Preserved Sheet Iskandar Amjad

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AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Iskandar Amjad
  • Age: 44
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Songaskia
  • Main Ambition: To bring his air magic up to par with his Light Magic.
  • Special Permission: Expert Light Magic

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Sun Gold
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Wavy/Curly
  • Skin Color: Dark Brown
  • Clothing: Songaskia-like clothing.
  • Height: 6' 4"
  • Weight: 164 lbs
  • Body Build: Ectomorph
  • Weapon of Choice: Air Magic (Mage), and Light Magic: Healing Light (Expert), Barrier Light (Expert), Starlight Magic: (A year of Study)

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • Clever- One of Iskandar's more prominent traits, he loves to come up with clever remarks to put down others. He uses this trait a lot when dealing with people he doesn't like, often adding sarcasm to it as well. This trait originated from how he grew up, in a spoiled wealthy household, also tying in with his arrogant trait. This leads people to dislike him over this trait, and often come off offended by him most of the time.
  • Arrogant- Another one of his bad traits, Iskandar is a very arrogant individual. Due to his family's business in dealing with slaves, Iskandar has grown rather arrogant about himself, usually valuing himself as above most other races. He also feels as if the Songaskia race as a whole is superior and should be in control. This trait sometimes gets him in trouble with other races that think they're superior, such as Ailor. All in all this trait causes people to dislike him.
  • Laid back- As most Songaskia are, Iskandar is a very laid-back individual. He's usually pretty accepting around other people, unless he is angry at them, and generally doesn't care about any troubles in his life. The trait originated from the way he grew up, living in a mostly carefree environment. This keeps his stress levels down, benefiting him as he usually is able to keep a clear head.
  • Greedy- Much like the rest of his family, Iskandar is a very greedy individual. He often tries to get his hands on most of the items he wants, and is never satisfied with what he has. A sharp contrast from how most wealthy individual's feel, he thinks he needs more and more wealth and power. He tends to take offers that benefit him, rather than others, and this trait usually affects his decisions in everyday life.
  • Loyal- One of his prominent traits, Iskandar is very loyal to the people he trusts, such as family and friends. He will usually not backstab any people that fit into this category, and will often put their needs in front of his. He feels as though a strong bond with his family will only make him stronger. This trait also originated from his childhood, having a close-knit bond with his siblings. This trait is one of his good traits and this affects his decisions daily.
  • Calm- Iskandar is a rather calm and relaxed individual. In most situations, Iskandar will keep a calm head, rarely ever bursting into anger or rashness. This trait affects him in a positive way, allowing him to be able to get along with people. He tends to keep his life simple, and stress-free, as he is always calm, and displays this trait constantly in everyday life. Overall, he uses this trait the most in stressful, and pressured situations, often appearing as relaxed and confident in most people's eyes, making this trait to be one of his good ones.
  • Skilled Mage- Due to his affinity for magic, Iskandar is a very skilled mage. He has learned two forms of magic to high efficiency, making him to be a very powerful mage. This could be considered one of his best strengths, and he prides himself in it. This strength is also his most valued, and he wouldn't give it up for anything.
  • Focused- Iskandar usually maintains a focused mind in day to day life. This trait came around due to his training in magic, and having to have a clear, focused mind to be able to cast efficiently. He tends to keep his focus in even the most stressing or pressured situation, causing him to gain an advantage over others. This is one of his most prominent strengths and benefits him greatly
  • Confident- Paired with his focused mindset, Iskandar maintains an air of confidence around him. He usually does not feel like he will fail in any situation, and for the most part he doesn't. He also rarely ever shies away from people, and can be described as an extravert, due to his confidence. This strength benefits him when he is around others, and when he is doing something important.

  • Missing Lower Leg- Probably one of his most crippling weakness, Iskandar is missing his left leg from the knee down, forcing him to wear a pegleg to be able to walk properly. This weakness prevents him from outrunning anyone, and causes his gate to a bit wobbly, thus leading him to also be a bit clumsy. He grows extremely frustrated over this, as it interferes a lot with his daily life.
  • Atychiphobia- Nobody is perfect, yet Iskandar feels that he should be. This phobia often leaves him down on his knees and feeling as though he has no purpose to live. He fears failure with his life, and always strives to be perfect on his endeavours. Due to this, this fear could cause him to be emotionally crippled for a few days, until he regains his confidence.
  • Overprotective- Iskandar is very overprotective of his loved ones, often causing them to become annoyed with him. He feels as though that if he fails in protecting them, he fails to be perfect, often driving him to go to drastic measures that probably aren't even needed to protect his loved ones. This weakness affects him in daily life, and is hard to let go for him.
  • Narcissistic- Last but not least, one of his other prominent weaknesses, Iskandar is a narcissist. He loves to glorify himself, and thinks he's the best at everything, even when he is not. This often causes people around him to not take him seriously, and often drive them away from him due to his self glorifying. This trait often blinds him to the attention of others, often drowning them out with himself. This is not one of his prominent weaknesses, but it is still there.

Life Story (Required)

  • Iskandar was born to Malusi and Fariha Amjad on September 5th, 260 AC.
  • Born healthy and without any problems, second child of the family.
  • Developed and grew much like a young toddler would, curious and explorative about the world around him.
  • Grew up in a wealthy household, often pampered with the luxuries of life, developing a "spoiled" attitude.
  • This later grew on into his self-glorifying personality.
  • At the age of Fourteen, his father decided to teach him light magic.
  • Took to it like a moth to a flame spending many hours a day practicing it.
  • Eventually he mastered the skill at caster level, his confidence growing, as well as his focus the more he learned and practiced.
  • Many kids age admired his skill with magic, often retaining a respect for the Songaskia, only inflating his ego.
  • Being generally liked by most people, he usually held little grudges, rarely losing his temper, he soon developed a rather calm and carefree personality. A sharp contrast from his brother.
  • His self-glorifying and confidence only grew as he got older, along with his skill in magic.
  • At the age of twenty-five, he went to work on his brother's ship, mage level in air magic, powering the sails of said vessel.
  • Lost his leg plundering a vessel, deflating his confidence and sending him into a state of shock and depression.
  • Eventually recovered a few years later, his loss of his leg still a sore subject for him. His magic seemed to be escape for him, practicing it to keep his mind off of his troubles.
  • Kept on practicing his magic, reaching expert level in light and retaining mage in air at the age of thirty-nine, due to his affinity for it.
  • Eventually picked up on Starlight Magic, having been studying it for the past year, he uses a staff lightseeker with a small empty lantern on the top.
  • Came to Regalia to take control of his brother's gang, while he is away.
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My Review:
  • Your personality traits should have maybe one more point each in there due to their brevity.
Tag me when these edits are done in green @SilentEndurance