Preserved Sheet Isaak Darkafen

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Jul 14, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Full name: Imuline 'Itty' Fithaiel (IHM-you-lean fith-EYE-ell)
    • Circci Name: Ytti'ltx Darsccht
    • Imperialised Version: Isaak Darkäfen
  • Age:
    • 36 years before stasis.
    • 32 years since emergence from stasis.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Maraya
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
Main Ambition: To advance the Marayan race as a whole, specifically in the Regalian Empire.
  • To, by way of demonstration, prove that Maraya may be useful to the Regalian Empire and thus earn his race rights equal at least to those of the Varrans or Allar.
  • To establish that Maraya are better in some way than other races in the eyes of the Ailor.
  • To publish ethical works that have some influence; essays, most likely.
Skill Information
Proficiency Points
  • Total Proficiency Points: 32
    • Mastigo Whip: 10 (10 from Maraya)
    • Acrobatics: 10 (10 from Maraya)
    • Unarmed Fighting: 5 (5 from points)
    • Diplomacy: 15 (15 from points)
    • Commerce: 10 (10 from points)
    • Unionist Seminary: 2 (2 from points)
Culture Points

  • Total Culture Points: 32
    • Literature: 22 (+22 from points)
    • Carving: 5 (+5 from points)
    • Vocal Music: 5 (+5 from points)
  • Common (Fluent): Known fluently for ~3 years
  • Shotala (Native Tongue): Known for ~1 year (dormant knowledge: ~1000-2000 years)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Milky purple, very pale.
  • Hair Color: Pale purple.
  • Hair Style: Almost waist-length, pulled back off forehead, and sometimes braided or tied for combat or formal events.
  • Skin Color: Pale yellow pastel colour.
  • Clothing: Old, fixed-up lightweight armour characteristic of Marayan warriors and slave drivers in the Chrysant War. Occasionally uniform, or fairly revealing light robes and hanging fabrics for formal wear.
  • Height: 5 ft 9
  • Body Build: Toned
  • Weapon of Choice: Mastigo whip and dagger.
Personality and Abilities
  • Outward Appearace: Isaak is not quite what anybody would expect of a Maraya - much less a slave-driving, whip-cracking warrior Maraya. He tends to seem quite funny and generally nice to strangers (if not kind per se) and despite his convoluted, poetic and slightly ridiculous use of language, he is fun to be around. He likes to approach strangers and talk to them, in an effort to show them that he is, unlike most Maraya, a pretty nice guy. He seems quite confident and proud, but not overly so. This gives him an air of sturdiness, but does not make him appear as self absorbed and entitled as many of his kin. He is incredibly slow to anger most of the time, and could be seen as a pacifist (in conversation) - even being loudly degraded in public will not often provoke him (though he is certainly not as open and nice towards those who he dislikes). He is certainly quirky - most notably, he has a love of cleanliness and aversion to dirt and disease that leads him to glove one hand to prevent skin contact, clean his clothes each day and carry several hankerchiefs around with him should they be required. Finally, he can be seen to be fairly logical or analytical at times, especially when talking with people of any sort of standing, as he thinks that sometimes overusing humour could make him seem childish and stupid.
    • In combat, Isaak is known to be completely blank - all that shows on him is a grim determination that heralds a fight hard fought. He will tend to jab at his opponent verbally during the fight, if he can do so without fatally disrupting his focus. He is, however, a fairly gracious winner and never does gloat or hold his victory above others. Likewise, he is rarely a sore loser and only in exceptional circumstances will show his frustration at a loss.
  • Feelings: Itty is a very confident person, and doesn't find any difficulty in talking to people or being in front of crowds - however, he is always especially careful when talking to his superiors. This is because he knows well that Nobles and guards and by extension religious figures have the power to take away everything he has if they so choose and this, to Itty, would not only result in his death, but also would result in a massive setback to the Maraya which he could not condone. In this way, he could also be seen to be very narcissistic or self-inflating.
  • Family & Friends: Generally, Itty opens up much more around friends and family, his wit and gentle humour emerging further and making him seem a lot more upbeat and fun to be around. He has been described as fatherly in his concern for and need to protect those close to him. His kindness is truly shown here, as well as his brutal honesty - he is not one to sugarcoat hard truths, and even if he is fully aware that he will cause damage by telling the truth, he would rarely lie in response to a straight-up question from a loved one.
  • Morality (Lawful Neutral): Isaak's morality seems to be heavily merit-based. He has put a lot of thought and meditation into developing his morality, the lens through which he views the world, and so the system is naturally fairly comprehensive. He believes that those that are successful are morally entitled and that they are perfectly allowed to treat less successful beings as lessers. In fact, Isaak believes that people that are unsuccessful and uninspired are necessarily lesser than those that are successful or at very least driven to self-improvement. He feels that ideas like humility and charity are neither morally good nor bad - only that these notions come from the minds of slaves and slave societies, and are not of Marayan invention. He more values nobility and standing than either of these, and though he would never allow himself to slip into a life based in generosity, he is not particularly averse to it when it is due. He still believes that such things as stealing and murder are bad, but also that these concepts were not present in the Meraic civilisation and instead were developed and propagated by the Elves, who he still distrusts.
On Belief
Isaak has no doubt of the existence of many gods. He believes in Estel's existence, the Archdemon's existence (voidence?), and the Imperial Spirit's existence. He knows little of the actual machinations of these gods, and instead has invented his own theories for how they came to be, what exactly they are and what their motives are. However, he does not believe in the gods as many do. Instead of seeing them as all-powerful, benevolent or otherwise fantastical creatures, he sees them more as powerful mages. They are of the same sort as the Meraic - they have their own motivations, desires and are immensely powerful. To Isaak, they are more powerful mages than godly beings deserving of worship.
Estel and the Exist
The issue of Estel's allegiance is a tricky one to Isaak - she seems to be seen as a benevolent or at least once-benevolent goddess, but her recent actions were undoubtedly malicious. He has reason to believe that Estel was responsible for the Deathling invasion and the celestial bombardment of Regalia around the same time. He has also been informed of her presence on some battlefield or other - he doesn't know the details, but he does know certainly that Estel is a self-motivated goddess whose agenda is extremely difficult to understand.
Behesael and the Void
Isaak believes that Behesael is a dark god that wishes only for the destruction of life, order, and civilisation. He knows certainly that the void god's power is massive, and that it must be represented as the pinnacle of all evil for a reason. He blames Behesael first and foremost for the destruction of the Meraic civilisation, and it is for this reason that he could never turn to Void Worship (a religion w
hich he believes is based around the worship of the Archdemon).
The Imperial Spirit/Spirit of Union
Isaak has a rather strange view on the Imperial Spirit. He knows that it exists, but he also does not see any reason that it should protect the Ailor and the Ailor alone. Thus, he believes that the Imperial Spirit - what he calls the Spirit of Union - is an entity which has existed for far longer than the Ailor, and that it originally protected and assisted his ancestors. He suspects that the 'Union', which seems a particularly weak term to describe (or even be related to) the extremely racially limited, xenophobic Regalian Empire, initially described the Meraic and the host of lesser races which worshipped and adored them. The Elves already worshipped Estel, and were too busy desecrating old Meraic temples and cities to convert, so when the Meraic were gone and the Ailor kingdoms began to rise, the Spirit went to them. Isaak likes to avoid the question as to why, but he seems to be under the impression that the Spirit made this change reluctantly.

