It's Just Business


He hated these meetings
Gochnipunchni sat at his tall desk, drumming his fingers as he waited desperately for the meeting to be over.
"And for the third quarter, we pulled in a 30% increase in stock value"
Gochnipunchni glanced at his watch, counting down the seconds.
"And for the 4th.. We lost 20% profit margins"
He perked up, this was interesting news.
"What do you mean we lost profits?! We haven't lost anything since I founded this company!"
The poor accountant bowed his head, apologizing hurriedly.
"It's because of the blockade, sir!"
"The blockade? The blockade shouldn't stop our caravans!"
"But sir, the blockade is preventing out most profitable ventures from going forth!"
He stood up, shaking one wooden finger, then stormed from the room
"Incompetence! Incompetence everywhere!"
He stepped out on to Lilac Street, taking in a breath outside the Mercantile building.
Then he turned up his collar and set off to the sewers.
As he walked through the dank tunnels, vermin on either side, he remarked on how far he had come.
"To think I used to be making a profit down here" he exclaimed, wrinkling his nose.
As he trudged through grime toward the tavern, he grumbled "At least I was turning a profit back then, now I have the aid of four companies and tens of backers, and I'm turning less of a profit!"
As he sat down at a table, and ordered his usual cider, a large man with a heavy fur coat sitting across from him caught his attention.
He had the look of a sailor, but he had none of the clothing, instead he looked like..
Gochnipunchni got up, and walked toward the man, forsaking his cider in favour of this opportunity.
"Twat tis it ye be wantin"
"Excuse me, you have the look of a sailor, do you happen to own a ship?"
The man looked down at the short mushroom-headed wooden being.
"I be th' Captain of a mighty fine ship, she be called, th' Storm Crow, aye, I fly."
"You fly?"
"Ye, I fly airships"
"Hmmm" Gochni mumbled "Would you be willing to accept an investment and contract?"
"Mayhaps, what would I be carryin'?"
"Spices, metal and alchemical ingredients"
"Th' spices an' ingredients I cou' do, th' metal however.."
"Done, we will discuss details later"
Gochni left, a bounce in his step, eager to tell his accounting group.
"That's how you do business"

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Another business person..maybe Noelle should meet this person, she could make a fortune! (Jk)
Gochni would rob her with a nice deal that would screw her over later ;P