful tranquility of playing a starlit melody with one.