Preserved Sheet Ivar Silevon Magnusson

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Deceptively unwholesome
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score






Full Name: Ivar Silevon Magnusson
Age: 23 {Born 283 AC}
Gender: Male
Race: Half human, half Velheimer, half Isldar
Sexuality: Very confused



Total Points: 23
Combat Proficiency
+18 Blades {+18 from Points}
+10 Axes {+10 from Racial bonus}

Body Proficiency
+5 Athletic {+5 from Points)}

Body shape
  • 18 + (5x2) = 28
  • Ripped
  • Extreme Low Fat
  • Skodje {First language, learnt from his fathers family}
  • Middle altalar {Second language, taught by his mother}
  • Common {Third language, taught when moving to Regalia}



Eye Color: Icy blue
Hair Color: Light blonde
Hair Style: Curly and wild, currently down to his shoulders and kept tied up in a bun when he needs it out of his face.
Skin Color: Sickly pale
Clothing: Differs from day to day, but he mainly wears a loose, blue shirt, dark gray pants and furs in colder seasons, along with a cape.
Height: 6'2 ft

Personality traits

First Paragraph: Ivar can come across as brooding or disengaged if on his own, but this will in most cases be proved to mainly be a bad case of resting bitch face. This can make the man seem difficult to approach, with isn't the case at all. Once approached or approaching the young man will often wear a crooked smile and doesn't shy away from jokes. Most people would see him as a pleasant, nice person to be around if perhaps a bit cocky at times. If crossing the man often keeps a smile on his lips, but resorts to sarcasm or jokes on the person's behalf in a calm, yet demeaning manner.

Second Paragraph: Despite his confident and cocky facade, the young man is ultimately extremely uncertain of himself and who he is. After growing up without a father, or with unreliable father figures, he doesn't have the guidance and security he'd need. This hits extra hard when he swears to himself that he'll be better than his predecessors, but ultimately fall in the same traps. The only confidence he has is in his own ability to fight and tries to expand this as much as he can to other areas of his life.

Third Paragraph: There is nothing more important to the halfling than family and the ones he holds dear. He will often dampen his own problems and misery simply to take care of his family and friends, and to keep their moods up. The caring element is certainly a result of spending a lot of his younger years caring for his own depressed mother. His confidence in fighting also shows off as being fiercely protective and a passionate ally to have. This protectiveness can also border to recklessness, if his family or dear ones would be in danger he could throw himself at everything with nothing more than his own fists to show.

Fourth Paragraph: Ivar is a truly good person by heart, and often shows it. He does not shy away from helping others, offering a stranger a smile or a greeting, and does his very best to follow laws. He can, however, cut corners and ignore certain parts of laws, especially when it regards family or lovers. This makes him more of chaotic good, as all of his actions are based on good intentions, but might not follow a lawful path.


Aubrey Lupenzi -
I don't think I will ever understand all you've done for me, and for that, I am forever grateful ma. @JoyShake

Tobias Lupenzi -
If my whole world fell apart I would be fine if I knew you were alright. @ZiggyStarDusted

Lazarus Lupenzi -
You're the closest thing I had to a father, and I owe you so much of who I am today. Including the loose morals. @ZiggyStarDusted

Larasviel Silevon -
Did anyone tell you that you are kind of grumpy grandma? @JoyShake

Luca Lupenzi - You were arguably the best mistake I ever did in my life. Also, please put down that sword. @Shrykos

Khalid Nazari -
…Please don't ask. @TheBioverse

Marque D'ainvergal
- I never thought I'd love a goat, but here I am. @improv_

Claudia Lupenzi -
I am glad we can speak again, even though you like women. @_Owlet

Vale Flore'cien'lla - That is alot of leg to show in public. @ClearlyANerd




Ivar was born in the harbor districts of Regalia in 24th of July of 283 AC. He was the first, and only child of Aubrey Lupenzi and Magnus Jonasson. His father had died in battle a mere month before he was born, and thus he never knew his father. Shortly after his birth, Aubrey decided to move to Magnus' family in Nordskag, and this was where the boy would come to grow up.

Due to the loss of her husband, Ivar's mother was deeply depressed for the beginning of his life, often plagued by nightmares and problems with coping with everyday life. This made the young boy very attached to his mother, and she to him, to soothe her.

Once his mother got better and started working and studying, the boy would be left during most of the day with his uncle, or extended family. Thorbjorn was kind to him, and would bring him along his day, effectively acting as the boy's first father figure. The rest of his father's family was not as kind. Whilst they treated Ivar better than his mother, it was clear that it was an issue of him being half Isldar. The older Ivar got, the more he would notice this attitude towards him and his mother, the opinion on ice elves being rather sour in the village. This led to the two ultimately deciding to move back to Regalia, leaving behind the place Ivar knew as home.


Ivar was 12 and knew very little common when he got off the boat to Regalia. The transition from the small village in Nordskag and the big, bustling capital was incredibly taxing on the young boy that essentially would not leave his mother's side for the first few months after they returned. His mother soon got him a tutor to train common as well as unionism, seeing how his father's family had all been of the Old God's faith. This suited the boy's as he'd not be required to leave their house, and thus stayed sheltered.

Soon before he turned thirteen was when his second, and more complicated father figure stepped into the picture, Lazarus. At first, he was visiting his mother as "a friend", and colleague. The visits grew frequent and occasionally the man would stay multiple days, even the occasional week. Ivar and Lazarus grew close, with the man tutoring him in swordsmanship and told him tales of his bloodcast schooling, the boy absolutely adoring him and looking up to him.

In 298 AC Ivar would thus enroll in the school of Bloodcast for the next four years, the boy completely devoted to his education. The stubbornness of his mother truly shone through in him during the duration of his Bloodcast education, in the form that the young man never seemed to tire or slow down the pace at which he studied and trained.


Once Ivar had finished his education he once again returned home to live with his mother, picking up the odd job here and there to keep a very small amount of money coming in. He would explore the city, the surrounding nature of the archipelago, occasionally traveling back to Nordskag to meet with Thorbjorn during the next few years. This was his most stagnant and bland years, and the young man grew bored and restless.

At the age of 23 life would again pick up a pace, when he fell for Claudia d'Soleil. The two quickly devoted themselves to each other, and Ivar soon decided to ask permission to court her. This was when he found out that Lazarus was her father. The man he had looked up to wasn't only married but had two children of his own. It became clear to the young halfling that the man he had looked up to had more or less abandoned his own family whenever he had visited Ivar's mother.

Soon after this revelation, Lazarus and Ivar's mother rekindled their "ended" affair, and Lazarus divorced his first wife to marry Aubrey. This wouldn't have been a bother to Ivar, if it hadn't meant that he was forced to end the courtship between him and Claudia. Thus he found himself outside her house many nights, drunk, but far too scared to ever knock on her door to tell her himself.

Instead, he spiraled into a cycle of sarcasm and bitterness, drinking to numb the anger towards his stepfather and mother's decision. During one particularly drunken night, he found himself being drawn to a particular man, later ending up in bed with him. This was somewhat of a twist for the young man, considering he had never had any thought on partners past the common norm of marrying a woman to settle down and have a family. The trend continued when he met Marque D'ainvergal falling for the man and eventually becoming partners.

Life started looking better for the halfling, with his newfound love, and new household. Lazarus had brought his son Tobias, becoming his stepbrother. They quickly became as close as if they were brothers by blood, not often be seen walking the streets without the other. Ivar lived in bliss for a few months, before Marque and his relationship ended, and once again, he found himself having to pick himself up from excessive drinking and misery to try and build a life on his own.

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