Isldarin Household Shainvrel

is Jade desperate for people to play Shainvrel with her?

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e girl extraordinaire
Feb 17, 2019
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Jacksonville, Florida



House Name: Shainvrel
Religion: Frisit Worship
Colours: Light Grey & White.
Values: Music, Archery, Knowledge.
Homeland: Ellador, Shifted into Regalia.
Current Location: Regalia, Ellador, Daen.
Business: Tutoring Languages throughout Aloria, along with Performance.




The Shainvrel family have been known throughout Ellador as a Linguistic family, spreading knowledge of different cultures and languages for centuries within Ellador. They have a heavy background within each Pillar, although they are most known within the Pillar of War, and Pillar of the Dead. The Shainvrel split up in order to spread their knowledge throughout Ellador, in hopes that it would reach even those on their last days. It is very easy to recognize a Shainvrel within Ellador, as they all have worn similar uniforms to show the family spirit. Light blue robes, coated with Solacrux crystals.



(Art credit: Artisticplanet, LAS-T)
The female Shainvrel are quite tall, with heights ranging from 6'6-6'10, with a rare appearance of being taller. Often, their height is seen as a good thing, and so they wear heels to add onto it. The jawline is very narrow, and well contoured of the facial aspect of a Shainvrel. They often are nimble within the arms and chest, but more muscular around the legs. They maintain a high aspect of beauty, going to heights of bleaching their hair and skin to get the snow-white effect to add onto their beauty. The females often will wear very light cosmetics, although some family members will wear heavy cosmetics, going as far as caking it on.Often, the Women of the family will wear heavy ear cuffs made from a multitude of materials, coated in jewels.




(Art credit: SaMo-Art, Unknown)
The men within the Shainvrel household can come off as extremely scary, or intimidating. All tower within 6'8-6'10, very rarely going below. Often, they will have triangle shaped faces, which will shift into square as they physically age. They tend to have less white skin and reaching to a normal Ailor pale. They have thin lips that tend to be a slight on the long side, but not overly long. The most distinct factor of the male Shainvrel that makes them is their hair. Every male Shainvrel has hair that is long, reaching toward their hips. It's very thick, yet straight as can be.



The Shainvrel have a decent variety of occupations to follow, but keep themselves within a small range so that they do not spread too far from their bases. These occupations are, but not limited to Archery, Spearsmanship, Alchemy, and Musical Arts. Archery and Musical Arts being the most common, and Alchemy being the rarest.



Color Key
[Taken] [Deceased] [Unplayable] [Playable, Heavy Criteria]
[Playable, Some Criteria] [Playable, Low Criteria]

Main Blood-line
  • Siviril Shainvrel [386] - The oldest remaining member of the Shainvrel family. He is a man swayed by culture, putting his kin above his own needs. He is extremely religious, giving him the glyph of extreme zeal.

  • Celaena Mairthair [356] - The mother of the current Shainvrel lineage, leading the Mairthair to their many victories within time. She is a kind woman who enjoys the musical talents of those around her.

  • Taendross Mairthair Shainvrel [145] [ @Minty Jade ]- The current matriarch to the family, due to her mother's age. She is a woman who moves with time and finds herself not very opinionated. She spends most of her time in Ellador with her family, watching over them and taking care of the Shainvrel's musical business and working under A priestess, although she's recently taken a turn to Regalia for a new job, and occupation within life. She remains Loyal to Frisit.

  • Ly'santhir Shainvrel [128] - Ly is a man focused on his archery studies. He often expresses interest of taking Taendross' place as Patriarch, but doesn't speak on it. He has worked under the pillar of war for many decades but has recently found a new interest in regalia. A new calling for better work.

  • Naexeru'zae Shainvrel [119] - Born just a few years after her brother Sele, Naexeru'zae has spent many years perfecting her musical talent to its full extent. She is known as a heavy influence within Ellador's Pillar of the Dead. She prefers to stay in Ellador, with her husband and children rather than follow her family. Nae is often seen someone who takes care of many of the Shainvrel children, having been experienced with hers.

