Preserved Sheet Isabella Miramonte

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The Antagonist
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score

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Smile, it helps you get your way.
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  • Full Name: Isabella Malena Miramonte
    • Nicknames: Bella, Isa
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
    • Birthday: June 11, 286 A.C.
  • Race: Ailor
    • Culture: Daenrocque
  • Main Ambition: To make her family more prominent and make them proud of her.

  • Position in Regalia: Isabella has just arrived in Regalia, living with her family. She came to help with the family image in Regalia but has yet to pick up a job.
  • Upbringing: Isabella was born to Estaban and Maria in Girobalda. She has three brothers all older than her. Her extended family is all the Miramontes.
  • Secondary ambitions:
    • To enhance her knowledge in her studies
    • To find a dance partner


╔ ——————————————— ╗
Be know for your kindness
and your grace.

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  • Proficiency Points: 20
    • +10 Unionist Seminary (Points Spent)
    • +8 Banking (Points Spent)
    • +2 Post-Cataclysm (Points Spent)
  • Culture Points: 20
    • +13 Dancing (Points Spent)
    • +5 Horticulture (Points Spent)
    • +2 Poetry (Points Spent)
  • Languages:
    • Common | 8/10 (Learned)
    • Daenrocquean | 10/10 (Learned)

  • Naive: Isabella is young, therefore she is very naive. She thinks she knows everything better than everyone due to this. She tries to say smart things only to be wrong about them, but so sure of herself that she is right. This can be a negative to her relationships and how people see her as a person.


╔ ——————————————— ╗
Be seen, not heard.
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  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Color: Dark Umber
  • Hairstyle: Pinned up in an elegant look
    • Naturally: Medium length, wavy
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: A tight fitting dress in her family colors
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Body Build: Curvaceous
  • Weapon of Choice: None

  • Facial Features: Isabella has a lovely round face, that seemingly is untouched. Her eyes are round and a normal dark brown color. Her lips are full and almost always pouting looking. Her ears are perfectly sized for her head and normally wears large stylish earrings. Her hair is a nice dark umber color, normally pinned up in a sophisticated way. When down it comes about to her back in light waves.
  • Body: Isabella has a curvaceous body build, with fat in all the right places. Her skin is very smooth to the touch and she has no marks on her body it seems. She stands at 5'5 and has no tattoos covering her body, nor any piercings. Her skin is a very nice tan color.
  • Appearance and Accessories: Isabella wears tight-fitting dresses that are very modest and cover all of her body. She prefers to wear them to be in her house colors. She wears very large jewelry on her ears and when she wears necklaces. She carries no weapons on her, only a handkerchief and spare regals.
  • Voice: Isabella has a very young and warm voice, it sounds like she is healthy and mostly happy. She picks her words carefully, making sure what she is saying makes sense, so she tends to talk at a relevantly average speed. She often mixes words from Daenrocquean into her speech.
    • Common | 8/10
    • Daenrocquean | 10/10

╔ ——————————————— ╗
Your dresses should be tight
enough to show you're a woman,
and lose enough to show
you are a lady.

╚ ——————————————— ╝​

  • Outward Perception|Model Beauty: Isabella is seen as a very elegant and ladylike figure in the public eye. She has manners and is always simply trying to be the best role-model young noblewoman. She seemingly needs protection, unable and almost unwilling to do anything to protect herself. She is normally quiet often letting people talk for her instead of speaking up for herself. However, she has a habit of getting easily scared of new things and violent situations.
  • Inward Temperance|Naive curiosity: On the inside, Isabella just wants to be safe and well look on by other people. She tries to be very poised and thoughtful of what she says to others, mindful of what reactions she might receive. She wants something to be proud of that makes her family look good. She believes that following her parent's wishes is the best way to represent this. Isabella knows little of the world and as such is very curious towards the world she knows so little of. These urges of curiosity are often repressed from years of ladylike training, though she sometimes can't help herself when it comes to asking potentially invasive questions.
  • Amoroso Famila|Proud Lady: Isabella loves her family with all her heart, she puts them before everything. She just wants to make them proud of her. She would do almost anything to push her family forward. Around them, she feels open enough to be her loud-mouthed self, even if it can drive them crazy. To friends, she acts less ladylike and more relaxed looking for fun people to share jokes with and a little more open about her opinions.
  • Inner Beliefs|Unionism Follower: Isabella is a strict unionist follower, meaning she is lawful neutral. She doesn't always hold her pride above everything, and she wants to see people follow the laws. She despises people who disobey the law but she doesn't wish solely death on them. She believes everyone needs a second chance and will forgive if she sees it in reason that the person can indeed change. She is more likely to forgive a person if they believe in the spirit and make strides to fix themselves.
  • Noble World|Powerful Respect: Isabella follows unionism and has no tolerance for any other religion. She feels that the reverends of unionism should be respected as much as higher nobility. Commoners to her should follow with what the nobility wants, learning and respecting them. In her mind, she was given a place in this world to serve the spirit, and so she will. She knows if she follows what the spirit says it will protect her forever.

