Archived Item Description

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Shadow of Hisoka
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello there.

My idea is to open item description to the public. I'll explain more later, but first I'd like that you read the entire post before commenting.

/item desc command

A command that lets you put a description in any item. The item name will have the colour changed to blue(the same when you have an enchanted item in vanilla). The description will have the name of the person who created it at the end by default.

Here's the command list.

/item desc a, add->
adds a description to the item you are holding.

/item desc e, edit-> edits the description of the item you are holding.

/item desc c, copy-> copies the description of the item you are holding.

/item desc p, paste-> pastes a previously copied description to the item you are holding.

/item desc r,rename-> renames the item you are holding without the need of an anvil.

  • Prizes for events and competitions become easier and cheaper to produce/buy.
  • People that use items for RP purposes can use this instead of enchanting and renaming something. This can also help if the person loses the item, as it might be difficult to sell an item with someone else's description in it.
  • Might add more immersion to Role Play, with paper becoming ads, items gaining meaning and people who have RP shops(taverns and others) being able to sell better customized products.
  • People might try and use this to scam, saying they are selling voting items.
  • People might make a big misuse of it, adding swearing, flame, and other bad stuff in the description.
  • This doesn't cover any other aspect other than RP.

Ok, so here's the explanation.

I'm currently in the process of building a faction, and hope to host light Role Play events in the future, like going into a dungeon, exploring ancient ruins and having PvP tournaments. The main problem is the prizes.

I find that hosting a great event and having the prize being money, a renamed item and maybe a book explaining the event kind of half baked. If this was implemented, people would be able to create items according to RP stories and personal stuff.

An example would be roaming a dungeon and finding voting items, which I don't think would be really compliant to the place, as well as costy to my pockets. Instead, people would find items with descriptions such as:

Old staff (woden hoe)
This wood staff, even though old and chipped at the edges, holds lots of details, mainly the beautiful emerald near it's edge. It must have been a prized possession of the former owner. ~andrewnits

Dusty Robe (blue leather chestplace)
Dust covers most of the great blue leather in this robe. Maybe you should clean it when you get home, that is, if you really want to take it. Wearing a cultist's robes as pajamas might not be a good idea. ~andrewnits

These would be much easier to make instead of hunting specific voting itens, and they can also hold some light RP history.

As I said before, this would enchance the Role Play of tavern owners and people with other RP shops. More examples are:

Golem's Ale (potion)
This great drink has been one of the first choices in the tavern's menu, and is still good and kicking. You can feel the history at each sip. ~savdebunnies

Angry debt note (paper)
Looks like Duval Paloin wants to see his money back. After reading the not so friendly letter, you feel a little nervous of hanging around the bank before paying him back. ~Mecharic

These are just examples of what people can do if they have the inspiration and time for it.

Now, as I said in the Cons(there might be more, but I'm too sleepy to think of any other problem with it), people might try to sell their personal descripted items as voting items, copying and pasting it's description in a clean item. People who know voting items(green name and without a name at the end of the description) won't be fooled by it, but scams might happen.

Players might misuse it as well by writing descriptions containing swearing, flame and other bad stuff as stated. This might not sound as dangerous as it looks, as there's the same problem with books, but due to it being a simple command, people might see it as a free option to flame.

As pointed, this only covers RP purposes. It doesn't cover both RP and PvP as in the magic plugin(I think it covers those at least), nor does it have any meaning behind(Lore and stuff). Most of it will be basically light RP, as they aren't made by staff, and will be used for fun.

I don't know the complexity of such a plugin as I'm not a developer, so I hope it isn't hard as hell to code.

I might edit this later for more information, but I hope this explains what's necessary. :)

Thanks for reading

P.S.: I actually started thinking about this in bed, and got up just so I wouldn't procrastinate it(and forget it) anymore. I read the post two times, but didn't find any error or missing stuff. If there is anything anywhere, please inform me and I'l edit it.
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The ability to add and copy item lore would make many of the voting items and server event prizes worthless. This is not to say that a similar idea has not been proposed by several staff members. The main difference was that they were proposing that a special lore item should cost more than a faction, and that safeguards should be in place so that server lore items could not be replicated.
The ability to add and copy item lore would make many of the voting items and server event prizes worthless. This is not to say that a similar idea has not been proposed by several staff members. The main difference was that they were proposing that a special lore item should cost more than a faction, and that safeguards should be in place so that server lore items could not be replicated.
Well, I think that voting items would still be considered valuable, as they are made by staff, and desired all over the place, as most of them have enchantments. Voting items have the green name as a characteristic, while what I'm proposing is to have the personal made items with a blue name.

Also, my idea states that the name of the person who created the description will always be at the end of it, so there's basically no way you can reply a lore item without staff knowing it was you. Using this to scam can be easily backtracked to the creator and the situation can be resolved without much headache.

Just to clarify, staff would have the power to continue creating items without their names at the end of the description. The items would have the uncommon(green) name instead of the enchanted(blue) as well.

I think this could help the staff too, like a contest to add new voting items every month. People could post their creations in a thread and have a chance of making their items canonized. Other way this could help is with the MassiveMobs plugin. Currently mobs, even the uncommon ones, drop only what they usually drop in vanilla.

Only one or another really drops meaningful stuff, like the undead jeweler or undead chief. Having the community help designing item drops for the mobs can save a lot of work, as well making them proud of being of help to the community.
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