Preserved Sheet Isabella "la Leonessa" Leon

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Jun 23, 2019
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--Basic Information--

Full Name: Isabella "La Leónessa" Eledhwen
(Birth name: Isabella Leon)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Stateland Culture Ailor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Preferred Weapon: Kitchen Knives (Butcher's, steak, bread, pairing blade. Others)

Polished Brass Ring: A simple wedding band that has the look of gold, a new addition to her varied list of rings.
Pearl Ring: An engagement ring from her lover, it is rather simple with a polished pearl set into a silver ring.
Amethyst Ring Necklace: A sterling silver necklace that is rather thin but durable. Expensive, it has an amethyst ring on it that is priceless due to it being Isabelle's mother's.
Deer Antler Bracelet: A gift from her lover, it is a bracelet worked from a deer antler and is polished into looking like it is made of simple bone.
Coinpurse: Carrying roughly 100r at all times in segmented amounts of onepieces, fivepieces, and tenpieces, it will likely be a hefty haul to have if it is robbed from her.


--Skill Information--

Total Points: 50 Proficiency + 10 Hobby + 5 Racial = 65 Total (Unused 0 Points)

10 Instrument Arts

+ 10 Bodycare Training
+ 5 Writing Arts
10 Perception Training (5 Base, 5 Race Boost)
+ 5 Cooking Arts (Hobby Points)
10 Vocal Arts (Hobby Points, +5 Honed Skill 2)
+ 4 Circus Arts
6 Body Arts

+ 3 Strength Training
+3 Painting Arts
+ 1 Dancing Arts
+ 3 Language Buy

Body Shape

Dancing Arts 0.5 * 1 = 1
Bodycare Training 0.5 * 10 = 5
Strength Training 1 * 3 = 3
Circus Arts 0.5 * 4 = 2

Total: 11

Body Shape: Sculpted.
Body Fat: Average.

Skill Information

Honed Skill 1
Honed Skill 2
Omniaware 1

Misc Skills

Rogue Gift Immunity (Perception Training)
Immunity to Forgery (Perception Training)
Skin Purge 1 (Bodycare Training)
Age Control 1 (Bodycare Training)

+ Home cook: An experienced home chef, Isabella loves to cook and experiment with what she can make. She excels at making dinners and desserts, them being her favorite things to make and be elaborate with. She is no master, but is able to cook up good food and might be as good as the simple cooks at the taverns and alehouses.
+ Creative Author: Isa has the mind of a working author and thus is creative and has many ideas. While they might not be very smart ideas, she has them nonetheless and might be of aid when given a problem to solve for someone.
+ Guitar and Lute Playing: With moderate skill, Isa spent two years learning to try and play the lute and guitar, a skill that might lead her to have some skill with
various string instruments once she has learned their chords and how to properly use them.
+ Trained Vocalist: Isa spent
several years training her voice to hit special tempos and tones. She is a beautiful singer, and sometimes carries that skill to be used in imitation of others or when she disguises herself. She also often uses it as a parlor trick to have fun.


Daendroque (Point Allocation)
Ibeth (
Honed Skill 2)
Common (Learned in childhood in Regalia)

Describe your character's position in Regalia.

+ Why are they there?
Isabella has only known Regalia, and read or heard of the other lands. She does not know anything but the politics of Regalia, it's stories, and it's culture. At least aside from what she was raised to know of Daendroc

+How long have they been there?
Isabella has lived in Regalia for her whole 25 years.

+ What is their occupation and living situation?
Isabella currently lives Cinna Eledwhen.

Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? + What about their extended family/noble family?
Isabelle is born to two clothes makers by the names of Mariana and Antonio Leon. They were of the upper class and often spent time making clothes for the moderately wealthy. She is an only child and her only extended family is unknown to her, as they live back in Daendroc.

Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.
Isabella does not strive for much, having seen both wealth and extreme poverty to the point of begging, the woman merely hopes to keep those about her life happy, even if meeting strangers at times brings her a near crippling fear.


--Visual Information--

Eye Color: Hazel Brown
Hair Color: Russet
Hair Style: Flowing with hair in the front and back, along with a simple braid.
Skin Color: Burnt Cream
Clothing: Varies but is often in dresses
Height: 5'4" or 163cm

Picture Model:
[WIP Commission]

Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.

