Preserved Sheet Itrin Sa'dosin

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Dwarves are my Roman empire
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score
Basic info
  • Full name: Ithrin Sa'adosin
  • Age: 63
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Shenath Kathar
  • Sexuality: Yes
  • Prefered weapon: Polehammer
Inventory information
  • Bronze plate armor
  • Gambeson
  • Bronze polehammer
  • Two bronze throwing knives
  • Bronze dagger
Skill information
60 points
  • Pole combat: 20
  • Unarmed combat: 7
  • Throwing: 10
  • Metalurgy: 5
  • Stealth: 6
  • Void ritualism skill: 8
  • Sorcery: 4 (3 free spells)
  • Threads arts: 10 (hobby points)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Shadow embrace
  • Forced betrayal
  • Binral blink
  • Umbra bolts
  • Vaalek, Sire of rage
Body shape:
  • Physical stat: 20+7+10+5=42
  • Strong man
  • Built body fat

  • Common (Learned from slaves 7/10)
  • Kathar dialect (Learned from parent 10/10)

Physical info:

  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Short unkept
  • Skin Color: Grey
  • Clothing: Simple commoner clothing
  • Height: 2 meters


  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful evil
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Commander
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Void worship 8/10
Life story:
Itrin was born into a less influential Shenath clan in Kathar steps. One could consider his upbringing to be, if we look at it trough Kathar eyes, pretty usual, aside from one pretty important detail - that his clan was mainly following teachings of a prefect of Dread, one of the more obscure strains of Katharism in the Dread empire. This made his upbringing bit different from usual Kathar. Idea of strength necessary for one to be allowed to survive, with tests checking one's physical capabilities was present in Sa'dosin clan, as per usual, but there was addition of necessity to be able to cause dread and fear. While being scared of a Kathar usually is unitentional, caused by Kathar's cruelty and combat prowess, for Sa'dosin clan it was of a major importance. As a smaller clan they could not rely on numbers, or on superior equipment, since they were not the richest either. But if one manages to seep seeds of dread amongst enemy, then one can win even with inferior numbers. The motto of clan, "The enemy that is too frightened to fight is as good as dead enemy", perfectly exemplifies this.

So the young Ithrin was raised in such enviroment. Unlike usualy Kathar that prefer ligther and quick weapons, Ithrin was given polehammer, as it was seen by clan as weapon that can cause so much more fear amongst their enemies. So he was trained with it for next few decades till he became master of it. He was also teached martial arts, wrestling and boxing, so he won't become helpless if his weapon were to be lost or destroyed. Next skill he was teached was how to be quiet and how to sneak around. He never became as proficient in this as elders hoped, but his successes in other areas stopped them from killing him for failure. And in the end he was teached magic, that shall help him give him advantage in escaping or overhelming singular enemy, as he was never intended to be one men army, but instead one man that shall spread fear and quickly disappear, one could even compare it to guerilla tactics.

With these skills the adult Itrin joined many actions by his clan. He was often left deep in enemy's territory, forcing him to rely on himself. That was when he learned basic metallurgy and threads arts, so his armor can get necessarry maintenance, in the end learning how to forge iron and bronze. Since that area of Kathar steps was poor on iron but clan Sa'dosin had access to copper and tin, Itrin has decided that full bronze armor with cheap materials and which he knows how to properly repair will serve him much better than expensive steel weaponry that was imported for high price. With the new look and with more actions against enemies of his clan Itrin has gotten bit of fame in local area, being horror of night that takes out one enemy after one, leaving them alive but mutilated, spreading fear amongst remaining defenders. And these days of intentional and calculated torture and brutality lasted till end of war of Regalia against Dread empire. Itrin was disgusted by how quickly Dread empire collapsed into civil war after losing holdings to Regalia. While he is not certainly above fighting other clans for power, he felt that one can't do that after losing such important foothold in Daen. So he decided that he shall leave his clan, convincing his family that he will manage to convert Regalian Kathar and thus get more manpower and resources for clan, but in actuality coming to see what this empire is and to show them that Dread empire is far from beaten
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  • 1) The history section is extremely short for a 63 year old character. Make it longer.
Mark your changes in Blue

I have done hopefully long enough backstory now.
I gotta say that I prefer to write is as book instead of like Powerpoint presentation.
And I changed from chaotic evil to lawful evil, since I realized that it is far more accurate
Since Havsbris is not anymore a staff, am bumping this
Just updated the app, with 3 spells being free, and choosing the sire
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Heyo, simple peer review, not staff.

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Shadow embrace
  • Forced betrayal
  • Binral blink
  • Umbra bolts
  • Vaalek, Sire of rage
I suggest you label what is from Mageblooded racial and what you actually spent your 4 prof points on.

Physical stat: 20+7+4+5=36
Suggest you lable these, like 20 (Pole Combat) etc etc, just so staff knows where you're getting the numbers.

Choose your Character Personality Type
  • Commander
Probably not required by your reviewer however, a mere suggestion for this one is go into depth by a sentence or two on what 'Commander' would mean for the character.
Approved @rimacutem

Probably not required by your reviewer however, a mere suggestion for this one is go into depth by a sentence or two on what 'Commander' would mean for the character.
Technically you don't have to go into great detail if you do not want to. Though it depends on the reviewer of whether or not an explanation is necessary. I usually use the life story as a determining factor of what defines a character's personality, all I really need to know is the basic archetype. Marty's application is a good example I feel. Also thank you for taking the time to leave peer reviews, they've been very helpful to both my reviews and the players in question, I do appreciate it.