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It's On Again


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
"I, Edward Jarsdel, do solemnly swear to the Imperial Spirit, that persuant to the Trijunct of the Pit on the Third of March, 306, I am a reformed man, lawful and faithful, avoidant of criminal activity and naysayer of the crimes of murder, assault, organized crime, corruption and conspiracy."

As he walked down the streets of Regalia, his blue eyes stared through his vintage round glasses, his side-shaven hair gently swaying to the motions of wind. His long-coat flapped against his legs, it's golden ornaments glistening under the sunshine. A burning sigg held between his two fingers, he brought it to his pale lips for a drag, allowing the smoke to thereafter scatter into the air. He was back home.

Two men stood to his sides, and his uncle Harrison. They were distantly tailed by guards, though Edward knew of this. Surveillance had been ordered prior. As he walked down the street, people gave him mixed stares, some filled with hate, some filled with fear. The man was walking the streets again, his hands free. What was this going to mean? Were the crimes going to continue? Was the notorious crimelord Edward Jarsdel back in business?


Edward Jarsdel had signed a Statement of Virtue prior, and thusforth, officially became a lawful politician thereafter. From now and onwards, Edward Jarsdel was truly what he always claimed to be; a businessman. He brought an index to the center of his round glasses and pressed them into place while his family and house staff cheeringly and celebratingly walked him back into his large estate. Edward allowed a sigh of relief to escape his lips and looked over the rich golden decorations of his manor.

It was good to be back.

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Two Steps Back, One Step Forward

A certain Hooded fellow couldn't help but notice the mixed glares of hate and stares which converged upon the 'businessman'. The table just under the cowl's nose bore the weight of the alleged reports, confession, and the letter of apology. His green-hued eyes carefully took in the scenery-- Namely the surveillance escort and those in the Jarsdel's company.

Shortly after continuing this 'right time, right place' scene, two questions flooded the mind of the hood.

"To what end did he divulge his past to write his future, and what promises were made to unseal his fate?"