On Marayan Superiority
Isaak believes that the Maraya are clearly the most successful and competent race of sentient creatures that lives and has ever lived. To him it seems completely unreasonable to suggest that there has ever been a civilisation more amazing than the Meraic civilisation of old.
However, Isaak also believes in compliment where it is due, and thus he is also a strong believer that given their current success, the Ailor could be in second place quite easily (though their Empire pales in comparison to the world-spanning civilisation built by his kin, and their achievements are petty when compared to those of the Meraic). Isaak does acknowledge, rather progressively, that the Marayans did fall, and are now rather inconsequential as far as world politics go - this is why the Regalian Empire could be placed so highly.
All other races are seen as the 'little people'. Their little people problems do not bother Isaak in the slightest, and though he is eager to appear charitable he would not be overly bothered if a mass extinction event occurred, wiping out the Kathar, the Yanar, the Slizzar and others. That is not to say that he immediately dislikes any non-Marayan non-Ailor people, but he does see them as small and will always look down on them to some extent.
Isaak has no particular liking for Elves. Quite the opposite in fact - he views them not only as disgusting thieves who stole the power from his kin while they slept, but also as the worthless incompetents that promptly lost that power and crumbled as quickly as they had appeared. They are divided, petty squabbles erupting over matters of which god is the best god, which subspecies is the best subspecies, and which breed of elf deserves to rule the ridiculous little regime they called an Empire. They are not only untrustworthy, but they are incompetent, stupid, weak and so heavily divided that some would happily kill each other on the streets. While individual Elves are tolerable, as a people, they are ridiculous.
Unlike the Elves, Isaak puts the Allar down as simply unfortunate. He has witnessed the might of their military, the amazing contraptions that they seem to be able to think up on the spot, their affinity for magic. They are quite an amazing species of unfortunates.
--But, he does like to keep in mind that they were easily squashed by the Ailor, and that they seem particularly prone to infighting on a state level. By this, he is not impressed.
A slave species that has remained a slave species for as long as it has existed. Covered in hair. Vicious and brutelike, self-inflating. Disgusting. They are good for pit fighting, this is what they should be used for.
Nemesis - Enemy - Irritant - Acquaintance - Tentative friend - Friend - Ally - Prospective ally - Family - Love interest