  • Rezea Shainvrel [98] - the youngest of the main quartet, Rezea is a man of his word. He has spent every year of his life working toward his medical knowledge, and becoming well respected as a doctor. He left Ellador at a young age and pursued his knowledge in Regalia, welcoming his family with open arms whenever they may need it.

Secondary Lineage

  • Rumil Leixa Shainvrel [68] [ @Ynzy ] - Adoptive daughter of Taendross, and currently an alchemist, as well as Linguist within Ellador. She was left for dead at a young age, and taken in by Taendross along with her baby sister. Neither of them have recollection of what happened, nor is there much of a want to figure it out.

  • Ra'esle Shainvrel [31] - Ra'esle is the second adoptive child of Taendross. Not much is known about her, as she was taken by Ailor during a failed Patrol with Taendross in Ellador. Most assume her to be dead, but she was taken in, and forced to change from her way of life, and into an Ailor-style. She currently is an Isldar with her ears clipped, cosmetics to fix her skin, and hair dyed.
  • Covas Renaler Shainvrel [90] [ @Puagrace ] - Covas is the adoptive son of Taendross. After noticing his family becoming more worse and worse by Time, Taendross took him in as her understudy and her son, as for his mental health and his well-being.
  • Bella Renaler Shainvrel [15] [ Hellhond ] - Adopted as her younger daughter, Taendross took Bella in along with Covas due to the struggles of their family and life outside of home.
  • Elora Faran Shainvrel [35] [ @Ringo0310 ] - Elora was born in Ellador, where she grew up like a normal Isldar child. At a young age her parents began to send her to learn under Taendross. There Elora became connected to Taen, viewing her as a Mother Figure in her life. A few months of learning under Taen went by, and her parents decided to make Elora live with Taen, there Taen adopted Elora, and now is a member of the Shainvrel.
  • Cel'rae Oloxidor Shainvrel [9] - The first-born child of Taendross, given from Phaendar Oloxidor before his 'death'. Taendross sent Cel'rae back to Ellador to be within Liexa and Naexeru'zae so that she would be safe from Regalia's actions.

  • Shatula Mairende Shainvrel [96] - Ro'bérsele's only child, Shatula, is a very pristine young woman. She works under her father and family within the Pillar of War, spending her days sharpening her spears and preparing for what she may deal with in the days that come.

  • Kolaen Shainvrel [84] [ @ArcherRedthe15th ] - One of Naexeru'zae's many children, Kolaen is a quiet, respectable young man who knows his way around Javelins. He's decently trained with Unarmed combat, despite being a brittle man. Kolaen often helps Nae with the children of the Shainvrel family, due to the multitude of them.

  • Cheyaoine Shainvrel [98] [ @xXKingDraugarXx ] - Loyal Fervor Isl Zeal women, whom takes quite a bit of interest in music, and alchemy. Her calm attitude hiding her abilities with a knife or bow should she need to defend herself ever. Despite being calm, her attitude varies depending on who's she's around. (Child of Nae)
  • Amayera Shainvrel [46] - No story created. DM if you'd like to claim and write something! (Child of Nae)
  • Saenala Shainvrel [44] - No story created. DM if you'd like to claim and write something! (Child of Nae)
  • Cheye Shainvrel [39] - No story created. DM if you'd like to claim and write something! (Child of Nae)
  • Chaelynn Shainvrel [36] - No story created. DM if you'd like to claim and write something! (Child of Nae)

My discord is Minty.__.Jade#8682 if you'd like to contact me on playing one of the four listed under Nae's children!
Age: (Not required ^^)
How active are you?:
References (People who can vouch for you!):
Which character are you applying for?:
A description of how you wish to play your character:


