It's Fine, Really

Just a short lil thing I did on Tes' experience of the Loyalist attack on Regalia. Yeah. The one where he gets his leg and hand blown off.

NOTE! This is not for the faint of heart. It's creepy. Just saying.

There was blood everywhere.
Blood on the walls, blood on the floor, blood leaking through the ceiling and dripping down onto my shoulders, soaking through my clothes like acid. There was just so much of it. I suppose it's called a bloodbath for a reason.
The fighting around me was brutal - Deathling guards were clashing blades with the Loyalist soldiers (if you could call them soldiers) and fingers were coming off and eyes were being gouged and heads were rolling. It felt like a war, and I suppose that's exactly what it was - the final battle. It all comes down to this, really. I suppose the only
oh Estel that one with the hammer's coming towards me
I ducked backwards and raised my lantern, spitting foreign phrases as I willed the magic to work. The deathling was nearing - that looked like a pretty big hammer, actually - and now it had two buddies. Unluckily for them, they appeared just in time.
The deathling shot back into the two other deathlings in a bright flash of light, sending all three of them down in a tangle of limbs. I took this opportunity to recast the beam - sustaining it this time - and began to wreak havoc. I mean, I didn't kill any of them, but that wasn't really what it was about - it was just kinda funny to see them flying about the place.
Soon I found myself outside once more, away from the coppery stench of the indoors, just on the street leading up to the Willow Tavern. I recognised it easily - even though I hadn't been topside in a good year or two, first impressions are hard to shake; especially when they're this.. impressive. The massive building loomed above me.
But - over there. Somebody was.. what were they doing? They were standing on something and waving their sword about. What..
Ooh. Right. A charge. Ahah, well, that makes more sense than 'expressing his anger through the medium of interpretive dance'.
Up the street we sprinted, a bloody tangle of bodies. It wasn't exactly like I could have stopped at this point - they would have trampled me - so I kept going. Up the steps, up, up, and into the Tavern. My boots clunked on the wooden floorboards as I looked about for my first Deathling target. Immediately, I set my sights on a bigger deathling with an axe. This was going to be f--


My brother stared down at me, a worried look barely discernible on his face as he slowly swam into focus. "Are - Velenthil are you - Oh, thank Estel, he's awake, he's awake. Raelynne! Over - Raelynne, he's awake!" Raelynne soon appeared in my somewhat limited field of vision, and I offered a shaky smile. My head felt like it has melded with the floor, and I couldn't turn it to face her. I tried my best to talk anyway. And what was that pain in my
"H-hey there, Rae. I'm sorry I-"
"Why weren't you there, Tes."
Oh, wow. Now my hand's acting up. This is really
"Wh. What? What are you-"
"Why weren't you there."

"Why wasn't I where? I don't understand -- where am I?"
The Cielothar leaned in, a glint of cold malice in her eyes as she opened her mouth. The words slipped out like venom, and burrowed themselves deep into my brain.
"Wake up, Tes."


The sound of clinking metal trays brought me back to consciousness, but it was the screaming that kept me there. Who was that screaming anyway? And where oh Estel my hand my hand my

Oh f*cking it's me that's screaming it's me why won't it stop why won't it why won't my leg I can't feel my leg what is happening why what's that why is it so bright why is why no it burns it burns no it buRNS IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS MAKE IT STOP IT BURNS MAKE IT STOP IT BURNS IT BURNS IT

Rae I'm sorry
I can't help it
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

@Caelamus @VintageMystic @Eccetra @Scriihbe @Inferno_Breaker and @MolagBallin are all the people that might be interested from an IC standpoint
@SpamanoTomato @Chaay @Erizu and @Henck might be interested as well idk
Hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day <3
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Just a short lil thing I did on Tes' experience of the Loyalist attack on Regalia. Yeah. The one where he gets his leg and hand blown off.

NOTE! This is not for the faint of heart. It's creepy. Just saying.

There was blood everywhere.
Blood on the walls, blood on the floor, blood leaking through the ceiling and dripping down onto my shoulders, soaking through my clothes like acid. There was just so much of it. I suppose it's called a bloodbath for a reason.
The fighting around me was brutal - Deathling guards were clashing blades with the Loyalist soldiers (if you could call them soldiers) and fingers were coming off and eyes were being gouged and heads were rolling. It felt like a war, and I suppose that's exactly what it was - the final battle. It all comes down to this, really. I suppose the only
oh Estel that one with the hammer's coming towards me
I ducked backwards and raised my lantern, spitting foreign phrases as I willed the magic to work. The deathling was nearing - that looked like a pretty big hammer, actually - and now it had two buddies. Unluckily for them, they appeared just in time.
The deathling shot back into the two other deathlings in a bright flash of light, sending all three of them down in a tangle of limbs. I took this opportunity to recast the beam - sustaining it this time - and began to wreak havoc. I mean, I didn't kill any of them, but that wasn't really what it was about - it was just kinda funny to see them flying about the place.
Soon I found myself outside once more, away from the coppery stench of the indoors, just on the street leading up to the Willow Tavern. I recognised it easily - even though I hadn't been topside in a good year or two, first impressions are hard to shake; especially when they're this.. impressive. The massive building loomed above me.
But - over there. Somebody was.. what were they doing? They were standing on something and waving their sword about. What..
Ooh. Right. A charge. Ahah, well, that makes more sense than 'expressing his anger through the medium of interpretive dance'.
Up the street we sprinted, a bloody tangle of bodies. It wasn't exactly like I could have stopped at this point - they would have trampled me - so I kept going. Up the steps, up, up, and into the Tavern. My boots clunked on the wooden floorboards as I looked about for my first Deathling target. Immediately, I set my sights on a bigger deathling with an axe. This was going to be f--


My brother stared down at me, a worried look barely discernible on his face as he slowly swam into focus. "Are - Velenthil are you - Oh, thank Estel, he's awake, he's awake. Raelynne! Over - Raelynne, he's awake!" Raelynne soon appeared in my somewhat limited field of vision, and I offered a shaky smile. My head felt like it has melded with the floor, and I couldn't turn it to face her. I tried my best to talk anyway. And what was that pain in my
"H-hey there, Rae. I'm sorry I-"
"Why weren't you there, Tes."
Oh, wow. Now my hand's acting up. This is really
"Wh. What? What are you-"
"Why weren't you there."

"Why wasn't I where? I don't understand -- where am I?"
The Cielothar leaned in, a glint of cold malice in her eyes as she opened her mouth. The words slipped out like venom, and burrowed themselves deep into my brain.
"Wake up, Tes."


The sound of clinking metal trays brought me back to consciousness, but it was the screaming that kept me there. Who was that screaming anyway? And where oh Estel my hand my hand my

Oh f*cking it's me that's screaming it's me why won't it stop why won't it why won't my leg I can't feel my leg what is happening why what's that why is it so bright why is why no it burns it burns no it buRNS IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS MAKE IT STOP IT BURNS MAKE IT STOP IT BURNS IT BURNS IT

Rae I'm sorry
I can't help it
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

@Caelamus @VintageMystic @Eccetra @Scriihbe @Inferno_Breaker and @MolagBallin are all the people that might be interested from an IC standpoint
@SpamanoTomato @Chaay @Erizu and @Henck might be interested as well idk
Hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day <3
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