  • Eric - One of the few people to have sustained contact with Isaak for most of the time that he's been in Regalia, Eric Decimar is without a doubt Isaak's closest friend. He doubts this friendship is reciprocated, but he is content.
  • Ztril - The person that Isaak often views as his employer, though of course he is employed by the Haaven family. He treats Ztril with respect and finds his antics very amusing (even though he rarely shows it).
  • Zzallangua - Isaak's relationship with Zzal is a strange one. The two are seperated by racial hatred - hatred that Isaak aims to overcome. He believes that if he can convice Zzallangua that the Marayan people have capacity for good, he can convince near anybody of the same.
  • Nakra
  • Nadina Haaven
  • Zaan Haaven
  • Rowan Haaven
Life Story

  • Emerged from stasis in 269 AC.
  • Banded together with a small group of other Circci to create a family-like structure in 272 AC - Ei'trcyk, Dcitki, Kka'kict and Utt'ickcit. They all opted to remain in the Tohn Valeer rather than leave to some of the new hives that began popping up nearby.
  • Took an interest in combat, leaving the Tohn Valeer to attack Naylar settlements occasionally. At this point he was largely unarmed, without armour and was not particularly skilled martially. This is when he acquired many of his scars.
  • At the start of the Chrysant War, Spring 286, he began work as what could be considered a 'full time Circci warrior'. That is, he chose to specialise into combat and went out on very frequent raids and attacks against the Naylar population. He trained with a new vigour and his proficiency in combat rose greatly.
  • Near the end of the Chrysant war, 290 AC, he discovered a whip used for controlling cattle in an abandoned settlement, and took it for his own. He was fascinated by the equipment - unbeknownst to him, he had in his previous life made use of just such a tool to herd Nelfin and similar for entertainment. He trained himself in its use, co-operating with other Maraya that had chosen the same weapon and even going so far as to form a small organisation based around perfecting control of the weapon.
  • Making use of this new whip, Itty began work not as a warrior, but as a slave driver. His whip bloodied the back of many an Allar prisoner, beating them into submission under their new masters. This was perhaps the darkest point in his life - he drowned, burned, whipped, flogged, castrated and broke the prisoners such that they could no longer offer any resistance, and then he worked them in slave fighting pits and on farmland and sometimes even in mines (though he rarely travelled down into the mineshafts personally - they were shoddily constructed and he didn't trust them not to collapse on top of him). This could be considered to be the point at which the Circci was closest to his ideal self - to his previous Meraic self - and the point at which he felt most comfortable and happy.
  • In 303 AC the conflict had stagnated too much for his liking - the advance on the Allar had slowed, and the inflow of slaves was at an all-time low. He left the now-peaceful Tohn Valeer and headed for Regalia - a city which he had heard was in possession of a formidable military. It was around this time also that the Circci discovered and began to use the Mastigo Whip particularly - he found that the dimensions and proportions of the weapon were very pleasing and he found it far easier to handle than any weapon he had made use of in the past.
  • Unsuccessfully applied to various charters, being rejected because of his race and lack of experience. He became increasingly frustrated at his lack of success.
  • He finally managed to gain a place in the Wodenguard, and worked there for a while. However, following a humiliating defeat at the hands of an Avanthar in a guard tournament, he resigned his post and, having had quite enough, retreated to the outskirts of the city.
  • He was then evicted from his house as Zzarlo's Plague was running rampant - he succumbed and his mental health deteriorated.
  • Later, following his transformation into a Maraya, Isaak travelled to Hadar to meditate and come to terms with his new form. He took in the changes fairly well, but it took time for him to recover mentally from his ordeal in Regalia.
  • Returned once more to the Crown Isle, and managed to secure a job under the new Fighter's Guild and then as a guard and shopkeep with the Alchemia Order.
  • Following the Unionist miracle (to which he bore witness) Isaak once more locked himself away and meditated for many days, finally coming to terms with his anger and frustration, and also with the absence of his memories and past power. He re-evaluated, and decided that it would perhaps be better to find a more scholarly line of employment (he realised that his demeanour was not suited for mercenary work).
  • Still, the mental effects of the Plague linger in the form of compulsion to cleanliness.
  • Isaak took up essay-writing in force, employing his already wide vocabulary and fairly bright mind. He wrote mainly ethical essays to begin with, on the subject of morality, but did not release any for fear of being punished.
  • Notably, he came up with an idea he called the 'Prior Theory'. He hoped to use it to prove to the Synod that the Maraya could not be unholy as many other non-humans are said to be. In order to formulate this theory, and as part of his aspiration to make an ally (or at least not an enemy) of the Synod, he put some very minor research into the Unionist belief system and Creeds.

