Preserved Sheet Itzal Vera Ajam

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The artist formally known as Blacksheep
Mar 7, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Itzal Vera Ajam
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Varran - Sarran
Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points: 30

  • Historical Knowledge +10
  • Statesman Knowledge +20
  • Literary Arts +20 (Racial)
  • Bodycare Training +10 (Racial)

Physical Stat=0
Body Shape: Athletic (Varran Minimum)
Body Fat: Low

  • Common, Fluent

  • Zcorr, Fluent

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Golden Yellow
  • Fur Color: Light brown with darker stripes

  • Clothing: Simple brown pants with a red sash around his shoulder

  • Height: 5'5

  • Body Build: Athletic
Personality and Abilities

How is your character perceived by others?
Itzal has two faces he'll show to people depending on where he is. In public he's often approachable and boisterous, always eager to act friendly, meeting new people and learning more about them. In a private setting he is much more reserved and puts more thought into what he says, making sure to remain inoffensive while listening to what others have to say. In either setting he will rarely say what he is actually thinking, remaining as calm and charismatic as possible even in front of those he despises. Although this façade falls apart when his friends or family are insulted.

How does your character feel inside?
He's very aware of how he lives his life and constantly acts to ensure he leaves an impact on the world in one form or another, willing to accept any punishment and suppress his true feelings from coming out to further his goals. However this has left him with a slight emptiness at his lack of close friends and family, something he loathes to dwell on for too long. Instead he focuses solely on bettering the conditions of himself and his species, finding happiness in his research and role in uncovering Varran history. Now in Regalia this lost time is something he tries to make up for, to fill the gap.

How does your character act towards friends and family?
Before coming to Regalia Itzal was slow to make friends with a reserved and somewhat untrustful nature, especially around non-Varran. While able to find common interests he tended to treat most the same. However since coming to Regalia he's found himself able to converse and befriend many more non-Varran gaining the ability to treat them the same as he would any other of his race. Around other Varran he has always been much more trusting, near instantly warming up to them, being much more likely to share his views and thoughts. Despite personally knowing more degenerate Varran he still tends to see the best in them, believing in a common goal.

What is your character's morality?
A well-meaning character he does his best to follow the law and his own moral views doing the best to help those who need it. However, he can often see the need for action to be taken even if the consequences may cause people to get to hurt as long as the ends can justify the means. A belief he can respect in others and often encourages other Varran to see things the same way when it comes to the betterment of Varran rights and society in the world.

Life Story

  • Born in the free city of Ssil, to a young couple just free from years of captivity, Itzal's upbringing was not without hardship. As refugees to a new city his parents had little place in the world and with few skills it was hard for them the find enough work or time to relax.
  • For Itzal this meant he spent a lot of time on his own, roaming through the city having to make friends on his own. As a rather social child this meant he often got involved in plenty of trouble and quickly had to learn the social skills needed to diffuse these situations.
  • As he grew into his teens, and wanting to start making some money, he became increasingly interested in the merchants and traders as they came and went through the city. Seeing the opportunity to put his love for shiny objects to use he'd go to leave Ssil, joining as the apprentice to a traveling merchant, trading gem stones and jewellery between the Dahr and some Ailor cities along the way.
  • Travelling through the region and talking to so many Varran he slowly developed an interest in the history of the species.

  • After being able to save up enough money to live off he'd decide to put his interest in Varran history and ruins into practice as he joined a small group of historians and archaeologists on their route to Ithania.
  • After some time this interest of his became a passion as he learnt he learnt the skills to help research and excavate, learning more about old Varran history and technology as the group collected old parts and artifacts.
  • Since then he's come to Regalia to be more involved with the Varran community while seeking the most direct path to improve their standing in the world.
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  • I'd like for you to expand on paragraphs one, two and four of personality and abilities by atleast a sentence each.
  • Specify in life story that his mother was a Varran, as referring to her as a 'Farah'deen mother' can be misinterpreted.

Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @Blacksheep
@Bagley_ changes have been made, to Personality and abilities. I've also changed the characters body weight and proficiency points slightly.
@Bagley_ Requesting a re-review after changing his school and proficiency points. Also redid part of his personality in green and reworded the lifestory to reflect the changes the to his school.
@Bagley_ Requesting a re-review. Did a full rework, ageing him up 10 years and changing his proficiency points, personality and life story.
decided to age him back down 5 years and changed the last part of his life story to reflect that @Bagley_
Your character does not have the physical stats required for muscular. Racial boosts do not factor into that. Also one language too many. @Blacksheep
My mistake, changed his points and took him down to Ripped, removed Daen.@Bagley_
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Please update to fit into the reworked Varran.
After the Varran rework I decided to change him to a Sarran and move him away from being a fighter. Changed proficiency and life story to match as well as appearance change. @Bagley_
@Bagley_ Updated to fit changes to language system and edited backstory to fit. Decided to remove metallurgy and move it to statesman knowledge as well.