Isabella is about 5'4" and has a very athletic build to her with clumps of softness at her hips and on her shoulders. She has a burnt cream skin tone to her that denotes her heritage, with no noticeable scars on her save for stab wounds across her back, and a few along her chest. She is rather hairless as she shaves often, but when she doesn't she has rather fine and near transparent hairs across her arms and legs.


--Personality and Abilities--

Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment
Neutral Good

Choose your Character Personality Type
The Campaigner:

Choose your Character's Religion
Unionist 3/10

Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has.
+ Isabella will often panic or drink when nervous.
+ Isabella is an unconscious flirt
+ Isabella can be subject to random mood swings.
+ Isabella can easily be swayed with talk clothes or food.
+ Isabella loves friendly affection; hugs, pats, etc.

Minor skills:

+ Makeup artist; Isabelle can do wonders with makeup despite not working as a beautician, often working on herself and able to go so far as to change the lines of her face with very convincing makeup.
+ Tattooing; Isabelle has moderate training in giving tattoos. She is not great at freehand but is able to copy a design onto someone or trace over henna.
+ Amateur Dancer

+ Isabella enjoys helping others when it is legal to do so.
+ Isabella loves cooking and partaking in the arts.

+ Isabella loves physical affections. At least from friends, as she is often wary of strangers being abruptly physical.

+ Isabelle hates being lied to or led along. If flirting is not honest that also annoys her and can leave her feeling hurt
+ Isabella often chafes at laws that restrict one's way of life.
+ Isabella is not one who enjoys ignorance and often will even call herself out when she lacks knowledge. She despises those who are unwilling to learn.

--Life Story--
Isabella was born in Regalia to two parents who were of Daendroc, who had fled together and wanted a better life away from the war and terror of the lands outside of the Capital City. They came here then, abandoning all that they had, and all the shadowy methods they had learned were abandoned for skills that would be useful without breaking any laws. And so, in this Holy City, they made a name for themselves along with a few other friends from their trip over, and soon they were with child.

This child was Isabella, as it might be guessed. The friends were groups of Asha that had followed the Leons out of Daendroc and their small town. Here they helped raise the child, teaching her several maidly duties and how to be a good housewife, at least until she was around age ten. From then on, she would be raised to be a woman.

It was quite peculiar, that her parents and the Asha friends, one of which was named Maxamilian Ladrón who taught her the arts of singing and instrument playing and whose wife, Gildedtongue, taught her body care and Ibeth. It was peculiar then, that with these skills, she was made into a perfect visage of what could be a spy or simply a very pleasurable housewife.

As of late though, with the death of the Asha friends over the years, and only one remaining friend who still talked with her after the death of her parents about six months ago, Isabella has felt orphaned. She had felt lost. It wasn't until she had met the woman Caterina Belle that her lonesome life perked up. This woman, who she met on a whim and will hopefully one day make her wife. Without her, she is a mess. But with her, she is quite powerful. It is with this motivation, that little orphaned Isabella, in all her sheltered childhood and ignorant life, moves on to learn about the vast cultures and customs of the people in this City, and to learn from them acceptance and happiness so that she might one day stop relying on others to find herself.

Carrying on with her life, Isabella ended up losing herself within the sprawl of Regalia. To find love, be so close to seizing it fully, and then to lose it. Isabella ended up going on her own way to try and discover herself. Vanishing for nearly a year before appearing once more into the company of her boss and few times lover Cinna Eledwhen, missing for nearly the entire duration of the former duchess's rise to the peerage. She has taken some months to adjust, and to return to health after spending so long stuck in the poorer locales of Regalia. Perhaps seeking a new life, more redemptions, and a bit more fun. What can go wrong?
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As I can find no issues, Re-Approved.
Made strength 3, instrumental 15 w/ race boost
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@CharmedHexes Remember to tag your reviewer when you make updates and edits to a character application they have already approved. Regardless, Re-Approved.
@HydraLana Apologies for a double ping. Reworked this char with her backstory some, removing mentions of Varrans and changing the skills learned away from the old Hidden Draggon-esque bits, also added some languages, circus arts, and overall reworked listed proficiencies.
Only one issue I can see off the top of my head, otherwise everything's pretty solid.
  • Physical stat rounds up on each individual proficiency, so you'd get 1 Phys stat from Dancing Arts rather than 1/2. You should have 11 Phys stat total.
That's not a huge deal in and of itself, so I'll approve for now and ask that you edit that to be correct. Thank you!