Imuline Signature small.png
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Ha'kix, you say?
I hereby claim this application!
Let's get right into the review for Ytti'ltx, shall we? Make any of your edits in a lovely shade of blue and tag me once you feel like you've completed them! Remember that all of my criticisms are there to help your improve, but not to discourage you!
@The Unknown

Source: Self-taught, then taught by an U'xa at the Tohn Valeer.
Learning has to come from a U'xa from day one to fighter, but you could say he self-taught the rest of his skills once he surpassed 'Fighter' level as most combat schools allow!
Weapon of Choice: The Mekket Ebhula, or his passable hand-to-hand combat skills. Carries two knives for mercy kills if going to fight.
This section is fine and requires no edits, but keep in mind that their skills with a hand-to-hand will remain passable at best with the knife technique being nearly non-existent.
Excellent Fighter: Ytti'ltx has studied the School of Ha'kix for many years, and is by now a true expert in the use of an Ebhula. He is able to best most armoured foes, and many unarmoured foes as well - sewer thugs pose no more problem for him than a Klein. He has no others from the School of Ha'kix to back him up so he tends to fight defensively, but he is more than capable of decimating most attackers if he so chooses.
This section is fine and requires no edits, but as I will with any Ha'kix apps I'll review, don't forget to roll each time you miss! If you want a recommended system, trying rolling 1-20 after missing twice in a row. Rolling a 10 or below causes damage: 10 being minor bruising to 1 being severe bodily harm.
Soaring easily through the first few ranks due to his already-evident martial skills and strength, he reached Fighter level in 2 years as opposed to the usual 4. From then on, however, he progressed through the ranks at a fairly standard rate, and stopped going on raids to make more time for training.
Learning a school for the first time has a solid lock on how long it takes. Because of this, your Circci will still have to take the full amount of time to learn. Experts in the school of Ha'kix basically had to have trained for 15-16 years since 289 AC / 290 AC (its years of discovery) in order to finish their exercises in time for the current day. In fact, if your Circci tried to fight with it before the school had established him as any sort of pupil, most of his injuries would be self-inflicted due to pure inexperience. The weapon is as dangerous to the user as it is the opponent, why is why it takes so long to use the actual weapon with low efficiency in the beginning.
Learning has to come from a U'xa from day one to fighter, but you could say he self-taught the rest of his skills once he surpassed 'Fighter' level as most combat schools allow!
Yes, this was what I was most unsure of. I've made the edit required!
This section is fine and requires no edits, but keep in mind that their skills with a hand-to-hand will remain passable at best with the knife technique being nearly non-existent.

This section is fine and requires no edits, but as I will with any Ha'kix apps I'll review, don't forget to roll each time you miss! If you want a recommended system, trying rolling 1-20 after missing twice in a row. Rolling a 10 or below causes damage: 10 being minor bruising to 1 being severe bodily harm.
Yes, noted. My plan was for his knife skills to extend as far as 'this end goes in the bad thing', but I thought I should put that he carries knives on the application for the sake of minimising confusion in crp etc.