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IGN: Paganizm
Age: AnOnYmOuS
How active are you?: It varies greatly
References (People who can vouch for you!): You know who thy am, plus idk who can vouch
Which character are you applying for?: Cheyaoine Shainvrel
Discord: You know me, but PaganDoomer#6596
A description of how you wish to play your character:
Loyal Fervor Isl Zeal women, whom takes quite a bit of interest in music, and alchemy. Her calm attitude hiding her abilities with a knife or bow should she need to defend herself ever. Despite being calm, her attitude varies depending on who's she's around.
@Minty Jade (tag to annoy)
IGN: Jupiter6700
Age: 20
How active are you?: Im on most of the day, U.S Central
References (People who can vouch for you!): @Minty Jade
Which character are you applying for?: Aelenda Shainvrel
Discord: You got it.
A description of how you wish to play your character:
Aelenda comes from the Pillar of War in Ellador, being one of the infamous wyvern riders that armed the battlefield. However, she was more trained in the longsword, being a very honorable warrior. She is a devout followed of the Frisit, fighting in the name of the religion everything she goes to war. She also a rather pretty Isldar, long flowing white hair with bright blue eyes that light up whenever she sees something she likes. She's rather positive too, differing from the regular Isldar's negative attitude, though she does have that too.
IGN: Keisreinna :)))
Age: no thank you im tired
How active are you?: 10/10 i play EVERY damned day i need a life pls help
References (People who can vouch for you!): next,,, question,, please,,
Which character are you applying for?: Cheye Shainvrel
Discord: you have it B)
if you dont its keis #6524
A description of how you wish to play your character: Cheye Shainvrel is a young, 19-year-old Isldar, the youngest child of Nae. She is incredibly intelligent, but is going through a Rough patch phase right now. Although she supports most of her family, she often questions them and her religion-- to herself, of course.

@Minty Jade B)
IGN: princessvgb
Age: Turning 14 in 2 days bb. :3
How active are you?: 9/10
References (People who can vouch for you!): @Minty Jade of course cause she's my mom. <3
Which character are you applying for?: Cheye Shainvrel
Discord: _ToriDori_#3022
A description of how you wish to play your character: Being a typical Isldarin teenager, Cheye spends her time singing, dancing, reading, and being moody. She spends most her time with old people, like Taen, because she's her homeschooling music teacher. Cheye attends the Regalian Performing School of Arts, and is also a musician who plays the piano. Cheye is quite the, optimistic type, but can also get very depressed at times. She doesn't have many friends, but unusually hangs out with adults alot more than kids her own age.
IGN: princessvgb
Age: Turning 14 in 2 days bb. :3
How active are you?: 9/10
References (People who can vouch for you!): @Minty Jade of course cause she's my mom. <3
Which character are you applying for?: Cheye Shainvrel
Discord: _ToriDori_#3022
A description of how you wish to play your character: Being a typical Isldarin teenager, Cheye spends her time singing, dancing, reading, and being moody. She spends most her time with old people, like Taen, because she's her homeschooling music teacher. Cheye attends the Regalian Performing School of Arts, and is also a musician who plays the piano. Cheye is quite the, optimistic type, but can also get very depressed at times. She doesn't have many friends, but unusually hangs out with adults alot more than kids her own age.
Accepted on Trial!
Cheye is already played, however I can add a sibling aside her place <:
Age: (:
How active are you?: 8/10
References (People who can vouch for you!): uhm, you can, uhm, kay can, uhmmmmMMM Chapstxcks can also (:::
Which character are you applying for?: Flloanajo'cio
Discord: you have it
A description of how you wish to play your character: adopt me and make me apart of family please, i love you
Age: (:
How active are you?: 8/10
References (People who can vouch for you!): uhm, you can, uhm, kay can, uhmmmmMMM Chapstxcks can also (:::
Which character are you applying for?: Flloanajo'cio
Discord: you have it
A description of how you wish to play your character: adopt me and make me apart of family please, i love you

I love you so much, of course I'll adopt you <3