Preserved Sheet Isaac Shaw

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Isaac Shaw
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Olean Ailor
    • Alais Brood
  • Affliction: Alias Vampire
  • Culture: Highland Ceardian
  • Preferred Weapon: These hands
Skill Information
Total Points: 0/22 core points 5/10 Talent Points 0/10 Hobby Points
  • 10 Dexterous Rogue Skill (+5 Talent points, +5 Olean Boost)
  • 5 Theater Arts (+5 Alais)
  • 5 Dance Arts (+5 Alais)
Body Shape
  • 0
  • Slim Body Build
  • Low Body fat
  • Common
Alais Mutations
  • Crimson Graces
  • Crimson Curse
  • Crimson Lies
  • Crimson Cloaking
  • Crimson Silence
  • Crimson Form: His skin turns muted red and he grows dark red horns out of his forehead and a smooth spaded tail, essentially looking like a demon. His height also decreases by 4 inches. His fangs also extend permanently in this state.
  • Crippling Gambling addiction
  • Really bad at Gambling, despite being Olean
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Rusty Brown
  • Hair Color: Mahogany
  • Hair Style: curly
  • Skin Color: pale
  • Clothing: whatever he can find to wear
  • Height: 5'
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Entrepreneur
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Money and Gambling 10/10
Life Story

Born to a Hidden Dragon Courtesan, and an unknown father, presumably an Alais due to Isaac being a brood. His mother tried to take care of him in his early life, but due to growing ill, she was unable to continue her job. It was at this time that Isaac began using his natural ability to pickpocket and steal to help the two of them survive on the streets of Regalia. He became rather good at it quickly, and was able to lie and cheat his way to having enough food for him and his mother to survive.

Eventually, his mother's illness took her life and he was left alone. He continued his practices, not caring for who he was hurting while doing it. When he turned 17 and gained his innate ability to infect himself with vampirism, he used it, and found that his already natural talents had been enhanced. It was time to wreak havoc on the city of regalia, and time to get rich....and gamble some too.