Oh, okay! That sounds good, I will do that.
Learning a school for the first time has a solid lock on how long it takes. Because of this, your Circci will still have to take the full amount of time to learn. Experts in the school of Ha'kix basically had to have trained for 15-16 years since 289 AC / 290 AC (its years of discovery) in order to finish their exercises in time for the current day. In fact, if your Circci tried to fight with it before the school had established him as any sort of pupil, most of his injuries would be self-inflicted due to pure inexperience. The weapon is as dangerous to the user as it is the opponent, why is why it takes so long to use the actual weapon with low efficiency in the beginning.
Yeah, I was unsure about this even as I was writing it. But I've made the edits, and it all should be good now, I think!
Requesting re-review.
Heavily edited personality to be more true to how I play him, added another talent and a weakness. Change of goals ic are reflected under Main Ambition.
Changes marked in red.
Not sure who to tag, as @Magivore is no longer staff.
  • Add 1 sentence to Skilled Liar
Make that one edit in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
@The Unknown
Added "This comes in very handy day-to-day, as of course he cannot let slip anything of his true motives or goals to anybody. Unfortunately, it also isn't particularly good for his health."
Approved. Be sure to register your special permission.
Time for another re-review, I think!
Edits made in orange.
Updated life story, changed ambition to suit, added a strength, edited clothing.
Extremely sorry about this wait, I'll get to this application straight up!
With any luck, Itty will be making a return soon!
I've made a lot of edits to update to the new lore, but the core of the character remains the same. Unsure as to whether this requires a new review or just a re-review, so I'm gonna stick with re-review for simplicity's sake.
Changes are in blue.
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However I think it's jarring to have an incomplete Expanded Personality and Abilities double-spoiler. Some fixing up is require in that area but it's mostly aesthetic concerns.

However I think it's jarring to have an incomplete Expanded Personality and Abilities double-spoiler. Some fixing up is require in that area but it's mostly aesthetic concerns.
And yeah, I only remembered that when I looked over it again to update. I'll hopefully be adding to that soon, and also making his app look prettier overall.
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@Suicidium Hi! In the process of cleaning the app and making it a bit prettier, I've removed the approved tag. Could you re-apply it?
White Knight Update
I've updated Imuline's app to reflect some recent changes to his morality, summed up in a home-made moral code in the morality expansion. Looking for a re-review, updates in blue. @Suicidium
Claiming this application for review

And everything checks out well, you're reapproved
I've updated the app to the new format, as well as made some minor edits to backstory to reflect the removal of the Shool of Ha'kix.
I've realised recently that I've been playing out a part of Isaak's backstory that I didn't ever write down here - so I've edited his life story a bit to add in the missing bits.
EDIT: I also realised that despite having been out of stasis for 32 years, I had only given him 28 proficiency points for some reason. Bumped to 32 and changed some of the proficiencies to match.
The edits are in this cool pinkish reddish colour.
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If there is a divine spirit, a god, an immortal karmic justice, then it surely despises me and all those who share my blood; few others have been so unfortunate as to perish and survive to mourn their own passing.

Isaak will be undergoing a massive rewrite over the next few days as a result of all the change going on right now, and subsequent meditations! I'm gonna use this post as a changelog of sorts, and I'll boop the app back into review once I'm done.
  • Updated clothing to fit with his new skin(s).
  • Updated main ambition and added a few secondary ones to help me with direction.
  • Rewrote first paragraph of personality.
  • Rewrote morality paragraph.
  • Updated Relationships section, finally.
  • Added a Post-Regalia section to the life story and reworded everything, added some updates.
  • Replaced some of the Unarmed points with Dagger points.
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I think this is ready for re-review now! The changes are pretty big, so I'll tag it for a full review.
Sorry for the re-review so soon after the original! Once again, I've been changing up all my proficiencies. o.o
Bumped unarmed up to 18 (from 5), Mastigo down to 10 (from 25), Diplomacy down to 2 (from 5), Battle Command up to 5 (from 0) and added 15 carving in the cultural section for those sweet Meraic aesthetics. Also organised the proficiencies a bit better and finished that belief expansion!
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Sorry for the re-review so soon after the original! Once again, I've been changing up all my proficiencies. o.o
Bumped unarmed up to 18 (from 5), Mastigo down to 10 (from 25), Diplomacy down to 2 (from 5), Battle Command up to 5 (from 0) and added 15 carving in the cultural section for those sweet Meraic aesthetics. Also organised the proficiencies a bit better and finished that belief expansion!
Added a small clarification to personality paragraph 1, and corrected a spelling mistake. This doesn't warrant a re-review, so I'm leaving it for now.
@Rochelle_ Updates!
I've changed Isaak's niche about a bit, making him into more of a clerk/advisorbscribe/diplomat type. Edits are in orange, apart from in his life story, where the edits are bolder instead due to difficulties formatting on an iPad. I'll edit this out once I've got it fixed in orange and in bullet points.
@Rochelle_ Updates!
I've changed Isaak's niche about a bit, making him into more of a clerk/advisorbscribe/diplomat type. Edits are in orange, apart from in his life story, where the edits are bolder instead due to difficulties formatting on an iPad. I'll edit this out once I've got it fixed in orange and in bullet points.