  • Quirks: Isabella likes to play with her necklace when she gets nervous about things. Fiddling with it to calm her nerves.
  • Skills:
    • Baking
    • Embroidery
    • Knitting
    • Jewelry Making

  • Churches
  • Stained Glass
  • Mint
  • Chess
  • Teal

  • Gambling
  • Cheaters
  • Other Religions
  • Bars
  • Tattoos

╔ ——————————————— ╗
For attractive lips, speak words
of kindness.

╚ ——————————————— ╝​

  • Birth {0-5}:
    • Isabella was the last child born to Estaban and Maria in Girobalda and the only girl. Isabella was a princess to the couple, proud to finally have another female in the family. Isabella's three brothers, Mariano, Emiliano, and Duardo, of course, loved their new sister.
    • As she grew she was treated like a fragile flower, her brothers constantly getting in trouble for being rough around her. She started to learn how to read and write at an early age, taking quite an interest in poetry. She was taught early on about how to be a proper young child with manners.
    • Her parents were very strict about everything pertaining to Isabella, her diet, her looks her studies. They were more or less determined to make her the model noble lady.
  • Childhood {5-10}:
    • As Isabella grew her mother and father tried to teach her to be more ladylike. They put her through certain tutors to ensure she would learn such. When her free time came she was able to enjoy learning things like dancing and gardening, which her parents approved of.
    • At a young age, she learned to dance and make many desserts for the many parties and fiestas that her family threw. She learned how to dance quite smoothly and complex, helping with her footwork. She enjoyed the environment of parties and the social life they brought.
    • When she neared ten years of age, her parents started to gather together tutors to teach her certain skills more vigorously. Teaching her Banking, Unionist Seminary, Post-Cataclysm.
  • Teenage Years {10-20}:
    • Isabella spent the next ten years learning as much as she could from her tutors. She kept up her hobbies and her parents kept her shielded from the outside world.
    • A little after she turned twenty her parents sent her off to Regalia to join her other family. They have hopes she will help them and hopefully marry.

  • Family:
    • Esteban and Maria Miramonte | NPCS | Mother, and Father to Isabella, two people she loves with all her life. She will miss her father dearly but stay strong for her mother.
    • Mariano, Emiliano, and Duardo Miramonte | NPCS | Isabella's brother who adore her. They didn't get to spend that much time with their sheltered sister. When they did they were more likely to accidentally rough her up rather than teaching her anything good.
Last edited:
Alright, let's get right into the review!
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done!

Weaknesses (Optional)

  • I would like you to move this section under Personality and Abilities to correctly follow the format.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Please ensure that each paragraph is between four to five sentences in length to actually make them true paragraphs.
I would like you to move this section under Personality and Abilities to correctly follow the format.
Seeing as this is optional, I won't be moving it for the sake of my own Aesthetics. I don't like the clutter of it all under one section.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
They already had 4-5 sentences each. However I added sentences onto the ones with only four. In this - Color.
3/11/2018 Edit Log:
  • Everything is changed in RED
  • Required:
    • Changed Main Ambition
    • Changed All Proficiency Points and Culture Points, due to me playing the character a different way then I thought I would.
    • Changed Body Build and Weapon Type
    • Changed the first two personality points, removing any competitiveness in her
    • Changed life story to match
  • Optional:
    • Made edits to secondary ambitions
    • Made edits to body expansion and accessories
    • Quirks
    • Edited Brother's Relationships
  • Sorry to make so many edits so soon after approval, I just gave a lot of thought to this and was unhappy with her current state!
  • @JennaLikesCoffee
3/11/2018 Edit Log:
  • Everything is changed in RED
  • Required:
    • Changed Main Ambition
    • Changed All Proficiency Points and Culture Points, due to me playing the character a different way then I thought I would.
    • Changed Body Build and Weapon Type
    • Changed the first two personality points, removing any competitiveness in her
    • Changed life story to match
  • Optional:
    • Made edits to secondary ambitions
    • Made edits to body expansion and accessories
    • Quirks
    • Edited Brother's Relationships
  • Sorry to make so many edits so soon after approval, I just gave a lot of thought to this and was unhappy with her current state!
  • @JennaLikesCoffee
Looks good!